We get it, BobHail! You're an iPad hater. Okay? How many times can you make the same point? Jeez!

How does the iPad make web browsing "better"? It doesn't support Flash or addons??? If I can do more with my computer browser how does an iPad browser give me a "better" experience?
Really? I think you're grasping for air.
How does the iPad make web browsing "better"? It doesn't support Flash or addons??? If I can do more with my computer browser how does an iPad browser give me a "better" experience?
Really? I think you're grasping for air.
I think you´re wrong. Hahahah! Breakthrough device? Get real!
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
iPad is Revolutionary.![]()
We get it, BobHail! You're an iPad hater. Okay? How many times can you make the same point? Jeez!
Actually I´m more of a iPod Touch hater. I don´t see the use for that, when we have the iPhone. So bigger iPod Touch is just more to hate about.
If this iPad would be a bigger iPhone, things would be quite different! At least then it would have camera/videocamera. Of course the phone would probably be pointless on it, but a webcam for Skype video conversations would have been great! In this case you would have actually gotten some value for your 499-829$.
But now it´s just pretty much sad sad device.
Actually I´m more of a iPod Touch hater. I don´t see the use for that, when we have the iPhone. So bigger iPod Touch is just more to hate about.
If this iPad would be a bigger iPhone, things would be quite different! At least then it would have camera/videocamera. Of course the phone would probably be pointless on it, but a webcam for Skype video conversations would have been great! In this case you would have actually gotten some value for your 499-829$.
But now it´s just pretty much sad sad device.
Maybe because people don't want to be attached to a cellular network that charges out the wazoo?
And stop putting "". You make it seem like you're an unintelligent 10 year old that has no knowledge about the business model and how it works. Just stop posting. Period. You make yourself look like a complete fool when you keep spewing junk. No one is listening to you. You're not offering anything insightful, making bullish claims about something you know nothing about.
Maybe people like to bitch generally, but I don´t. I only do it when there´s something truly worth bitching about! And this would be one of those times. Big difference.
Possibly, but by then it might be worth buying.We all know in a years time you're going to buy one.
So giving the iPad at least a camera/videocam and webcam for Skype video conversations require the iPad to be "attached to a cellular network"?
Sorry to break it to you, but your the one sounding really unintelligent fool here, not me.
I´ve read now multiple forums, news articles and watched Youtube reviews. 80-90% of the people are really just jealous they don't have one now and don´t see the point in praising this slimmed breakthrough device.
I´m guessing it will sell millions. What do you think?
I'm about to blow a gasket...
You're a moron...people don't want the iPhone because it's EXPENSIVE. THE MONTHLY BILLS ARE EXPENSIVE! People don't want to pay that much...the people that do are 'rich'...now with the iPad, they don't have to be attached to a cellular network...I never said they did. It's not realistic to really add a camera to something you hold right in front of your face for 10-15 minutes during a video call. Can you do video conferencing with the iphone? No. Again, the iPad is NOT a phone, nor a computer...stop comparing them.
Jealous they don't have one now?? It ISN"T OUT YET!
I don't recall the Newton or Apple TV selling very well,so why are you so damn sure this will sell like the Touch or iPhone??
I'm about to blow a gasket...
You're a moron...people don't want the iPhone because it's EXPENSIVE. THE MONTHLY BILLS ARE EXPENSIVE! People don't want to pay that much...the people that do are 'rich'...now with the iPad, they don't have to be attached to a cellular network...I never said they did. It's not realistic to really add a camera to something you hold right in front of your face for 10-15 minutes during a video call. Can you do video conferencing with the iphone? No. Again, the iPad is NOT a phone, nor a computer...stop comparing them.
If you REALLY want to use skype, use you're macbook or imac...futhermore, no one is gonna replace their macbook or imac with the iPad...it's not the point of it.
you should quote when you plagiarize...
Jealous they don't have one now?? It ISN"T OUT YET!
I don't recall the Newton or Apple TV selling very well,so why are you so damn sure this will sell like the Touch or iPhone??
dude, don't tire yourself over an MS Bot... I know a lost case I see one (in this case, read one)
he's just not giving up...
oh, and btw, I think this IS his hobby, bashing new products for now reason... poor guy......![]()
urgh.... it is so hard to fill a cup that's already full...
the iPad gives you "better" experience by it's "mobility" and "large screen" working together! let me see you browsing the web while laid down comfortably in your couch using a nice MBP... not gonna happen so easily!
Maybe because there was a demand for either a bigger screened ipod touch or iphone? What? You think Steve Jobs is a moron and would put forth his time and efforts in designing a product that wouldn't sell? There is a market for it. A HUGE one at that...I had an iPod touch when it first came out. From day one I wanted a bigger screen. I got rid of it because the hard drive wasn't large enough for the amount of music I had...
Get some common sense...there is obviously a market for the iPad. Otherwise they wouldn't even think of it. There is a reason that Apple is multi billion dollar corporation and not just some dinky company selling sub-par products.
W/e the case is...he's making himself look like a closed minded, arrogant, douche bag.
Let me get this straight. You're stating the iPad gives the user a better browsing experience because the web is shown on a larger screen and you can view it from multiple mobile angles (sitting, standing, laying down, etc).
That's all true.
But, what if half the sites I visit can't be viewed on the iPad? What happens when I only see partial content on CNET.com, CNN, Washington Post, and lets not forget Hulu.com which will render nothing?
How does the iPad give the user a better browsing experience if that user is limited to what sites he/she can visit? Please explain.
Let me get this straight. You're stating the iPad gives the user a better browsing experience because the web is shown on a larger screen and you can view it from multiple mobile angles (sitting, standing, laying down, etc).
That's all true.
But, what if half the sites I visit can't be viewed on the iPad? What happens when I only see partial content on CNET.com, CNN, Washington Post, and lets not forget Hulu.com which will render nothing?
How does the iPad give the user a better browsing experience if that user is limited to what sites he/she can visit? Please explain.