This thread is nonsense...why would you care how the employees look at a apple store ???
Besides, it's been a great excuse to work in some obscure references to 5 guys who play with electricity ....
This thread is nonsense...why would you care how the employees look at a apple store ???
I'm evjoying the 5 man electrical band under current.![]()
Sadly enough, I think it's going way over some people's heads....
I think the thread title should be "Why does Apple hire such idiots?" because almost everytime I am at the Apple store with a problem, they tell me it cannot be fixed. I will go home, do a little research, and end up fixing it myself.
They ended up going to Microcenter and bought an HP ($550) which ended up being $900 after the Anti-Virus/"Windows Optimization" programs and setup fees...
Tattoos, long hair, etc. When people walk in to buy a premium product, they expect premium service. I've heard employees walk in saying "another day in paradise" sarcastically. A lot of them just talk to each other instead of helping customers. It just really annoys me because I'm 17, have persuaded friends to buy countless Macs/iPhones, and truly exhibit passion for the product. Meanwhile, these "hipsters" get the job.
The stores are always rammed with customers and are turning record profits, selling premium-priced gear. What's the problem?
Seems the "Apple employee" look/attitude is working.
Sounds like the military.. I hope you pay well.Interesting, but I disagree. My employees are required to wear "business formal" daily. Males must be clean shaven and hair must be cut short enough that it doesn't touch the collar or fall over the ears. No earrings on males or females. NO piercings or tattoos. For females, hair may not extend below the collar if worn up. Finally, all employees must address each other as Mr. ... and Mrs. ... (Miss) as appropriate.
Interesting, but I disagree. My employees are required to wear "business formal" daily. Males must be clean shaven and hair must be cut short enough that it doesn't touch the collar or fall over the ears. No earrings on males or females. NO piercings or tattoos. For females, hair may not extend below the collar if worn up. Finally, all employees must address each other as Mr. ... and Mrs. ... (Miss) as appropriate.
Interesting, but I disagree.
Interesting, but I disagree. My employees are required to wear "business formal" daily. Males must be clean shaven and hair must be cut short enough that it doesn't touch the collar or fall over the ears. No earrings on males or females. NO piercings or tattoos. For females, hair may not extend below the collar if worn up. Finally, all employees must address each other as Mr. ... and Mrs. ... (Miss) as appropriate.
I think it's pretty obvious what the guy running this Fortune 56 company wants, in regards to his employee dress code.Look at it this way. Lets say you run a fortune 500 company. Would you want your employies, who are representing YOU to look professional or like a punk?
so what you are saying is that if a person has long hair or tatoos that they don't rate a job? i have tatoos and I serve in your countries military (Marines to be exact), should I be denied a position in your countries military?
next you will say "why is this black dude working at the apple store"
And the sign said, "Long haired freaky people need not apply."
Sorry, but thats their fault for being suckered in. Anti virus software at most costs not much more than $100 ( thats Norton Anti virus Premium as an example), and less in other cases.
""the Mini is not a real computer and is too weak". That all depends on what your friends wanted to do.
For the majority, the Mac Mini is a perfectly usable machine. Your friends should have done their own research.