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Because working at an Apple Store is not really a big deal. You don't have to be especially knowledgeable or professional. I think Apple might even like the look or young people selling their products.

Why though? Why look like a freak or even a bum?

Tattoos, long hair, etc. When people walk in to buy a premium product, they expect premium service. I've heard employees walk in saying "another day in paradise" sarcastically. A lot of them just talk to each other instead of helping customers. It just really annoys me because I'm 17, have persuaded friends to buy countless Macs/iPhones, and truly exhibit passion for the product. Meanwhile, these "hipsters" get the job.

+1. All they do is talk about some pool party or their myspace pictures.

I for one support tattoos in the workplace, its not 1953. Just because someone has some ink it doesnt make them less of a human. If you have an issue where you feel you are being ignored then bark to Apple about it.

Your representing apple. Therefor you should look somehwhat decent. that does not mean you have look like your from "1953" but you should at least look decent.

Look at it this way. Lets say you run a fortune 500 company. Would you want your employies, who are representing YOU to look professional or like a punk?

Thats the problem with you youngins. You have not worked a day in your life and when you do you want to dress like a slob. Just wait till reality hits you.
I would never destory or defile my body with that ink. If I worked for apple my hair will remain short, and its natual color. No tattos or anything. Apple does not hire based on looks. They hire on experience, their attitude and if they pass the background and drug test. If you look like a bum questions will rise on whether or not you take drugs.
I have to agree with the OP

some of the Apple store employees I have encountered make me want to take a step back from them.
Bad Personal Hygiene,
way too much BAD make up (women AND men),
overuse of perfume/cologne ( please ban Axe bodyspray!)
the "why are you bothering me" attitude.

I have absolutely no issue with tattoos or piercings or brightly colored hair
but I do have issue with stinky people with attitudes who lack knowledge about the product they are trying to sell me.
Because it's a skill-less job and the majority of the people who make $10 an hour do not dress professionally on a regular basis


The only time I worked in electronics retail and cared about my appearance was when I worked at Circuit City long ago on commission..which ended in I think 2002 (the commission not the company).

Most people will try and look presentable but working long hours dealing with the public and having days off scattered randomly throughout the week (and ever having off a weekend or even two days in a row) tends to make one not care so much.

Most of the time those places are used either for a job to get through high school or as a stepping stone to something better. I used both Circuit City and Best Buy (I was an in-home computer installer for both companies) as a stepping stone to my current IT job. Those stores were the reason I got a great IT job without having a degree. I'm also really good at selling myself during interviews (thank you commissioned salesman experience ;P)
I would never destory or defile my body with that ink. If I worked for apple my hair will remain short, and its natual color. No tattos or anything. Apple does not hire based on looks. They hire on experience, their attitude and if they pass the background and drug test. If you look like a bum questions will rise on whether or not you take drugs.

No, you just have a bad case of prejudicitis.

Half the guys where I work look like bums. We ride Harleys, wear leather, steel cap boots. Most have tats, shaved heads. I shave once a week, wear ripped jeans and my biker t-shirts to work (because they're the only t-shirts I have). I came in one cold morning still wearing my facemask/goggles/bandanna. Some guy laughed and said "how did you get past security ?" knowing full well security don't give a damn about looks, only your employee card.

We work in a office setting and are responsible for the entire IT infrastructure of the biggest business in our province. We all had to go through background checks and even high security clearance checks. No one suspect anyone else of any wrong doing before said wrong doing can be backed up by evidence.

You can't judge a book by its cover. Sometimes, it's the clean cut guy who has the most to hide under his suit and tie.
No particular reason, but you are right that tattoo can be professional looking just as short hair can suck too.

Ironic tattoo is ironic.

Either that, or the lead singer from Prodigy has really let himself go...
Go to an art school where Mac's are required and you will notice that 90% of the people at that school look like what the OP described. Its interesting, I agree, but everybody is different.

It is the "Apple" image, hip kids vs. guys in suits. A break from your typical commission-seeking salesman. Have you ever been to an AT&T store? The people there are dressed nice but the stench of "I WANT MOAR OF YOAR MONIES!" is everywhere. I would rather deal with Apple store people than AT&T sales people any day.
Maybe some day when you are all grown up you will realize that discriminating against someone based on their looks only makes you look like a total ass in the end.

