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macrumors 603
Nov 28, 2013
Disconnecting and forgetting are obviously two different things. I'm explaining the difference between disconnecting (which is what clicking on the wifi icon in the control panel does) and turning the wifi radio off (which is what turning wifi off in settings does).


macrumors 65816
Sep 22, 2012
Is it just me or is the 'heart' feature now completely buried? I have to open the ellipses menu and then it's all the way at the bottom? This makes me wonder if Apple doesn't want people using this feature.

Edit: Found out that in the 'more' menu you can actually edit this, so that's one thing fixed! Still begs the question of why Apple has it set up that way, however.
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macOS Lynx

macrumors 6502
Jun 3, 2019
I won't beat a dead horse about features.

I do, however, really wish that Hey Siri would work even when the phone is face down. It's a tiny thing, but I've never understood why it won't.

Also, the new memojis added a LOT of options, but I still can't get my exact skin tone nor exact hair style. Again, trivial, but I'd appreciate it.

This one is something that would require working with federal/country and state/local governments, but I dream that one day "Wallet" can truly live up to its name and also store a digital Driver's License, Insurance Card, or other "cards" that aren't exactly passes but you'd keep in your wallet.

8. Still can’t clear all notifications at once, including old ones and new ones.

You can definitely do this as I do it all the time. You just press and hold on the X in the notification center (can't be from the lock screen).

Camera doesn't seem to have gotten a night mode or did I miss something?

I'm sure it'll be in iOS 13...for the new iPhones only.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 31, 2005
somewhere warm, dark, and cozy
You can definitely do this as I do it all the time. You just press and hold on the X in the notification center (can't be from the lock screen).
If you have just new notifications and no old notifications, you can’t clear them all at once. Your method only works when there are both new and old notifications present.


macrumors 68040
Apr 21, 2010
2. It’s a bummer that after all these years, Apple still refuses to have automatic read status sync for iCloud accounts between Mac and iPhone/iPad. Some people report that it has always worked for them. Then what’s the deal???

Odd that this doesn't work for you. Works perfectly for everyone I know, and has for years.

5. This one is ridiculous: Hidden Photos still can’t be protected. Over a billion people know that Photos app has a Hidden folder and where exactly to locate it. So much for Hidden.
The intent on 'hidden' isn't "stuff I want to hide from my significant other". It's a way to flag photos so they don't show up in your normal photo view, cluttering things up. If you really need to keep photos that, for whatever reason, you cannot let other people see that have the ability to access your unlocked phone, you need some other kind of archive.

7. Show me which one of my numbers or email addresses I receive an iMessage or a FaceTime call on.
I'm not sure what you're asking for here that isn't already provided.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 31, 2005
somewhere warm, dark, and cozy
Odd that this doesn't work for you. Works perfectly for everyone I know, and has for years.
That’s weird. Apple has officially stated that there is NO read status sync, and it’s not changing any time soon. How does it work for you then when this feature does not even exist according to Apple? I’m sure it does NOT work for you and everyone else you know.

I'm not sure what you're asking for here that isn't already provided.
Let me explain:

I have 3 emails where you can iMessage or FaceTime me:

I also have one phone number where you can iMessage or FaceTime me:

When I receive an iMessage, I have no way of knowing which one of my emails or phone numbers the said iMessage was sent to.
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macrumors 601
Sep 14, 2010
That has already been part of iOS for some time.

It was from iOS 7- iOS 10, but it was removed in iOS 11. 'Turning off' bluetooth or wifi in control centre merely disconnects the device from other Wifi/Bluetooth devices till the next day. You have to go into settings to disable wifi which is super annoying.


macrumors 68040
Aug 14, 2010
Fort Worth, TX
Regarding "Find My", in iOS 12, I was able to sign in to my kids accounts in Find My iPhone to see where their device is, but I don't see that capability now. Do they have to share their location now that Find My Friends is combined with Find My iPhone in iOS 13?

The Mail app now behaves in a way that I don’t like. If I open an email and tap the trash can to delete the email, Mail kicks me back to the email list instead of showing the next email. In iOS 12, I could quickly go from email to email with my thumb poised over the trash can and scan and delete rapidly. I’ve long preferred Mail over other alternatives because of this.

In CarPlay, in my 2013 Wrangler with a Kenwood head unit, both Waze and Google Maps display only in nighttime mode during the day regardless of my iPhone or headlight settings. Apple Maps displays a light (daytime) map during the day. I haven’t found a way to change the Waze or Google Maps display in my vehicle. I assume that this will be fixed by Apple and or Google and Waze in an update, but the apps are unusable during the day for me with a dark CarPlay map.


macrumors 65816
Dec 11, 2012
Cincinnati, Ohio
I was disappointed last night testing multilingual dictation.

