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I agree that just adding one more Airport would make the game immensely better. What do you mean by 3?

I mean painting "targets" (rings or rectangles) in the sky to show you the flight path to landing, say. As you approach each one, it gets progressively larger in your field of view until you fly through it (or around it if you're off course.)
I mean painting "targets" (rings or rectangles) in the sky to show you the flight path to landing, say. As you approach each one, it gets progressively larger in your field of view until you fly through it (or around it if you're off course.)

Hi, I mainly meant the control surfaces comment..
Great app
I've never used a flight simulator, so I don't know what I'm missing. But some things that would be good are:
1More planes, like some army planes and some passenger planes
2more places to fly, more landscapes

Some things that are cool that I found are the accelorometor control, the taking off, the different times of day, how you can go sooo high :)
One thing I can't figure out is how to land, is it just me or when you touch ground you just stop?

Haha, landing is tricky ;). Go slow and keep trying!

Yeah the speed might be my problem I just realized that I kept coming in at full throttle at like 200 =]

Ill update if I get the skill of landing easily for those who havent bought it and are wondering if its worth buying,

Just bought this and had a quick play. Its really quite nifty! I like :)
One thing I can't figure out is how to land, is it just me or when you touch ground you just stop?


Ah yes, landings. ;) always a tricky point of any flight (and I've had a few interesting ones on my hang glider). One thing I'd like to see in this app is a better "crash" detection routine. A number of times I've come in and wondered whether I "walked away".

I did find that it was easy to run out of runway with this but finally cracked it last night. Yay! Flaps are your friend. But I had a very long flat final, so although I stopped on the runway, I'd have scared a few folk on the way in :)

Do the red/white lights on approach indicate whether you are below/above glide angle? I haven't quite work that out yet.
Hi, I mainly meant the control surfaces comment..

Oh... I meant that you're not directly controlling the amount of deflection of the aircraft's control surfaces when you tilt the iPhone along its axes, at least compared to a desktop flight sim. That's a necessary limitation of the device, but it gives the app a bit of a game-like feel.
Ah yes, landings. ;) always a tricky point of any flight (and I've had a few interesting ones on my gang glider). One thing I'd like to see in this app is a better "crash" detection routine. A number of times I've come in and wondered whether I "walked away".

I did find that it was easy to run out of runway with this but finally cracked it last night. Yay! Flaps are your friend. But I had a very long flat final, so although I stopped on the runway, I'd have scared a few folk on the way in :)

Do the red/white lights on approach indicate whether you are below/above glide angle? I haven't quite work that out yet.

By any chance is it possible to land on somewhere that isn't the runway?








( I landed in the last one yay!!! )
Yup, you can land on the ground. Runways are easier...

Yeah I just tried that this morning, the score is land 80 plane 0 =]
I've only landed on the runway twice, other times I went down too early or late, or fast, or the angle was too steep, or forgetting to put the gear down (=])a lot of stuff to keep in mind just to land, while taking off you just take off the brakes, put up the throttle, and then slowly put down the flaps, much easier. I'm going to review this later today, if you guys would like to look at i(the review)*(on my blog-Zym Blog, ).

I've had this app for a few days now(Thanks to this thread) and love it! Only app I've found worth paying for.

Question for the sim experts: the flaps are a bit confusing to me still, when do I put them up and down? thanks
To me this is the most amazing iPhone app to date. I'm already an X-Plane user (as well as a private pilot) and was pleasantly surprised when I came across this on yesterday. From X-Planes constant update track record we'll hopefully see some interesting updates to this in the future.
I've had this app for a few days now(Thanks to this thread) and love it! Only app I've found worth paying for.

Question for the sim experts: the flaps are a bit confusing to me still, when do I put them up and down? thanks

During takeoff, approach and landing. (In increments though, not just full - the App doesn't fully simulate how flaps work as they usually are controlled in segments rather than 'freely' like the throttle) However, it's not necessary for all aircraft - in reality the Cessna 172 often lands flaps fully up.

See for an explanation of why.

Basically, flaps increase lift so you can fly slower (but also increase drag so you must apply more throttle). And obviously during takeoff/landing you want to be flying as slow as possible so the takeoff/landing roll is as short as possible.
Oh... I meant that you're not directly controlling the amount of deflection of the aircraft's control surfaces when you tilt the iPhone along its axes, at least compared to a desktop flight sim. That's a necessary limitation of the device, but it gives the app a bit of a game-like feel.

You aren't? I thought you are, albiet very sensitively (so it's not exactly like GTA where you hit a button and there is maximum deflection).
Do the red/white lights on approach indicate whether you are below/above glide angle? I haven't quite work that out yet.

They do. All white means that you're too high above the glidepath. Too red, you're too low. Generally, you'll want half of each. That will put you at the proper descent rate.

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