I'm 35 now & I pray that I never grow up.

Remember, don't discriminate against this guy when he comes to your house to babysit your kids. I'm sure he is a really nice guy.

Just because Apple employees don't bug you every minute doesn't mean they don't want to help you.

Because working at an Apple Store is not really a big deal. You don't have to be especially knowledgeable or professional. I think Apple might even like the look or young people selling their products.

Interview process weeds out most of those not fit for the job

Apple hires outgoing people who fits a certain profile. Those who can think on their feet and chat with clients.

They get trained for professional customer interaction, Apple DOES have the highest score in terms of customer service

As to "Knowledgeable," Apple trains them. More knowledgeable than internet geeks who have access to unofficial information which may or may not be true, probably no.

I also thought about this. Many Apple Store employees look very unprofessional with long, greasy hair and bad teeth. At least that's the case here, in the UK.

I just can't remember ever seeing an Apple Store assistant or Genius that I would have fancied going out with.

Sorry, Apple Inc employees!

I thought all people in UK have bad teeth? =p
Maybe some day when you are all grown up you will realize that discriminating against someone based on their looks only makes you look like a total ass in the end.

Apple has been known to pass on more qualified applicants for Apple Store positions then people who get the jobs because they might be to geeky or not hipster looking enough. How is that any better?
Apple has been known to pass on more qualified applicants for Apple Store positions then people who get the jobs because they might be to geeky or not hipster looking enough. How is that any better?

I think you're just confused about the qualifications they require of employees. Geeky looking dudes that know Macs like the back of their hands aren't always qualified for retail store positions. Knowing the product is one thing, talking to the public is another.
I think you're just confused about the qualifications they require of employees. Geeky looking dudes that know Macs like the back of their hands aren't always qualified for retail store positions. Knowing the product is one thing, talking to the public is another.

Holy crap, we finally agree on something!

I have been part of plenty of job interviews at my current job where the applicant is technologically savvy, but they are incapable of dealing with people. You need to strike a balance where I work (at a university doing tech work for faculty/staff) as well as retail environments. You want a technical person who is a great people person. If they are over technical they start talking over the customers head and thats no good.
I for one support tattoos in the workplace, its not 1953. Just because someone has some ink it doesnt make them less of a human. If you have an issue where you feel you are being ignored then bark to Apple about it.

DITTO. I am covered in tattoos and have worked in healthcare mgmnt for years. I appreciate any company that doesn't discriminate against an entire demographic based on appearance. Diversity and tolerance...I dare to dream.
DITTO. I am covered in tattoos and have worked in healthcare mgmnt for years. I appreciate any company that doesn't discriminate against an entire demographic based on appearance. Diversity and tolerance...I dare to dream.

I'm sure those tattoos will look badass when you are all old and wrinkly ;)
Tattoos, long hair, etc. When people walk in to buy a premium product, they expect premium service. I've heard employees walk in saying "another day in paradise" sarcastically. A lot of them just talk to each other instead of helping customers. It just really annoys me because I'm 17, have persuaded friends to buy countless Macs/iPhones, and truly exhibit passion for the product. Meanwhile, these "hipsters" get the job.

Which Apple store (location) are you referring to ?
Apple could care less about helping you in the store with most employees - they're there to present the right image of Apple to potential customers... look how awesome and cool our employees are! Want to be that cool? Give me 3k!

If the employee looks like a hipster and is smart, awesome, but that's not really too important. They can always direct them to someone with a brain.
Being 19 and a "youngin" :cool:, I can't agree with you more.

I have a sweet internship (paid of course :D) in an office. I can't dress like a slob, but I'd feel uncomfortable doing so even if I could. We don't even have that strict of a dress code, but it's just unprofessional to dress like a slob. :apple:

True true. Its like I said, your representing the company your working for, not your self. If you want to look like a damn freak like Bomb Shell Mcgee with tattos all over your body lip and eye pearcings, hair all messed up and your breath to smell like hell then do it elsewhere. People wont want to be around you if you are dressing like that. I know for damn sure you wont find that "someone" unless of course that "someone" is just like you. Then you both would be considered low lifes.
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