Some call the iOS 7 design bold, I call it bland. It's all in the eye of the beholder. However, whichever you prefer, we're basically beholden to the aesthetic of a single person for both hardware and software now. Committees are a wretched way to get things done, but the point of a compromise is that (most) everybody can live with it. When Ive picks some new idea, you've no choice but to go along with it, unless you want to go Android.
Would that Apple would give SOME choice, even if it's exactly the same basic design only darkened a bit. That would likely drop the volume of complaints by a huge factor. I tend to take umbrage when my betters tell me I'm too stupid to make any choices for myself. As it is, it's almost certain that when my iPhone 5 dies, my next phone won't have an Apple on the back; but it's not for me wanting Android, it's feeling Apple doesn't want me as a customer.