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Interesting, I'd think the glossy screen would not work at all outside, but looks like I am wrong. Was that a sunny day or was it overcast? My 240x was ok when it's overcast, but not so much when it's sunny especially if the screen is dusty. The problem with the iPad is you have to touch it all the time, so the screen can't be all that clean. You didn't find it a problem?

I wouldn't call being in a bus "outside" unless you are on an uncovered roof of one of those two-story buses. And yes, the iPad screen works fine on buses unless the sun is shining directly behind you, in which case, just move to the other side of the bus. I don't think you can make a direct comparison with the screen of your 240x, it's just not the same technology.

And yeah, you get fingerprints and smudges, most of which you don't see while using the iPad because the screen is so bright it washes them out. Just carry a soft cloth with you to wipe it down when needed.
Sounds like you want an iPad, but need a laptop.

Do yourself a favor and purchase a laptop, then get an iPad when you can afford it.


By the time you've saved up enough, it'll be just in time for the 2nd gen iPad.

3 pages, seriously - I just had to add to it. Contributed also by the full page worth of "Who cares".
Why would someone come to an ipad forum to tell others why he won't be buying an iPad?

Do you go to a Porsche forum to tell others you won't be buying a Porsche?
Do you go to a Tag forum to tell others you won't be buying a Tag?
Do you go a a Avril Lavigne forum to tell others you won't be going to one of her gigs?

Are you really that bored?
Why would someone come to an ipad forum to tell others why he won't be buying an iPad?

Do you go to a Porsche forum to tell others you won't be buying a Porsche?
Do you go to a Tag forum to tell others you won't be buying a Tag?
Do you go a a Avril Lavigne forum to tell others you won't be going to one of her gigs?

Are you really that bored?

So you drive a Porsche, tell time with your Tag Heuer, and listen to Avril Lavigne?

Who cares?

No really... who cares? No-one here, that's for sure. What a waste of time and electrons, sharing your worthless opinions with a world that couldn't care less. Reason #27 why I hate the internet - people who can't walk and chew gum at the same time sharing their opinions, as if they were somehow important or relevant. Everything you know is wrong. Bye.
MrWillie said:
You and that damn bug... I can't tell you you how many times I see your avatar in the corner of my screen and I try to squash it.

Sent from my iPad... The one with the permanent finger print on lower left corner.

I hate that bug ;). I keep on trying to flick it away, one day it had me going for some time.
Another update. Just tried ipad again. Still can't get google doc working, at least not in Safari. First of all, it would not let you register at all. Not a big problem, I suspected as much and had a temporary id registered beforehand. Log in, click on desktop version. Nice, all the files are listed. Click on a doc, boom, back to mobile mode. Ok, I can live with that. Click on desktop version again, the file is loaded and click to edit, nothing happens. I can click on the menu, but I can't type since the on-screen keyboard would not come up. Try to select something? The whole screen moves around.

Next, let's try spreadsheet. Click on a spreadsheet, boom, back to mobile mode again. And this time, there's no desktop link. Click "spreadsheet view", it asks me whether I want to go to desktop mode, sure, why not. Boom, back to mobile mode.


Has anybody managed to edit either document or spreadsheet in google doc through safari? If so, what am I doing wrong?
When I woke up this morning I was wondering to myself whether species5618w from macrumors was or was not going to get an iPad. Thanks for clearing that up.
When I woke up this morning I was wondering to myself whether species5618w from macrumors was or was not going to get an iPad. Thanks for clearing that up.

You are so lucky, because I could not even sleep over this. Will species5618w get one, will species5618w not get one? These are the questions that raced in my mind all night. I even made a Venn Diagram at 3AM to help me out.
Full of Win said:
You are so lucky, because I could not even sleep over this. Will species5618w get one, will species5618w not get one? These are the questions that raced in my mind all night. I even made a Venn Diagram at 3AM to help me out.

Haha, a Venn Diagram ;).
Sounds like jailbreaking it too difficult for you to figure out.

Yes please buy a netbook.
I have been looking for a light weight laptop for school.

This is pretty much the standard gripe list from someone who has not used the device.

Since getting an iPad, I have left my netbook on a shelf.
The iPad is not a replacement for a laptop. But I much prefer carrying and using the iPad.

Many of the issues you raise are non issues. Web speed is crazy fast. Incoming IMs go to push notification.

I am waiting for species5718x, I find the current model rather limited in imagination.

Is it so necessary to be able to use SAFARI and not another browser or app to access Google Docs?
I find it absolutely amazing that so many people who claim they "DO NOT CARE" on here took the time to reply (some more than once!) on here just to tell him they do not care (and in very patronizing nasty ways at that). It sounds to me like some people on here have WAY *WAY* too much free time on their hands that they can go around and not only read but respond multiple times to a thread to tell someone they don't give a crap. *WTF*!?!?!

I wish I could make a list of people on here to ignore in the future because clearly I have no value for certain opinions around here when they demonstrate that level of uncouth.

If you don't "care" about a thread, DON'T READ IT. It's as simple as that. If everyone who didn't care about a thread responded to every one of them to tell people how much they don't care about it, we'd have MOUNTAINS of pointless comments to wade through everywhere on this message board!

The writer of this thread had a very good list of reasons to not buy an iPad. I suggested an alternative (a netbook that could be hacked to run OSX). What constructive thing did the rest of you do here?

Oh I stopped reading at "this" line and I just thought I'd tell you and the rest of the world about that.... :confused: :confused:

I think the truth is more like Apple fanatics on here cannot stand for anyone to state they don't just love something made by Apple and saying they don't care what a person has to say is their way of flaming them without breaking the forum rules. This is at least a plausible explanation for otherwise downright bizarre behavior seen here. From my perspective, the worst part is that I keep getting a subscribed thread I might want to read a real reply in popping up only to read the latest "me too" type "I don't care" reply.
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