My point is that will snow leopard sell? I can nearly guardntee that 7 will sell like hot cakes as it's such a vast improvment of vista, it increases performance and stability aswell as implementing a new interface and GUI improvements. Snow leopard only offers stability (which we are still yet to see, rewriting finder is a risky step, it's like rewriting explorer) and performance increase, which are already so high on all currently selling mac systems. I will not buy snow leopard if it's priced at the same level as leopard. At max I would pay £30 for it. We are not the average consumer, we have a far deeper insight into computers than probably 90% of people that walk into thoses apple stores every day. If you were out to buy a new os and one came with new features new inteerface etc, and one came with speed improvements that would be barely noticeable on new macs, which one would you choose? I'm not saying that I hate macs etc, I just think that apple have got their stratajy wrong this time.