I don’t mean to be so pedantic but how is one supposed to follow recommendations to enjoy at 10 to 12 degrees C or 6-9C?
What they are saying is "do not murder this beer by putting it in the fridge" or, put another way, "do not stun, destroy or obliterate the taste by putting it in the fridge until you are ready to drink it and then expect it to have subtle tasting notes and tones".
Yes, you are being pedantic.
I store my beers and wines in a cool place; then, when they are to be considered for drinking, they are brought into a room, usually the kitchen so that they can come up to room temperature.
As I live in a cool part of northern Europe, putting drinks in the fridge is almost entirely unnecessary in winter.
For light session beers, or lagers, yes: The fridge is fine. For crisp white wines (especially in summer) - Sauvignon Blanc, for example, yes, a fridge is good. For Proscecco, yes, definitely. Very light sherries - such as a Fino - (in summer), yes, most certainly.
When dining out, I, personally, am of the view that for a good white Burgundy, or Riesling, unless the restaurant is unnaturally warm, or it is high summer and warm, an ice-bucket is not terribly necessary, and borders on affectation.
However, for almost everything else, most forms or varieties of alcohol taste far better at something close to room temperature (robust ales, sturdy stouts, rich reds, well structured whites, cognac, port, most sherries (but not Fino, in summer), and whisky.
Some people maintain beverage fridges that you can dial in a temp. It certainly requires a lot of dedicated equpiment and foresight. I just ballpark it by allowing something to come up from my fridge temp.
I just bring them up to room temperature.
Red Bordeaux, Saint-Émilion AOC. I’m rather fond of this part of Bordeaux, Merlot and Cabernet Franc? Yes please!
I warmly second this motion with hearty vigour.
Digital readout coolers. I own the old style dial ones, too. Digital is more accurate, but costs more (duh!). It really depends how particular you are about details.
No wine or beer for me. Throat can't handle it. It can handle a nice large glass of Armagnac, though.
Digital read out cooler; no, too complicated - besides, we have senses - touch, taste, - to tell us whether something is too cold.
I find port can be quite soothing. Hot port or an aged port.