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WoW is without doubt one of the greatest games ever created, but for myself the BTDT factor is just too strong, while acknowledging that repetition exists in all games to varying degrees. Kill X, Collect X, Escort, played from beta, every expansion with breaks through Mists, but did not finish that one. :(

What are you doing sneaking around this thread. You should be back healing us in the D&D thread :).

In WoW, I just got tired of working towards upgrading my equipment only to have to do it again each expansion.
But that is at the end of June
Only a few days left to the event now.
the BTDT factor is just too strong
Even though I love the game, I am starting to feel this, I am also filled with some minor regrets of not doing certain things when I had the chance. Such as the challenge modes and legendary cape in Pandaria, even though I was 100% active through the entire expansion, and running dungeons and raids like crazy.
What are you doing sneaking around this thread. You should be back healing us in the D&D thread :).

In WoW, I just got tired of working towards upgrading my equipment only to have to do it again each expansion.

You do that in every game. EQ, FFXIV, Guild Wars... new expansions, higher levels, better gear. Vicious cycle.
I wound up boosting the shaman as planned. It turns out they give you 700 for gathering professions too if you have them, assuming your character is 60 or higher when boosted. So I got 700 mining for free to go with his engineering. I also got 700 first aid. Fishing and cooking you need to level if desired but that is easy to do in WOD. The gear is nice at ilvl 640 and a full set of embersilk bags plus 500 gold.
Yeah the boost is a nice little thing they added and honestly at this point in the games life it makes sense to give people this sort of thing. Now mind you it caused some stir on World of Warcraft's Reddit page as players flocked there to ask "What Should I Boost?", over and over and over again. A rule had to be put in place to try and stop people from asking.
People should enjoy the class trial they're implementing in Legion to help with those kinds of questions.
People should enjoy the class trial they're implementing in Legion to help with those kinds of questions.
Hopefully. Doesn't affect me to much when it comes to making a new character, I have my Priest main, with my Mage and Death Knight alternates. I have a warrior as well but I don't think that character will make the journey to 110.. at least not for awhile.
Xp Boosts from pots, xp boosts from holiday events,xp from pvp control type stuff, but I don't remember any xp boosting weeks, only stuff like the rep boost from Anniversary.

I should have probably have quit around xmas, but I kept on playing even if most days just for a hour while watching tv. For that last 8 months playtime the end result is perhaps 1 more ivl on my main, 100 more level 25 pets, 2-3 mounts and half a mill gold, meh.

WoD was alt friendly, casual unfriendly. I finished Mop with 12 90's and the decision to not level more, now i have 15 100's. Mind you I suspect it takes longer to go from fresh 100 to legendary ring then it does to go 1-100.

I am really not sure about legion after spending time on ptr and listening to the feedback. The profession stuff sounds great until you realise the max level is 850. Heroics start at 835 and if you get lucky on a roll you will get better.
I only got the original WOW and played it maybe to level 7 or 8 and quit. My character was just too weak to really do anything so I lost interest. I am tempted to try WOW again even though I heard the gameplay is not as good anymore.
I only got the original WOW and played it maybe to level 7 or 8 and quit. My character was just too weak to really do anything so I lost interest. I am tempted to try WOW again even though I heard the gameplay is not as good anymore.

The game play is much better then the original WoW. Low level characters are still weak and not that much fun but you go up levels quicker now.
For reference, in my first six months of vanilla WoW I got to about level 35. You can get there in 2-3 days of casual play now!
Days? Hours. I was leveling another Priest for fun the other evening and in several hours I had gotten the character to level 25.

Now mind you, the character was/is decked to the gills in heirloom gear, and had the Midsummer buff applied.
Hence "casual".

I'm fully aware that you can get there in hours if you have the heirlooms etc; I did just that a month or so ago! :)
Leveled a holy priest in vanilla and it was one of the slowest, grindiest, things I've ever done. Absolutely loved it. Everything took time and I was immersed in the world.

Loved TBC as well and really enjoyed Wrath.

Wasn't a big fan of Cata but I thought they did some good things in it as well as MoP.

WoD, on the other hand, is a catastrophe IMO. To charge the most money for an expansion that they ever had and give this poor excuse of a game to us was terrible. It should have been a FREE major patch with upgraded leveling as a token of appreciation for all of their subscribers.

Since late Wrath Blizz has slowly been taking the social aspect of this game away with quality of life improvements (dungeon and raid queues, garrisons, etc.). One of the magical things about WoW in its early days was the fact that a lot of what you had to do you needed to group up for. You had to find those groups and get to know people on your servers. That's all gone now.

Sure vanilla had its problems. But it was a lot better game for 2005 than WoD was for 2015. That's why the game grew so much through Wrath. I'd happily pay for a vanilla server.

Now onto Legion; excited about it. The class I've always wanted to play is being added (Demon Hunter). My favorite story line outside of Arthas (the Burning Legion) is back. And story does matter to me as I've been playing Warcraft (not WoW) since the 90s and WoW since vanilla. PvP (which I did a lot in vanilla/TBC) seems to be taking a positive change. So I'm ready for it. If this ends up being anywhere near as terrible as WoD though, I'll be done with WoW forever and maybe Blizz games in genera.
I was invited into the beta a couple of days ago. I play an enhancement shaman and ... things have changed. A lot. It feels like a warrior with different abilities now, which I'm not terribly impressed with. Blizzard's blog (last updated in November!) talks about how important totems are, yet the current beta build doesn't provide a single totem as part of the base damage cycle.

