opened this last night for my dad's bday. probably my favorite "local" winery right now.

popped this last night with some Lebanese food.
Lebanese food, good choice.
I have some Stellas chilling for 4th of July barbie.
Lebanese food, good choice.
I have some Stellas chilling for 4th of July barbie.
Stella, lovely beer.
It has gained an unfortunate nick name in the UK, I first heard it about 10 years ago.
I think the owners advertising and PR firm now have the remit to try and delete the nick name and restore the brand.
This may be easier said than done.
I made the acquaintance of a legend tonight, a beer I hardly dared believe actually really existed, because, as students, we used to debate whether it actually ever existed in reality or not.
The beer is a stout, specifically, "Guinness Foreign Extra Stout".
Seriously?! I would have thought that beer would be all over the place in your neck of the woods! I actually like Guinness and if we can get it here, I have had it. The one beer I wasn't to impressed with was the their Blond beer in the bottle, had it on tap and I had to do a double take as I didn't think it was the same beer I just drank from the bottle.
But this one is rather it is not the standard Guinness, being brewed for the conditions of a rather different market.
Oh I know which one it is, we have them here in the States, usually through the holidays if memory serves me correctly. They have the Extra and also the Foreign Extra. Yup have had them both! I just would have thought, I am guessing you are on the other side of the pond, they would have had it out and about. Let us know what you think. I haven't had it in a few years. But I just might have to pick some up!
Well, I like rich, robust stouts, so this was very pleasant - and, to my palate, a lot preferable to the standard Guinness which is a beverage that I really don't much care for.
Agreed 100%. The original is ok, not bad. But this version along with the Extra are my two favorites. I haven't been able to track down their Porter yet though. I know we get it, but when I am buying, that is one I usually forget to look for.
Almost forgot to add, their Black Lager I found to be decent also.
Guinness here, too. At its correct temperature. Nothing to have it with, though. We made extra desserts, but it's like feeding a pack of rabid wolves... I suppose the heat does that to a person.
I noticed one relative and their SO, who rarely eat much, put away enough meat and veg to last them ten years worth of food.![]()
For those who are truly adventures, you should try a Guinness milk shake. They are actually not bad at all. Had one at a festival a few years back. Pretty good and the ice cream actually tasted really good after it was in the beer for a while!
Wait, not a milk shake, but a Guinness Float. Sorry, not a milk shake, but Guinness with two or three scoops of vanilla or vanilla bean ice cream. It was actually pretty good.
Shame. I love ice cream. Not keen on the floats. Wasn't a big fan of them the times I've tried them. Some things are best left to be seen in film.
Shame. I love ice cream. Not keen on the floats. Wasn't a big fan of them the times I've tried them. Some things are best left to be seen in film.
Actually, even as a child, I detested ice-cream (and most sweets). Ice-cream can sometimes give me migraines, so - for the most part, unless it is entirely natural, and then, only rarely, I tend to avoid it completely.
Not saying you can't make a milk shake out of it, I haven't had it that way, I had a float. It was actually pretty good.
That is horrible. I love ice-cream, however my love for it would be shelved if I got migraines every time I ate it. I get them every once in a while and they are the thing of the torture.