Serious question. Are current iMacs really as bad as this forum makes out? Overheating seems to be a huge problem. Is it only power users that have the issue or do they run hot all the time?
And Catalina... everyone seems to hate it, but I’ve not encountered any issues. What does everyone hate about it?
There are plenty of reviews that will tell you the top tier 2019 iMac is amazing. But it cannot be denied that you pay way more for components that perform worse than they would in a properly cooled machine you build yourself. That, however is a general problem that both the iMac Pro and the MacPro also have so if you are into Apple it is nothing you did not experience before. If it never bothered you, don't be bothered now.
As you can see with ARM, Apple dos not seem to want to solute this problem with better cooling but with less hot CPUs/GPUs. So if, at any point, we see a new iMac Design, expect that to be designed to cool the ARM Chips wich are supposed to run a lot cooler, even if it still comes with intel processing.
On my MacBook Pro Catalina is running smooth by now. On my iMac it is still terrible. I got several finder freezes each day. Just as my classic SE runs iOS 13 just fine while my 2018 iPad struggles (it literally crashed the App store this morning with nothing else open).
This is definitely not Apples best software year.