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Dane D. said:
Spoken like a typical PC user. If mine and other posters points "just plain suck" then back up your statement with some facts or illustrate the PC way for us. As for us Mac users being "smug", fine I can live with that. By the way here is the definition for you of smug:
smug |sməg| adjective ( smugger, smuggest) having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements.

I already did... go look on the first/second page; the price can't be matched.
And i really don't see how i used smug wrong; you guys are full of excesive pride in your computers... I don't see how it was wrongly used...
Another example of why I use Macs. I just found at work an ORB external USB 2.2 GB HD. Vintage 1998 or 1999, never was opened, so I asked if I could have it and they said yes. I hooked it up and booted my Mac into OS X, it showed up on the desktop ready for use. I did not install any drivers for it, I just re-formatted (was Fat32) and gave it a name. Now have an extra 2 GBs of storage, slow but for text files and small graphics files it is fine. If I were using a PC would this be this simple, no. I would of had to load the drivers first, then go to Add new hardware and do the wizard thing and reboot. Of course using OS 9 I had to load the drivers for it to work, but that was nothing but a simple install and re-boot. ljump12, as for price I will glady pay more a Mac, because I know it will work out of the box for along time. To me the premium price is worth it, my time is too valuable to waste on getting things to work.
Dane D. said:
Another example of why I use Macs. I just found at work an ORB external USB 2.2 GB HD. Vintage 1998 or 1999, never was opened, so I asked if I could have it and they said yes. I hooked it up and booted my Mac into OS X, it showed up on the desktop ready for use. I did not install any drivers for it, I just re-formatted (was Fat32) and gave it a name. Now have an extra 2 GBs of storage, slow but for text files and small graphics files it is fine. If I were using a PC would this be this simple, no. I would of had to load the drivers first, then go to Add new hardware and do the wizard thing and reboot. Of course using OS 9 I had to load the drivers for it to work, but that was nothing but a simple install and re-boot. ljump12, as for price I will glady pay more a Mac, because I know it will work out of the box for along time. To me the premium price is worth it, my time is too valuable to waste on getting things to work.
have you tried this on a windows xp machine LOL I doubt it. I will bet you anything if I plug that harddrive into my dell it will recognize it immediately. Your experience with windows is limited I wouldn't assume anything if you haven't actually tested it.

and to wonga I happen to use the right click button a lot so shut your ****in pie crap hole, just because you don't use it it doesn't mean it is a retarded feature. And it is a recycle bin because you can still recover stuff from it after you moved it there. If you wanted a trash can you can set it so that it empties the trash automatically lazy ass.
breakfastcrew said:
have you tried this on a windows xp machine LOL I doubt it. I will bet you anything if I plug that harddrive into my dell it will recognize it immediately. Your experience with windows is limited I wouldn't assume anything if you haven't actually tested it.

I'm fairly sure he hasn't. I think his disgust towards Windows itself probably prevents this from ever happening anyway. Hopefully he will realize that further assumptions/accusations on Windows "experiences" only further undermine his credibility in speaking for actual XP experiences.
I use windows because i like it and im familiar with it.
However ill be using less windows once i get my macbook!!
Sometimes though i think of not buying a mac just beacuse of the dislike i have for mac users.:D
I am not even a windows fan boy. I can't believe how much ignorance there are in this thread. Some of you mac fanatics seriously need to go test out windows yourself don't ****in give us the apple salesperson brainwashing bull ****.
breakfastcrew said:
I will bet you anything if I plug that harddrive into my dell it will recognize it immediately.
As a Windows user myself, I can say he is right. After I reformatted my HD (again) and plugged in my flash drive, sure enough my Dell recognized it. It pops up that little balloon saying "New Hardware found" and then it starts installing. After it pops up a few more of those saying what classification the hardware is in, Windows then says "Your new hardware is installed and ready to use." Easy enough, right?

I went to an Apple Store not too long ago (Rancho Cucamonga, CA) and I was using a MacBook, and I wanted to save a screenshot. So I plugged in my flash drive, and it appeared on the desktop, near instantly as if it were already installed :eek:. So I dragged the screenshot right onto the flash drive, and then took my flash drive out and put it back in my wallet.
zephead said:
As a Windows user myself, I can say he is right. After I reformatted my HD (again) and plugged in my flash drive, sure enough my Dell recognized it. It pops up that little balloon saying "New Hardware found" and then it starts installing. After it pops up a few more of those saying what classification the hardware is in, Windows then says "Your new hardware is installed and ready to use." Easy enough, right?

