They have moved to a sub based freemium model now.
Thank you for the simple and direct answer without attacking like others have been over an honest mistake.
They have moved to a sub based freemium model now.
See post above. If you have something better to add different then what I have found then do so rather than post nothing that adds value!! SHould I be expected to investigate further than the free icon within the app store and where it doesn't say anything about in app purchases either?
Also, until this year, Whatsapp was $.99 upfront, so yeah, many people can demand that Whatsapp updates the app for the iOS 7 look just because they paid for it.
On the other hand, I don't think we can "demand" an update, we can hope for it, but demanding an update just because we paid for it, no, we paid for the app as it is, not the updates.
From what I've observed, the quality of the photos and videos on Whatsapp sent from and received on the iDevices on iOS 7 seems to have been greatly deteriorated. Don't even want to comment on the ancient UI design anymore ...
Last year when the iPhone 5 came out, it took them over 2 months to update the screen size to the larger display. They are lazy as f. I wouldn't expect them to come out with an update for iOS 7 anytime soon.
totally agree. its so annoying...
wish there were alternative apps but seems like my contact list are all on whatsapp.
Same here. Even the iPhone users I personally know don't even want to give iMessage a chance.
It ain't broke so why "fix" it. What updates for iOS7 are required ?
I honestly don't know why WhatsApp is so popular!! I know it is cross platform but so is Viber and other apps. Is there anything WhatsApp does does better then Viber? I would quit using WhatsApp anytime if it wasn't for more of my contacts using it compare to Viber.
I honestly don't know why WhatsApp is so popular!! I know it is cross platform but so is Viber and other apps. Is there anything WhatsApp does does better then Viber? I would quit using WhatsApp anytime if it wasn't for more of my contacts using it compare to Viber.
I honestly don't know why WhatsApp is so popular!! I know it is cross platform but so is Viber and other apps. Is there anything WhatsApp does does better then Viber? I would quit using WhatsApp anytime if it wasn't for more of my contacts using it compare to Viber.