We should admit, the nMP regarding performance wasn't a point break, actually a very modest updrade, but on form factor, power comsumtion etc, exceed what we expected by long shot.
The truth is the nMP is marginally better then the previous generation, next upgrade at leas promises a quantum leap in performance regarding the 1st gen nMP, most on graphics/ I/O performance, on CPU dont expect more than 33-45% better performance.
We should assume the post- Moore Law age is among us, previously (Moore Law) every 18 Moths we have available a PC twice Faster, now the same range PC is just 20-30% faster than 18 month, reason ASIC Litography is reaching its natural limits, this means is harder to reach the targets, and we are at 4-6 year to reach the actual limit : 4-5nm peyond that that, made things smaller will not do "the trick", insteag we should see development of the core logic as only available methot to improve perfomance and efficiency.
About the nMac Pro, I'm considering to buy the Updated iMac as complement to my nMP, the new cpu i7-6700K has about 30% faster single thread floating point performance, I run CAD software that requieres faster single thread performance since some logic do not admit parallelization Ivw found also the current iMac 5K crushes the nMP in Tingle Thread Floating Point peformance, also the i7-6700K should keep the titile as top single thread FP performanc king at least until a new Intell core succed it.
Upgrades... Upgrades...
What is Upgrade, and what is Update...
Upgrade means to umprove a system's performance by adding or replacong parts.
Update is to get a system current with tech.
Worth to Upgrade or to Update?
When to Upgrade? you buy today an nMP with 4core Xeon 12GB and D700 GPU, this is the nMP those UPGRADE SAVVY will get, soon you can Upgrade it to 10Core Xeon and 64GB ram by less than half will cost you an nMP with those specs. this is meaningfull if you want to repurpose it (some heavy video editing vzMEdium CAD duties).
When to Update? tou have a medium spec nMP (6c/16GB, D500), and do you need the new features (TB3, Multiple 5K Monitors, USB-C, New GPU) an Upgrade Worth nothing to you, since its impossible for an Updated nMP even tp get close to the new functionality or performance.
Same is for regular pc's worth to buy the coonfiguration useful and productive and periodically replace it (selling the old one) with an Updated PC, this ussually worth more than Periodically Upgrade.
By definition an Upgrade is not an Complete UPDATE, as much is an sub-par partially old (consider MTBF is reached), so you not only have the best performance, but you are exposed to failure from older component with consequences on your productivity.
So only a Updates worth the money, Upgrade usually means to add money to a can you'll either will replace sooner than the Updated new PC, consider: New PC cost - (old pc re-sale) - (unable-time cost) vs Old PC depreciation+New Components+(unable time cost).... Its Easy...
The truth is the nMP is marginally better then the previous generation, next upgrade at leas promises a quantum leap in performance regarding the 1st gen nMP, most on graphics/ I/O performance, on CPU dont expect more than 33-45% better performance.
We should assume the post- Moore Law age is among us, previously (Moore Law) every 18 Moths we have available a PC twice Faster, now the same range PC is just 20-30% faster than 18 month, reason ASIC Litography is reaching its natural limits, this means is harder to reach the targets, and we are at 4-6 year to reach the actual limit : 4-5nm peyond that that, made things smaller will not do "the trick", insteag we should see development of the core logic as only available methot to improve perfomance and efficiency.
About the nMac Pro, I'm considering to buy the Updated iMac as complement to my nMP, the new cpu i7-6700K has about 30% faster single thread floating point performance, I run CAD software that requieres faster single thread performance since some logic do not admit parallelization Ivw found also the current iMac 5K crushes the nMP in Tingle Thread Floating Point peformance, also the i7-6700K should keep the titile as top single thread FP performanc king at least until a new Intell core succed it.
Upgrades... Upgrades...
What is Upgrade, and what is Update...
Upgrade means to umprove a system's performance by adding or replacong parts.
Update is to get a system current with tech.
Worth to Upgrade or to Update?
When to Upgrade? you buy today an nMP with 4core Xeon 12GB and D700 GPU, this is the nMP those UPGRADE SAVVY will get, soon you can Upgrade it to 10Core Xeon and 64GB ram by less than half will cost you an nMP with those specs. this is meaningfull if you want to repurpose it (some heavy video editing vzMEdium CAD duties).
When to Update? tou have a medium spec nMP (6c/16GB, D500), and do you need the new features (TB3, Multiple 5K Monitors, USB-C, New GPU) an Upgrade Worth nothing to you, since its impossible for an Updated nMP even tp get close to the new functionality or performance.
Same is for regular pc's worth to buy the coonfiguration useful and productive and periodically replace it (selling the old one) with an Updated PC, this ussually worth more than Periodically Upgrade.
By definition an Upgrade is not an Complete UPDATE, as much is an sub-par partially old (consider MTBF is reached), so you not only have the best performance, but you are exposed to failure from older component with consequences on your productivity.
So only a Updates worth the money, Upgrade usually means to add money to a can you'll either will replace sooner than the Updated new PC, consider: New PC cost - (old pc re-sale) - (unable-time cost) vs Old PC depreciation+New Components+(unable time cost).... Its Easy...