It works, in that you can choose up to 4 languages in Settings, and, for any text input, you can dictate in one of the 4 languages, and it will, after a few seconds, figure out which one you're using. Last night, I tested English, French, Spanish, and Italian.

But it cannot (1) deal with mixing languages. (So no Spanglish!) In order to switch languages, I had to end the input session and start another one.

And (2) it seems that Siri can still only send messages in the language Siri is set to. I tried having American English Siri send Spanish messages, and the results are as funny as you'd expect. And If I set Siri to French/Spanish, she can't handle messages in English or Spanish/French.

Multilingual Siri message dictation is what I am waiting for. They have the capability now; they just need to integrate it into Siri.


macrumors 68040
Apr 21, 2010
That’s weird. Apple has officially stated that there is NO read status sync, and it’s not changing any time soon. How does it work for you then when this feature does not even exist according to Apple? I’m sure it does NOT work for you and everyone else you know.

We must be talking about different things. Apologies if I fell victim to ambiguity. When I read an iCloud email on one device, it is marked as read on all my other devices automatically. Similarly, when I read a text message one one device, it no longer shows up as a unread on other devices.

Maybe there’s some nuance about how that happens that I’m missing, but in general, when I have an iCloud thing in an unread state, and I change that state on one device, the state gets similarly changed on my other devices.

Regarding showing which of your addresses you get a message on:
Let me explain:

I have 3 emails where you can iMessage or FaceTime me:

I also have one phone number where you can iMessage or FaceTime me:

When I receive an iMessage, I have no way of knowing which one of my emails or phone numbers the said iMessage was sent to.

Ah. Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, that would be a handy piece of data to have.


macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2016
I don’t understand why we still can’t manage all Wi-Fi networks that the device has connected to. SHOW US THE DAMN LIST!
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macrumors 68040
Aug 14, 2010
Fort Worth, TX
I realize it’s a beta, and a lot could change in the coming months. Nonetheless, what do you wish were fixed or introduced?

My list:

1. On iPad, I wish I could use Apple Pencil to invoke Control/Notification Center, Dock, go Home, or go back in web history. I use my Apple Pencil most of the time and would love to have an uninterrupted workflow without having to switch from Pencil to fingers.

I want this so much.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 21, 2010
I don't understand why, after all this time, we still can't change video resolution/framerate settings in the camera app. Having to go all the way into settings to do it, and then back again to change it back, is laborious and can cause you to miss a shot you're trying for.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2014
Notification for incoming calls instead of full screen. I wanted this more than anything. Sure the blocking of unknown numbers is great, for that isn't an option for certain job fields.
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macrumors 6502
Jan 20, 2012
The damn incoming call screen. Why the hell do we have to keep dealing with this since the first iPhone?! Why can’t they make it a notification or have a toggle for accessibility (since they’re touting it heavier than usual this year)? Android has it. It really can’t take almost 13 years for this lol


macrumors 6502a
Mar 25, 2009
I'm surprised people want to change the incoming call thing. It's still a phone and I reckon Apple is pretty resistant to make that specific notification one that you can potentially miss.

Why do people dislike Dark Mode? It looks like every other Dark Mode?


macrumors 6502a
Mar 3, 2009
Multiuser support on iPad, call screen not taking up the entire screen on incoming calls. Those are the two major ones for me.

Multiple simultaeous language support on the keyboard for my language would be nice too and emoji search. I was hoping to be able to stop using third party keyboards but Apple’s snail-like pace in keyboard improvements means that it’ll likely be another couple of years.

Otherwise I really like all the new features and look forward to the release
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macrumors 68040
Apr 21, 2010
Is the split keyboard finally available on the iPad Pro?

Not sure about split keyboard, but you can have a floating iPhone-sized keyboard on iPad Pro, which also has QuickPath feature enabled.

Weird. I had no idea that functionality disappeared. :eek: I mean, I never used it before except as a novelty, but it seems an odd thing to have been yanked.


macrumors 68020
Sep 7, 2003
Deep in the Depths of CA
Weird. I had no idea that functionality disappeared. :eek: I mean, I never used it before except as a novelty, but it seems an odd thing to have been yanked.
It's odd that this feature is not supported in newer iPad Pros. It's still supported on older iPads. I hope the iphone sized keyboard on the iPad makes it easier to type.


macrumors 603
Jun 13, 2016
It's odd that this feature is not supported in newer iPad Pros. It's still supported on older iPads. I hope the iphone sized keyboard on the iPad makes it easier to type.

It's available on my 10.5. I don't know if it was before quite honestly as I never use the software keyboard.


macrumors 65832
Jul 3, 2015
Also, one thing I don't understand why they removed is the game center app. I liked this app a lot and it was a great addition for mobile games with friend list, achievements etc. Yes. game center still exist, but its almost useless now.
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