It's also weird how he sais this machine is not future proof. This iMac will run as a decent PC for a long time, even if Apple would phase out intel supported updates of MacOS, xCode, Final Cut and alike in five years (wich i don't think they will, despite every "invite me to events Apple pwueas" YouTube suggesting life ends with ARM).
This Intel iMac has at least two OS updates in it. And 5 in general use. And probably 7 years in legacy support.
And by then, AS Macs will have buried this one in performance.
As we say, this will run as a decent PC unobstructed for those 7 years.
It's going to be another year before 10 core becomes mainstream.
6-8 cores is generally seen in PC shops. It will be a while before 16 gig of Vram goes mainstream too.
4k gaming is nowhere near mainstream. Ergo my advice to anyone running this iMac?
Just run gaming in HD with as much loveliness in your settings as you can balance.
AS Macs won't have bootcamp.
So they won't have that 'double' or 'free PC inside...!" value.
So the legacy ammortisation is largely muted by Bootcamp.
Either way. As someone who needed an iMac...I can now watch the transition from a more relaxed vantage point.
The new Intel iMac is a decent value for those that need one. It's faster all around than the 2019 iMac. And you can get 'Nano' glass if you really want a matte screen iMac. Whoda thunk, eh?
If you don't need one you can sit this one out.