I went to an Apple Store not too long ago (Rancho Cucamonga, CA) and I was using a MacBook, and I wanted to save a screenshot. So I plugged in my flash drive, and it appeared on the desktop, near instantly as if it were already installed :eek:. So I dragged the screenshot right onto the flash drive, and then took my flash drive out and put it back in my wallet.

Gotta love that! I can remember the same thing happening to me when I bought my first flash drive. I had used it with my eMac and seen how easy it was, then took it to my friend's house and plugged it in his Windows PC and it did what you described and after clicking a bunch of popups, I finally had access to the drive. Much, much easier on the Mac and a whole lot more elegant.
yes fine you can put my post under scrutiny... I really dont give a...well you know what I mean.

I've been using windows for my entire life until two years ago. In 2004 I thought compters were just technology and something I had to live with. Since I made the "big" switch I get excited about innovation.

Why use windows?
Because using windows gives Bill Gates money. He actually does something good with his money...what a shock :eek: !
I use a PeeCee at work (Win XP). NOT by choice. I choose OSX as my favorite OS. That doesn't mean that I suck any more than someone else's choice of Windoze makes them suck. I hate Windows, and am anti-Microsoft. I also know folks who swear that they would give up their first-born before ever using another Apple product. They have their reasons and I have mine. Will I ever change my mind? Perhaps, but, I have difficulty respecting the opinion of someone who chooses to use an OS because it is familiar, traditional, or "THE STANDARD", and literally refuses to even look at the alternatives. It's kind of similar to saying that tap water is the only water worth drinking, because it is what everyone else seems to be drinking.
zephead said:
As a Windows user myself, I can say he is right. After I reformatted my HD (again) and plugged in my flash drive, sure enough my Dell recognized it. It pops up that little balloon saying "New Hardware found" and then it starts installing. After it pops up a few more of those saying what classification the hardware is in, Windows then says "Your new hardware is installed and ready to use." Easy enough, right?

I went to an Apple Store not too long ago (Rancho Cucamonga, CA) and I was using a MacBook, and I wanted to save a screenshot. So I plugged in my flash drive, and it appeared on the desktop, near instantly as if it were already installed :eek:. So I dragged the screenshot right onto the flash drive, and then took my flash drive out and put it back in my wallet.

You know what is a pain. I pressed my macbook's power button once and nothing happened I had to press it a second time for it to turn on. Damn macs so unreliable what a piece of crap I can't believe I have to press it a 2nd time it should of turned on the first time OMG OMG OMG OMG complain complain complain whine whine whine.

Cheese nobody in here said anything about not trying out a mac. We are not all ignorant like dane. Most of us window users all have macs thats why we are at a mac forum. It is a problem when some particular mac fanatic sterotype windows without even trying it for themselves.
ljump12 said:
...I already did... go look on the first/second page; the price can't be matched.
And i really don't see how i used smug wrong; you guys are full of excessive pride in your computers... I don't see how it was wrongly used...

Why don't you just add in pretentious and any other pejorative you can think of. It will do the same good, which is devolve your opinion into a meaningless argument.

There's a difference between thinking Macs are better than PCs because of experience and being smug about having a Mac. It's a subtle difference, I know, but a meaningful one you've missed by being merely prejudicial.

I don't know why threads like this go on and on, some people don't like Windows. It's not a requirement to like everything, it's okay to think that Pepsi is too sugary, and it should be possible to think that anchovies ruin a pizza without being insulted.

If you like Windows, rock on, have fun and I hope you all the best, but don't expect me to bow to your supposed savvy or diffidence.
hulugu said:
Why don't you just add in pretentious and any other pejorative you can think of. It will do the same good, which is devolve your opinion into a meaningless argument.

There's a difference between thinking Macs are better than PCs because of experience and being smug about having a Mac. It's a subtle difference, I know, but a meaningful one you've missed by being merely prejudicial.

I don't know why threads like this go on and on, some people don't like Windows. It's not a requirement to like everything, it's okay to think that Pepsi is too sugary, and it should be possible to think that anchovies ruin a pizza without being insulted.

If you like Windows, rock on, have fun and I hope you all the best, but don't expect me to bow to your supposed savvy or diffidence.