Meanwhile, the iTunes remote is broken, and scrolling combat text is now missing the entries for entering/leaving combat. I've reported both of those to Blizzard but we're supposed to get the new game engine on the live servers tonight so I don't have much hope that these will be fixed! :eek:
Yes, I'm extremely disappointed with Blizzard releasing 7.0 onto Live with a myriad of issues. They've not addressed anybody's concerns or fixed some fairly major bugs which have been reported for months on end, not to mention mechanically ruining a ton of specs. All with zero communications even though they kept claiming they wanted more communication. So very many people are going to lose their heads today when they log in. Already got my popcorn ready for the ****show. =P
So I started downloading the patch last night, but I didn't get a chance to actually try anything out.

From reading the previews.... I'm gonna be really pissed. I loved my Disc priest and the shields. I loved being able to basically heal through damage mitigation. And that seems to have been taken away :|

The preview stated that while in raids, other healers complained there wasn't much for them to do because the Disc priest shields were causing other to overheal. Eff them. That is the crap that pissed me off about Blizzard. They listen to people complain about how others play, and then change the play style for those others based on the whining.

Now I am actually kind of pissed I pre-ordered.
So I started downloading the patch last night, but I didn't get a chance to actually try anything out.

From reading the previews.... I'm gonna be really pissed. I loved my Disc priest and the shields. I loved being able to basically heal through damage mitigation. And that seems to have been taken away :|

The preview stated that while in raids, other healers complained there wasn't much for them to do because the Disc priest shields were causing other to overheal. Eff them. That is the crap that pissed me off about Blizzard. They listen to people complain about how others play, and then change the play style for those others based on the whining.

Now I am actually kind of pissed I pre-ordered.

Honestly, they didn't listen to anybody. Thinking they listened to others complaining about everybody else and took that into account is a bit short-sighted. The Beta class feedback threads are full of everybody disagreeing with the path the developers took. I've been in every Alpha and Beta, and this is the worse I've seen it. From just the abundance of bugs which have been documented for months on end with zero fixes, to class mechanics issues which do not work as well as their lack of communication, which frankly has never been good but, has gotten to the point they won't even acknowledge anything. I thought WoD Alpha and Betas were frustrating but this expansion takes the cake for most dysfunctional and disconnected devs in the history of WoW.
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Thinking they listened to others complaining about everybody else and took that into account is a bit short-sighted. .

Ahh, just going by what they actually typed on the Priest class changes preview page.

The rest of your post doesn't make me very excited to play the expansion :|

I was in Vanilla WoW alpha, but have avoided any alpha or betas after that. I didn't want to know too much about the upcoming expansion.
The Beta forums are full of people disagreeing with the changes who can't properly articulate why they disagree with the change and why the previous iteration was better.

Compared to previous expansions, I think they've been MORE transparent and open with their rationale behind changes, but people just have the same idea as always that all they need to do is say they don't like something and it will be changed back.
The Beta forums are full of people disagreeing with the changes who can't properly articulate why they disagree with the change and why the previous iteration was better.

Compared to previous expansions, I think they've been MORE transparent and open with their rationale behind changes, but people just have the same idea as always that all they need to do is say they don't like something and it will be changed back.

Gonna have to agree to disagree. There's many many players who've clearly stated why X is a bad idea or why Z makes no logical sense. Not once has any one single suggestion been implemented since the Alpha. People can't play due to the camera limitations now, over 3k+ posts about it and nothing. People getting sick, headaches... last word was like, two months ago. Class mechanics making zero sense or creating an extremely toxic gameplay, still nothing improved upon or changed. They're now starting to fix some things since Live version is echoing a majority of what the Beta has been up in arms over. And rationale? They claimed something like camera, which is the biggest issue both in Beta and Live so easy to use as an example.... They claimed players having their cameras at max distance gave them an unfair advantage over others. Makes zero sense, especially since for the last 10+ years they've told players to max their cameras going so far as making sure they knew the script needed to do so. Suddenly they changed it one patch, threw out that reason and disappeared. Yeah, so much more transparent. =P

For the record, I've played a lock since the Beta of the game. Same toon. I'm used to having to relearn the class each expansion since it's arguably one of the few that's constantly be re-worked every time, but some of the changes, not just with the class I play but also others are just poorly implemented and thought out. Only a couple classes where Artifacts changes things up for them, most are simply going to mirror what's being seen this week when everybody's 110. An Annoying mess.
Again, I think a lot of people just expect if they voice their opinion on something it will be changed.

What specific changes are you disliking?

For the record, I've played a Warlock and Warrior since release and I'm absolutely loving the changes.
The problem with WoW at its state for a few years now, is that Blizzard is obliged to balance classes and roles. They have to, otherwise they'll render classes unusable. Returning to the example posted above regarding healing priests; if a class can overheal with ease while the other healers are struggling, it will not be long before every raid asks for this specific healing class. The same goes for any other role as well. Unfortunately, WoW community is full of such elitism, and it's only blizzard to blame that let things get to this. Now they have no other option than heavy balance, in a way that every class looks almost identical with any other performing the same role. It's a dead end.
Well, I was finally able to get in game last night. I think my time as a WoW player is coming to an end (been a player since Vanilla alpha). My poor 2010 MBP was barely pushing 15 FPS with everything on low or off and turning the resolution to 800x600.

My computer is great for everything else, so really no need to upgrade for any other reason, not going to shell out money just to play WoW.

Now I just wish there was a way to get a refund of the pre-order.

As far as mechanics go, the 5 things I soloed as a disc priest didn't go so bad, so perhaps a bit of over reaction to Blizz's own words. And my arcane mage was putting out some massive damage, but mana was going fast.
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