I don't like sours either. I have tried, but I can't get past the taste. So far, that is one of the only beer styles I absolutely don't like and avoid now. Everything else, from hopppppppppped up IPA's (IPA, DIPA,IIPA) to Belgium's and everything in between I like. I am more of a Stout and Porter guy. But it depends on the season really. Ok, I lied, I can drink a nice big, bold stout any time of the year. But there are times when I want a lighter cleaner finishing beer.
Have you had any of the beers categorized as Mead's/Honey Mead's. While they tend to be sweet, they offer something a little different in the long and growing list of beer styles. (Yes I know it is a very old style of beer). I have a few from a couple of different brewery's and they can be good.