This time of years brings salmanazar sized bottles of French import at Costco. Range from $500-1200. In case you guys are thirsty.Finally got our QC allocation and my wife has already gone through 4 bottles and a magnum. LOL
This time of years brings salmanazar sized bottles of French import at Costco. Range from $500-1200. In case you guys are thirsty.
But honestly, speak with your wine guy if you have one or know of good places. Sometimes you can get a better by the crate deal rather than ordering the same thing from Costco. Some locations have trained sommeliers who keep the stock in shape and make sure it's stored well. Some don't.
That said, for sparkling of any origin, I wouldn't go past 1.5l. There's no point because it becomes heavy and the natural fizz isn't as strong, IMO.
This time of years brings salmanazar sized bottles of French import at Costco. Range from $500-1200. In case you guys are thirsty.
But honestly, speak with your wine guy if you have one or know of good places. Sometimes you can get a better by the crate deal rather than ordering the same thing from Costco. Some locations have trained sommeliers who keep the stock in shape and make sure it's stored well. Some don't.
That said, for sparkling of any origin, I wouldn't go past 1.5l. There's no point because it becomes heavy and the natural fizz isn't as strong, IMO.
I see the Costco stuff, but I'm hesitant. I usually only buy wine that I have personally tasted. The only one I would consider at our local Costco is the freemark cab. I think the bottle they have is 3 or 4L. typically we don't buy larger than magnum size because we like variety. would rather open 4 different bottles then 1 double magnum.
Some locations have tasting events. I've bought regular 750 ml bottles in the past after reading reviews both by wine experts and regular people. You can also taste elsewhere and see who offers a better price. Not every location is the same. Like I said, some have trained sommeliers of a higher level, and some locations don't carry the typical stock. The ones we go to seem to focus on French import over anything else. Though I haven't seen them carry port or sherry, unless my brain checked out at some point and they do carry them.I see the Costco stuff, but I'm hesitant. I usually only buy wine that I have personally tasted. The only one I would consider at our local Costco is the freemark cab. I think the bottle they have is 3 or 4L. typically we don't buy larger than magnum size because we like variety. would rather open 4 different bottles then 1 double magnum.
Tonight’s brew. New England IPA with Yuzu. A fruity pale ale. Merry Christmas!
And what exactly, may I be so bold as to ask, is yuzu?
Meanwhile, do enjoy your beer.
It’s a citrus fruit. “Citrus junos or yuzu is a citrus fruit and plant in the family Rutaceae. It is called yuja in Korean cuisine context. Both Japanese yuzu and Korean yuja are cognates of Chinese yòuzi, but the Chinese word means pomelo. Yuzu is called xiāngchéng in Chinese.”
Very nice this one.
A tasty Spanish red, Montsant DO, is keeping us company tonight. It’s a tasty blend of Grenache and Carignan.
Went to the Brew HO HO beer festival this past weekend at the Phoenix Club in Anaheim Ca. Holy smokes! It should have been labeled the Stout and Porter festival as there were sooooo many good stouts on hand. Needless to say, I was in heaven. Had some really good ones! and then had some that were just "OK". Overall, a great festival and I will definitely, if time permits, be going back again next year!