Back to annoying phrases…
I hear this one all the time when watching sports on TV, but I'm sure it comes up elsewhere. It's usually the "color commentator" who says, "If you're* insert name, then you've got to _____." I sometimes reply out loud, "Well, I'm not whoever." Why can't they just say, "Name has got to ____."?
* usually "If yer…"
Sports announcers and color commentators are one of the main things that I dislike about sports. Here's another one. When blathering on about some sports dude that makes more money in a year than I will make in two lifetimes, instead of saying something like:
"When you have Joe Sportsdude1 and Joe Sportsdude2, you know that your team is going to WIN!"
You get:
"When you have a Joe Sportsdude1 and a Joe Sportsdude2, you know that your team is going to WIN!"
Why the gratuitous use of "a" in this sentence? That is something that really bothers me.
Another one. When referring to a sports dude, instead of saying:
"Joe Sportsdude1 is doing a great job!"
"How about Joe Sportsdude1!"
they say:
"That Joe Sportsdude1 is doing a great job!"
"How about that Joe Sportsdude1!"
Drives me crazy. I don't watch any sports and I am the only one in my family who doesn't. When they are talking about sports, they use "that" a lot and it just bothers me. It's unnecessary.
That is all.