It sounds to me like some people on here have WAY *WAY* too much free time on their hands
Go look in the mirror.
It sounds to me like some people on here have WAY *WAY* too much free time on their hands
This is pretty much the standard gripe list from someone who has not used the device.
Since getting an iPad, I have left my netbook on a shelf.
The iPad is not a replacement for a laptop. But I much prefer carrying and using the iPad.
Many of the issues you raise are non issues. Web speed is crazy fast. Incoming IMs go to push notification.
I am waiting for species5718x, I find the current model rather limited in imagination.
Is it so necessary to be able to use SAFARI and not another browser or app to access Google Docs?
I just loaded Engadget on my iPad.Not if you believe anandtech's number. engadget in 13.8 second? From my short time with an ipad in store, it does takes a long time to finish loading engadget (On store wifi connections). And if somebody got a good sunspider score on an ipad, please do post it, because I haven't seen one anywhere.
Push Notification means that if you are watching a game and someone IMs you, or tweets at you, or if an FTP transfer ends, you get notified. If you want to reply, then you do have to switch to a different app. Task switching is very very fast, and in most cases getting back to where you were is fast too.As for IMs, I don't see how push notification helps if you can't reply while doing something else. For example, can you watch a soccer game and chat with your friends at the same time? Maybe you can, as you said, I haven't used an iPad, not extensively at least. That's the whole point of asking for the opinion of those who HAVE used it, no?
Again, everybody has their own needs. I am sure iPad is a great product for a lot of people. I am simply trying to figure out whether it suits my particular needs.
I just loaded Engadget on my iPad.
It was about 3 seconds for the site to become readable. And 4 seconds to complete the load.
I tried the same on my Mac Pro- and got exactly the same loading time. The iPad web-browser, is just ridiculously fast.
Push Notification means that if you are watching a game and someone IMs you, or tweets at you, or if an FTP transfer ends, you get notified. If you want to reply, then you do have to switch to a different app. Task switching is very very fast, and in most cases getting back to where you were is fast too.
This no-windowing, one-app is the way this device works. I can see why some people see this as a loss. But the reduced clutter, and reduction of distraction seems to me to be more than a win than a loss. Other people have said the same.
A device like this is a bit like a long-term relationship. You need to spend some time together, before you know that this is going to last.
So in other world, you can't watch a game and chat with your friends at the same time. And from the lack of response both from here and from Google Docs help, sounds like Google Docs and iPad are not happy couples either. Sigh.. Really a shame. Mind you, I highly doubt Android would be any different.