I'm not buying an iPad not because of its features or lack thereof, but simply because I can't justify the cost of it. I can think of many things more practical that I can buy for $500. With another $400 I could even have my Macbook upgraded to Axiotron's Modbook, which, in my opinion, is what Apple should have produced when the tablet rumors first started flying around.
I must point out some of what I think are errors in your reasoning though.
Anyways, sorry for your bad experience with the iPad. Maybe you'll change your mind one day. I'm an old school technology guy, I don't like adopting new technologies often, so I don't blame you if you just want to keep with traditional computers.
I must point out some of what I think are errors in your reasoning though.
- Any touchscreen keyboard takes some time to get used too. It's also not designed to be a giant iPhone, there are plenty of simple stands that will prop the iPad up at an angle, allowing you to type fairly well with practice. I personally hate AutoCorrect. I'm a biochemistry major and use lots of words that aren't in standard English dictionaries, so when typing some lovely scientific term, it's really annoying when it decides to correct it and I'm not paying attention and keep on going. I prefer seeing a red line underneath the misspelled word so I can just skim through the document and see if it's an error or not. Plus I'm used to the red underlining in OS X.
- Multitasking will be coming with iOS 4.0, which is supposed to be released in the fall, just in time for school. It'll be able to run music apps like Pandora in the background while you're browsing the web. And to be honest, chatting on the iPad isn't really fun for long... if you don't like the software keyboard already, chatting won't be fun. I don't really know why you'd need to see two apps at a time. With the OS upgrade, it will be able to switch apps really quickly anyways.
- MobileSafari has a very limited Javascript engine built into it. It runs Javascript that's embedded into a site's HTML or PHP code, but not Java applets. I'm assuming you were using the iPad at an Apple Store, so it would be expected to have slow connection due to the dozens of computers and devices sucking down their Internet connection. Apple has also finally allowed web browsers in the app store, you can check out three of them over Appchronicles.
- Not really sure where you got that from... Google docs works fine for me in MobileSafari. Check out the screenshot I've attached.
- MobileSafari has always supported multiple windows. It might not be quite as convenient as tabs, but it doesn't take that much more work to switch between windows. And like I mentioned earlier, there are alternative browsers which feature tabs. Also, Mozilla will be releasing Firefox Home later this month.
- Flash 10 has got to be the worst version I've ever seen. Lately, I've become quite a fan of HTML5. I know Apple really favors HTML5, so I'm hoping to see it implemented in future versions. The Youtube app was "practically unwatchable" probably because your connection speed was slow.
- CARTA (in Chattanooga TN) buses all offer WiFi on their buses. And with the 3G iPad, you'd be able to get online anywhere. I think the screen is really rather visible even in direct sunlight... much more so than my Macbook.
Anyways, sorry for your bad experience with the iPad. Maybe you'll change your mind one day. I'm an old school technology guy, I don't like adopting new technologies often, so I don't blame you if you just want to keep with traditional computers.