It is ok to prefer pepsi over coke if you have tried both but if you have never tried coke before how do you know pepsi is better.
breakfastcrew said:
and to wonga I happen to use the right click button a lot so shut your ****in pie crap hole, just because you don't use it it doesn't mean it is a retarded feature. And it is a recycle bin because you can still recover stuff from it after you moved it there. If you wanted a trash can you can set it so that it empties the trash automatically lazy ass.
Are you trying to get yourself banned? This not the way to present your opinion.
breakfastcrew said:
It is ok to prefer pepsi over coke if you have tried both but if you have never tried coke before how do you know pepsi is better.

I've used Windows 3.1, 95, 98, ME, and XP SP2. I've also used Mac OS 6.0 - 10.4. I've used used Solaris and SuSE Linux. So, my opinion is based on trying not only Coke and Pepsi, but also Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew.
hulugu said:
I've used Windows 3.1, 95, 98, ME, and XP SP2. I've also used Mac OS 6.0 - 10.4. I've used used Solaris and SuSE Linux. So, my opinion is based on trying not only Coke and Pepsi, but also Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew.

Just an observation, but why do the Windows aficionados always seem to assume that users who prefer Mac have no experience with Windows ?
breakfastcrew said:
It is ok to prefer pepsi over coke if you have tried both but if you have never tried coke before how do you know pepsi is better.
Likewise, if you have never tried Pepsi before, how would you know Coke is better?
dsnort said:
Just an observation, but why do the Windows aficionados always seem to assume that users who prefer Mac have no experience with Windows ?

Because it supports their view that we don't know any better or that we're part of some cult (hence the uses of the word faithful, zealot, RDF). Otherwise, they have to worry that they may have missed something.
dsnort said:
Just an observation, but why do the Windows aficionados always seem to assume that users who prefer Mac have no experience with Windows ?
Because many of them haven't used a Mac since they were still beige. To be fair, there are some who still base their Windows complaints on pre-XP issues. But to be fairer, some of those issues still exist, so there you go.

Edit: And apparently the answer to my question was yes.
Its normal

People use windows becuase other people do.
People use windows because they're scared of change.
People use windows becuase they're everywhere.
People use windows because bill gates is richer than steve jobs.
People use windows because computer shops sell lots of pc;s and few macs.
People use windows because there are lots to choose from.
People use windows because more companys make pc;s not like macs, apple hardware apple software.

2nd post :)
Software and hardware...

Haven't read the whole thread, so sorry if I am repeating someone... But there are software that just doesn't work on mac, such as LabVIEW ( Their cards have drivers for windows and LabVIEW is written for windows... So for LabVIEW users, windows it is.
This thread sounds so funny.
This is like watching Dem vs Rep with following rule:

I use or must use Windows for game and productivity suits/programs for my major(electrical engineering).

That's why.. and if you want to take out those two, then I don't know how most, and I mean MOST, people will gonna have useful discussion.

:confused: :confused: :eek: :eek: :cool: :cool:
Most of you lot sound like you are about 12 years old.

Maybe you are?

Mac or Windows is really a stupid question. The real question is what you do with the computer.

Both the Mac or PC can be looked upon like a workmans toolbox. It's what he has inside that enables him to do his job. The fact that one box has shiny stickers on it and goes "woosh" when he opens it really isn't relevant.

It's all about different tools for different jobs. I've used Macs since 1988. In fact I have an SE/30 running System 6 & Illustrator '88 sitting on the shelf behind me. I've also used & owned PCs since the mid 90s. Neither is better than the other one in the same respect than a hammer is not better then a screwdriver.

I use Photoshop & Illustrator on the Mac because I find that they run better on the Mac. On the other hand I run After Effects on the PC because.... you get it. If any of them were available & ran better on Linux I would run them on Linux. The amount of time I actually spend "working" in the operating system, be it OSX or XP is minimal and as such to me is irrelevant.

I can never get my head around this "fan-boy" mentality. Very strange....
I'm fairly sure he hasn't. I think his disgust towards Windows itself probably prevents this from ever happening anyway. Hopefully he will realize that further assumptions/accusations on Windows "experiences" only further undermine his credibility in speaking for actual XP experiences.

As a matter of fact, I did try, Oh the wizard popped up, then the installer. Oh boy, the wizard, showed it face again. What a f..ked up sytstem, I have been on a Windows machine for 2 weeks,how do you guys stand it? What a piece of sh.t, operating system. Slows down when more than one app open, that closing of apps when hitting the 'X' in the window, boy that is innovation. The file system is weak, the hours trying to figure out XP and using the 'find" function. Who thinks like this? I guess is you have used Windows and nothing else then it works. What a piece of crap. Oh I am not 12 yrs old thank you, EricTheRed71.
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