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macrumors member
Feb 9, 2009
I cant hear the video (I am at work)....but this guy no matter if he is a Apple fanboy or a MS fanboy looks like an idiot

anyways. I just got my first Mac last week and got parallels on Friday. I am running Windows XP SP2 and a downloaded copy of Win 7.

I have to say that XP seems to run more smoother than Win 7. Of course Win 7 boots up very quickly but after that it seems like the same old Vista garbage in a new package. Roxio Creator 2009 wont run. getting the slot drive to finlly be noticed by the Windows 7 side was annoying. To me, and i have only had Leopard for 5 days it seems much more stable and easier to use than Windows 7 (well obviously Win 7 is not an "official release" yet so we will see if it gets better than this by the time it is officially released to the public.) but come on, this is getting tiring. MS needs someone to sit them down and say "make a more stable UNIX based OS, instead of crashing virus prone windows.


macrumors member
Feb 9, 2009
I don't think that would be very good for application compatibility...

yeah i guess you are right. But the reason why Windows is so prone is because it was built on the theory that it wouldnt be connected to other computers or access the internet as a main function (see older windows 3,1 and earlier(?))

and it is true that if MS does better than it has been it will help apple becuase of better competition (see i am not a fanboy either) But from what i have seen, through my limited use is that Window 7 is not more or less reliable than Vista, that they are the same. I have not tried to hook up a printer yet to my iMac and use it on the windows side, so we will see soon if it is compatiable or like Vista has severe compatibilty issues with less than new printers, drives, etc.....


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
Here is something on the TaskBar.

For those claiming windows 7 (aka Vista SP3) has good reviews, keep in mind that
Vista also got ok reviews before it was released.

Beta of win7 is the full version that is probably going cost around $400,
not the crippled version most people will purchase upon release.

I'm damn sure Microsoft will sell more licenses of that "joke" in its first week of shipping than Apple has sold Leopard licenses in the last two years.

McDonalds sells more burgers in a day then your favorite restaurant in a life time. Does it mean McDonald burgers are better?


macrumors 6502
Jun 18, 2007
Win7 is getting much better reviews and PR than Vista did at this stage in beta

And sure, reviews were okay for Vista - and Vista is actually a fine OS. It just had a ton of negative hype and publicity early on with drivers and what not, which basically crapped up any chance of it being accepted. Win 7 is not in that same boat.

Anyways this article covers a lot of the new features in Win7:

What they miss out though is that they've managed to make it run snappier and smoother than XP did, which is impressive in this day and age of increasing bloatedness of software


macrumors 604
Oct 26, 2008
Vista - I dont recall reading anyting that gave it a good rating.
the original vista was awful. SP1 fixed a lot of the issues.
The original vista was on 1 of my machines for 8 days then reloaded with XP.
My new dell has sp1 and I haven't had any crashes in 6 months. Vista SP1 is much much better but it still carries the burden of the original release.

Windows 7, maybe I will buy a cheapo dell and go from there.
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