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Okay, I opened this Leipziger Gose brewed by Gasthaus & Gosebrauerei. Light, quenching, a touch sour, quite pleasant with lunch.

Well, somewhat out of step as usual, (I hadn't known that today is International Beer Day) tonight I am sipping wine (a lovely white Burgundy, Pouilly-Fuisée to be exact), but I did bid a warm greeting to a delightful Trappist Rochfort 8 or two late last night…..
Well, somewhat out of step as usual, (I hadn't known that today is International Beer Day) tonight I am sipping wine (a lovely white Burgundy, Pouilly-Fuisée to be exact), but I did bid a warm greeting to a delightful Trappist Rochfort 8 or two late last night…..

Mmmm, sounds delicious. I think I may pour another German beer in a few, perhaps ones of these Schneider Weisse that I picked up from the store recently.
Today was International Beer Day? Oh, wow! I'm glad that I went on my shopping spree when I did, then, as I am well equipped for now and into the next month or so! Enjoyed a Delirium Tremens, which I found in the fridge tucked away in a back corner -- somehow it got lost in the shuffle and I didn't discover it until I was adding the new beers to the fridge. That has now been remedied -- first I moved the bottle to a position of great visibility and then tonight opened it and am savoring it! Good stuff.......
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Today was International Beer Day? Oh, wow! I'm glad that I went on my shopping spree when I did, then, as I am well equipped for now and into the next month or so! Enjoyed a Delirium Tremens, which I found in the fridge tucked away in a back corner -- somehow it got lost in the shuffle and I didn't discover it until I was adding the new beers to the fridge. That has now been remedied -- first I moved the bottle to a position of great visibility and then tonight opened it and am savoring it! Good stuff.......

An excellent beer, a tempting bottle, (yes, it is lovely) and what a compelling name. I hope you enjoyed it.
So I made it out to Total Wine and More. I got a bottle of Trappists 8 and 10 to try. Also picked up a good mix of doppelbocks and dunkels to try.

Two terrific beers; they always have pride of place in the beer section of my (relatively well-stocked) cellar.

I'll bet you'll love the Trappistes Rochefort 8 and 10!!! They are really delicious! Among my favorites!

Right now I'm enjoying a St Bernardus Pater 6 -- quite nice, but I think I still prefer the ABT 12......

Agree re the St Bernardus Pater 6, a lovely summer beer, but the St Bernardus Abt 12 is superlative.

And, yes, I agree that the Trappist Rochfort 8 and Trappist Rochfort 10 are outstanding beers; they are two of my all time favourites as well.

A 6? Might need a trip to Portland for that one. Can you tell me about it?

Well, it is a first class summer beer, and an excellent accompaniment with food, as it is lighter in texture and alcohol than its siblings. Actually, the St Bernardus Pater 6 clocks in at 6.7% (somewhat similar to the Trappist Rochfort 6, also an excellent beer with food, which comes in at 7.5%). Needless to say, they are both excellent, and beautifully balanced, rich and lovely on the palate, but not quite as 'full' as their more robust siblings.
I like the idea of having the Pater 6 with cheese or a meal. Next time I've got some good cheeses on hand I'll serve them and the Pater 6! I know I'll be going back to purchase more of it now that I've tasted it, and this would be a lovely beer to offer when I have guests over.

This is why I love Macrumors -- not only do I get all the latest news and tips about my Apple products, I also have been getting a wonderful education in beers and ales! :) (Coffee, too, but that's another thread!)
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Like others have mentioned the
I like the idea of having the Pater 6 with cheese or a meal. Next time I've got some good cheeses on hand I'll serve them and the Pater 6! I know I'll be going back to purchase more of it now that I've tasted it, and this would be a lovely beer to offer when I have guests over.

This is why I love Macrumors -- not only do I get all the latest news and tips about my Apple products, I also have been getting a wonderful education in beers and ales! :) (Coffee, too, but that's another thread!)

That is how we like to enjoy them. Also add some nice cold cuts to the mix, and maybe a few nuts and honey. Perfect afternoon or late night snack.
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So I tried the Trappist 10 last night. Wow. Such good flavor just not sure it is for me. I generally don't shoot for the high alcohol content beers. Felt like I was drinking a beer flavored vodka :p

Yet still....the flavor. I may train myself to drink the higher alcohol content.
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So I tried the Trappist 10 last night. Wow. Such good flavor just not sure it is for me. I generally don't shoot for the high alcohol content beers. Felt like I was drinking a beer flavored vodka :p

Yet still....the flavor. I may train myself to drink the higher alcohol content.

It is one of my favorite beers. We have mentioned it before, one to slow sip and take in all it's flavor!!!! Of course the high alcohol content is an added bonus! :D
So I tried the Trappist 10 last night. Wow. Such good flavor just not sure it is for me. I generally don't shoot for the high alcohol content beers. Felt like I was drinking a beer flavored vodka :p

Yet still....the flavor. I may train myself to drink the higher alcohol content.

This is a superb beer. Until I encountered these first rate Belgian beers, I had never much cared for porter, or stout, or rich ales. Now, when I drink a beer, I will drink little else.

It is one of my favorite beers. We have mentioned it before, one to slow sip and take in all it's flavor!!!! Of course the high alcohol content is an added bonus! :D

Slow sipping is the key here. Slow sipping and taking your time to savour and enjoy ir. You can take an hour or two to drink this. It is a brilliant beer when reading a book, as well…..and yes, it is one of my absolute favourites….
I approach my beer drinking just like I did my college classes...not to learn anything, but merely to pass the class for the end result.

You are young. But life is for living and experiencing the riches it has to offer.

There was a time in my life when I approached beer with greedy indifference. No longer. My standards are higher, and a lot more demanding, while my palate is a lot more discerning. And, yes, I'll admit that my wallet is possibly better able to cope, too.

The trouble is, once you taste the good stuff, it is very hard to go back to what you used to drink. And, these days, in fact, I don't want to go back.
Age is relative, but I'm almost 60.

Ah, @Gutwrench. Mea culpa. Indeed, mea maxima culpa. Mea maxima, maxima culpa. Sigh.

As its happens, I have been informed so often that the default setting of this forum are teenaged males that I sometimes take that far too literally. Fails dismally at attempting becoming blush (not a look I can carry off with any degree of conviction, alas).

Fair enough. Find your own way to perdition: I wouldn't dare to presume to lecture anyone of a venerable vintage on how best to enjoy their drink.

Instead, enjoy your beer, spirits and wine as you find them. Cheers.

(Now, where are those damned emoticons, the ones I never use, when you want them? They used to be readily and visibly to hand, before the switch to the new system…..)
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