Sipping a glass (actually, the glass is a Belgian beer chalice from St Bernardus) of Maredsous, a superb Abbey beer, a classic Belgian tripel.
Although if I'm speaking of East Coast breweries, I loved this one. Like the Blue Moon but not as filtered.
I use a Locksmart Mini bluetooth padlock I bought from bestbuy a year ago, to limit myself to only two glasses of wine per day. With the iOS app, In the owner account I created a ten min window of opertunity at 4pm. And also a ten min window of opertunity at midnight. I then sent this schedule my guest account. With the guest account I can't change anything. I only get to open the padlock. I was drinking 4 glasses of wine per day. But with this padlock I've only been drinking 2 glasses of wine per day.
So good I want another tonight. Small or big bottle is the question. Proper glassware is s must.
I'm thinking small since I just fell down the stairs.
Ah. I don't have the proper KBS goblets, or chalices, but I do have a set of splendid Belgian ones (St Bernardus, Chimay, Trappistes Rochefort, and a few others) and they will happily do duty as required.
Good manners preclude me from enquiring further into your unfortunate encounter with gravity, but I hope you are fine.
Whose doing dark lord day?
And KBS is drinking great this year. Warmed up with that and finished off with some top notchv double IPAs grilling up some steaks on this beautiful spring day.
I would love to do Dark Lord Day, however I am on the other side of the states. Ugh. Right now, the east coast and upper midwest are killing it right now!
What - pray tell - is Dark Lord Day?
Dark Lord Day is 3 Floyds Brewery release party for their Dark Lord Imperial Stout. The day is marked with purchasing a ticket for $180. With the ticket, you get 4 bottles of the DLIS! Along with a vintage and variant bottle. I want to say this is the only time and place you can get that beer! Yeah, I just confirmed, this beer is only released once a year. Dark Lord Day!
And, as an Imperial Stout - how does it rank with other (really good) Imperial stouts?
Sounds like great idea and a terrific way to spend a day.
And a glass of Trappistes Rochefort 8 is going down rather well.
Good idea, I have a bottle waiting on me later on, as of right now, a cup of Kenyan coffee.