It's weird how these mercifully defunct threads always seem to get revived almost like clockwork one year past their date of death.
I love my 24" Aluminum iMac. The more I use it and OS X, the more I wish I had bought a Mac Pro instead of building a $5000 PC.
I purchased my iMac last summer and am now just starting to use it heavily. software on the iMac seems so natural. and fun to use, and I can run Parallels 4 with Win7 and play my PC games.
all of you just try this for me:
change colour profile to 'iMac' in the system preferences-->displays
turn brightness right down
change background to a solid colour (dark grey)
now can you honestly say the screen is evenly lit? Does the left half look in any way lighter than the right?
also with these settings open text edit and move the window from the left to the right. Does the white color change from clear white to a dirty shade of white?
If you've now just discovered you have gradient issues, i appologise. You'll never look at your screen the same way again.
I'm asking everyone to do this as *i believe* that every imac has the issue, it's just those of you who claim you don't have it don't know how to look for it/don't want to look for it.