While being on the road, I can’t remember when I needed to do any of what you mentioned about ports.
I might not use my laptop like everybody else.
I understand why Apple went with thunderbolt only (mainly for internals) and I understand tomorrow will be more and more usb-C. And I also understand that for compatibility reasons I can have to carry a small lightweight adapter. At home, I have a Docking station to which I plug my Mac to.
iMac with only Thunderbolt and Ethernet port ? Anytime.
I think you are a bit stubborn and living in the past...
Having spend well over 8000€ worth in tech this year i can honestly announce to you that the only thing that came with non traditional USB was my Ronin-SC. BUT while the device itself has smaller ports, the (one and only) charger cable in the box still relies on classic USB.
I constantly use my SD Card Slots. I could technically use a cable that came with my A7M3 (part of the 8000€ tech spendings) to connect it to my devices, but the camera only came with, you guessed it, classic size USB. This cable also doubles as a charger for the camera btw.
I share my flat with five other people. You know what they give me when they need something printed? A classic size USB stick. Yes. Even the two people that are 20 and 22 still use that, and only that. And one of them studies informatics.
Among my new acquisitions is also a Amaran AL-M9 that came only with a classic fat USB to charge it.
Got Myself a DJI Osmo Mobile 3 this year that also charges with, you guessed it, via classic fat USB.
Granted i won't charge these things with my Laptop most days, but i could if need be.
And besides these things that were bought in 2020... i also have old stuff that wants to be used. Several external HDDs, my Photo Printer, my Scanner (even a fairly expensive one that dos also scan negatives), my USB Sticks, my friends, family and work related peoples USB sticks, my two PowerBanks... hell even my iPad and my iPhone (that actually gets plugged in into my Laptop somewhat often when traveling because on trains i usually only got one power plug under my seat). And you know what i use when i visit my Dad and want to throw a movie of my SkyGo subscription to his telly? My HDMI out. What do i do if i have to hold a presentation in some random place with some random beamer? My HDMI out. I think the PS4 controller now works via BT, but i remember needing it to be plugged in for syncing at least? Via fat USB of cause. I got an xBox 360 controller ages ago for windows and that needs its receiver plugged in via USB. All of that needs to, environmentally friendly, to the trash because some stubborn company knows all and better (hello butterfly keyboard, hello Touch Bar). No. Just NO!
Like i said before. I don't mind thunderbolt. Videoedeting having everything on a Samsung T5 or T7 sounds awesome and probably is something i am going to approach. But what about all the other stuff? Stuff that dos not need to go to the trash and stuff that is sold as the newest in it's lineup today.
And contrast that with Apple not selling anything but thunderbolt for almost four years in it's laptops.
It's not cool. To make a laptop a tiny bit thinner everyone now has to carry a dongle stick that is way more expensive than any of the smaller day to day devices that you would use with these "to old" ports. And that makes your "oh so amazingly moah thin" Laptop well over a centimeter wider, costs cash and is a nuance instead of just working like it did for (probably even several) a decade before.
But since apple dos everything right and i am just stubborn, go and pick up one of those extra nice, totally not insulting, 12 inch MacBooks. They are amazing i hear. Amazingly bad from day one that is. But at least they got thunderbolt. THE FUTURE!
Oh yeah. Have you seen the not yet released highly anticipated PS5? Comes with one old fat USB besides a second USB-C on it. How about the not yet released
Xbox Series X? Oh don't worry, comes with three classic USB fat 3.2 ports. Both consoles also stubbornly hold on to HDMI outs. Probably they prefer TO ACTUALLY WORK WITH STUFF THAT IS IN THE MARKEDPLACE.