As far as I know it is not possible for a third party app to see interval schedules created in Apple's Health system by other third party apps. Only Apple's native Workout app can see them.I thinks a working version with the current interval schedule (from the workout app) would be a great start.
I use this the most for swim workouts. The default workout app does not show the workout when selected. I really like how WOD helps me keep track of each part of the workout.
As far as I know this is correct. I asked an Apple engineer about it during a call at last year's WWDC and he confirmed that this was the case (at the time).Are the structured workouts loaded to the watch with the "new" API only accesible for Apple's Workout app?
To bad! Will need to find a way to export my workouts one way or another then.As far as I know it is not possible for a third party app to see interval schedules created in Apple's Health system by other third party apps. Only Apple's native Workout app can see them.
So importing schedules into WOD will only be possible via a file (probably a FIT file).
I haven't really thought about that yet. I will probably implement FIT and then see how many requests I get for other formats and decide based on that.To bad! Will need to find a way to export my workouts one way or another then.
Keep up the good work!
Are there also plan's to support other file formats like .plan (for Wahoo exports) or .zwo (for zwift exports) ?
Usually those sort of differences are caused by air pressure issues. The app uses the barometer by default and this can be affected by weather. That usually results in a smoother difference (e.g. the slope looks steeper on one side than the other) but windy conditions can also cause small dips and peaks.Today i did a walk to a hill for 5km, and exactly the same 5km way back. But why is the altitude graph so out of asymmetry ? I didn‘t use Allways on Altimeter.
View attachment 2401892
That's great! Many thanks for mentioning the app. I had a quick play with GPX Studio after seeing your video and it looks very good.Hey cfc, how are you today ?
I’m glad to show you my new video for your app on my YouTube channel.
It’s in French, but my viewers seem to like it.
TUTO #1 WorkOutDoors Openrunner
Turn by turn is on the way but I don't have any plans to translate the app yet. Sorry about that.Merci Henri ! Je ne connaissais pas gpx studio, pratique pour les modifications. Comme toi j utilise wod depuis des années, superbe appli ! Thanks to Ian 😉. We re waiting for turn by turn and I hope a French version too 👍
I don’t know if it support turn by turn.That's great! Many thanks for mentioning the app. I had a quick play with GPX Studio after seeing your video and it looks very good.
Do you know if it can supply turn by turn directions? I couldn't see how in my quick test but if it does then I will make sure that the app will support them.
Thanks for that shortcut. Unfortunately the app cannot use the always on display if it is disabled in watchOS, so that is very useful.An other idea for you.
Enable always on display on watch only when we use WOD.
I don’t use AoD the day, but for WOD it’s better.
I made a shortcut a little tricky and here is my explain :
when I use WOD I set my concentration in « sport »
1/ Enable AoD
Create a shortcut #1 « sport »
View attachment 2402444
View attachment 2402448
2/ Desable AoD
Create a shortcut #2 « Desable AoD »
View attachment 2402444
View attachment 2402450
Create an automation
View attachment 2402446
View attachment 2402447
Then when you desable sport’s concentration, the Apple Watch syncing and desable always on display to.
One more thing :
Select the shortcut on Apple Watch Ultra button
View attachment 2402451
In my experience the "CoreLocation" framework which iOS and watchOS provide to developers gives location updates every 1 second.Hi, I just came across this thread.
What are the Apple Watch gps sampling rates while using workout app, specifically cycling?
the below is Trailforks and it’s settings options, I’d like to know Apple Watch settings
GPS locations are received every second in WorkOutDoors but I can't speak for what other apps are doing. They may be requesting lower accuracy or using a distance filter to save battery.If the AWU2 is sampling every second, is there some known reason why it’s less accurate than the iPhone 14 Pro?
I use both when biking, the watch on left wrist face top of wrist, the iPhone mounted to Thule bike mount center.
Made comparison info;
View attachment 2402942View attachment 2402943
You use 2 different apps to compare gps precision.If the AWU2 is sampling every second, is there some known reason why it’s less accurate than the iPhone 14 Pro?
I use both when biking, the watch on left wrist face top of wrist, the iPhone mounted to Thule bike mount center.
Made comparison info;
View attachment 2402942View attachment 2402943
What gives you the impression the phone is more accurate? The watch has dual-band GPS which the phone does not. How have you verified that one is accurate and one is not? In my experience, at least with running, the Apple Watch (all of them) is more accurate than the phones. My Ultra 2 using WOD hits right on the timing mats on certified running courses all the way up to the final mile on a half-marathon. When running in the neighborhood I'll sometimes make a point to randomly zigzig from one side to the road in sync with telephone poles or manholes just to see how accurate the track is after the run and it's dead there some known reason why it’s less accurate than the iPhone 14 Pro?
Seems iPhone 14 Pro has a better GPS chipset than previous models:What gives you the impression the phone is more accurate? The watch has dual-band GPS which the phone does not.
You got any timeframe on this?Importing schedules from FIT files is on my to-do list. Some time ago I coded it up to work with the current interval schedules, but they don’t yet support nested repeat loops. I asked on here a while back and most people said there would be complaints if I released without supporting nested repeats.
So I decided to hold fire because nested loops would take a while to implement and there are higher priorities at the moment.
It is currently 3rd on my to-do list after the navigation improvements and the ability to create custom activity types.
Sorry - I have no idea at the moment. My current focus is improved navigation because that is the most requested feature. After that custom activity types is the most popular request and then interval improvements. Unfortunately intervals are usually only requested by runners, whereas the other features are useful for multiple activity types and therefore more in demand.You got any timeframe on this?
Importing structured workouts is really the one big thing that I miss in WOD. Mainly because the displayed pace and running power in the native workout app is not responsive enough for short intervalls.
The units are shown under the data unless the field is short and wide, in which case it is shown after the data, because this better fits the aspect ratio of the field. It has always been like this.One thing I've just noticed having come back to Workoutdoors after a long time away (due to not having an Apple) is on all the screenshots on, I see the metric units displayed "UNDER" the data, but my experience is the metric unit is displayed alongside the data, and sometimes disappears/reappears depending on the width of the numbers if I watch the time counting up for example (where the font size itself SEEMS to change too).
Is this a config item I've missed, as I'd really like the metric unit displayed static under the data if possible!!