I have trouble sometimes turning on my computer. Sometimes my finger slipsDesparately manufactured example--you have problems drag selecting with a mouse?
I have trouble sometimes turning on my computer. Sometimes my finger slipsDesparately manufactured example--you have problems drag selecting with a mouse?
my list of tasks for which physical pointing device is better than either touch or keyboard is extremely short. Only thing I can think of is precision graphics / design work, which I don't do.
-os file management
-os set up (tool bars etc)
-large spreadsheets
-complex menu selections
-3d graphics
- almost any cut and paste scenario
-os file management
-os set up (tool bars etc)
-large spreadsheets
-complex menu selections
-3d graphics
- almost any cut and paste scenario
But then aren't you forcing all iOS apps to have a desktop interface?
I'd rather have the iPad be the input device as well as the brains of a computer when connected to an external display. I.e. A adaptive input device.
Er, OS setup? menu selection? We can do that with touch. Why would mouse be better than touch for that?
File management and cut and paste, keyboard is good.
Large spreadsheets, I don't have experience with, but nobody's told me that there is a spreadsheet operation that can only be done with a mouse. Only that mouse is better.
Again, that leaves graphics as the only task that really, really needs a mouse.
Yes, I inderstand that many people *prefer* using a mouse for above tasks. But we are discussing whether it is possible that in the future, the mouse could go the way of floppy disks. And to me, it seems very possible that in ten years or so, most general purpose computing will be done by touch and keyboard, and only a few people with specialized tasks will need a mouse.
Wonder how they could implement this as this would be my top wanted feature by far. Maybe a new smart keyboard that has a way to sense your fingers over the keyboard (like how the software keyboard does with two fingers) or maybe we could set our iPhones down next to the iPad pro and use it as a mouse. I do this with the app remote mouse with my Mac when it's hooked up to my tvThose are pretty much mine.
1. Trackpad support, even if it was limited to something similar to how the apple TV remote works. Just need something to move around quickly in text files, and swap apps without having to touch the screen.
Wonder how they could implement this as this would be my top wanted feature by far. Maybe a new smart keyboard that has a way to sense your fingers over the keyboard
Wow. That's pretty damn cool. I wonder thought the design compromises that would have to be made for something like that. On the blackberry the keyboard is completely flat and all the keys are stuck together without any gaps. On the smart keyboard I'm typing on right now, there is a lot of spacing between the keys so scrolling would be uncomfortable. For one long scroll, my fingers would be dragging up and down off the keys a lot.Something similar to the Blackberry Passport keyboard would have been ideal (skip to 1:45). I don't miss the mouse most of the time, but if I prop the iPad up on the keyboard to browse for a while, scrolling through webpages becomes tiresome and I miss my MacBook.
can't see a better implementation that would value portability better though. If Apple allowed a Bluetooth mouse or trackpad, that would work pretty well but it wouldn't feel as portable and easy as just putting your fingers on the keyboard lightly and scrolling around.
Yes! I use keyboard shortcuts for most anything I used to use a mouse for. You can ctl+arrow to go up and down pages, but it goes up and down too far for my liking. It positions the page all weird and doesn't seem to go down evenly. So I just tap the arrows to go up or down little by little. And you can use cmd+tab to switch apps. Cmd+space to spotlight search easily. If Apple wants to add even more system level shortcuts in their next updates, I'm all for it. I'm finding myself having to tap the screen less and less nowI can't test this right now, as I don't have my Bluetooth keyboard with me, but doesn't ctrl+arrow move the cursor up and down a page at a time?
Also, I know there is a keyboard shortcut for bringing up the app switcher, can't remember if you could switch apps without touching the screen -- I think you can, but again, I can't test this right now.
Yes! I use keyboard shortcuts for most anything I used to use a mouse for. You can ctl+arrow to go up and down pages, but it goes up and down too far for my liking. It positions the page all weird and doesn't seem to go down evenly. So I just tap the arrows to go up or down little by little. And you can use cmd+tab to switch apps. Cmd+space to spotlight search easily. If Apple wants to add even more system level shortcuts in their next updates, I'm all for it. I'm finding myself having to tap the screen less and less now
If I had an easy way to download torrents and transfer wirelessly to an external hard drive, I would sell my MacBook Pro in an instant.
I don't know how well NAS would work for your needs. I would probably keep some kind of desktop solution at home. Maybe something hooked up to your tv with network capabilities that is also attached to some external storage to store all your crap.
The Mac mini server option was great until Apple stopped selling them. Right now though, I love the Mac mini hooked up to my tv with external hard drives attached. I can remote into my Mac via splash top 2 from anywhere with my iPad pro and access whatever I want. Best of both worlds right there