I don't want a picture of the planet earth...we've got the hubble telescope that can do that for us...? 
Show me the new iMac, APPLE!!!!
I bought the external DVD player with my 2012 iMac.
Still have lots of software on DVD. CDs of Music...
Show me the new iMac, APPLE!!!!
I feel like with DVD they at least were right. I still got one with my 2012 iMac and while actually needing it i used it oh so very rarely (mostly because university still required documentation of burned DVDs of our semester results). Between steam already being established and... lets face it... most people watching their movies as illegal downloads, the general population did not need a DVD drive that much. It largely worked despite the outcry against it at first. Four years in Thunderbolt dos fill the void as you can see in my long list of even very current devices that will just NEED you to have a highly priced dongle.
I bought the external DVD player with my 2012 iMac.
Still have lots of software on DVD. CDs of Music...