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So I went to my local Apple store today to carry out some research. I tried to replicate the cursor lag issue on all of the notebooks they had in store.

From what I can tell, this issue (on notebooks) only seems to effect the 13 inch retina models. Of the three I tested the issue was easily reproducible. However what surprised me was I tried the same thing on four 15 inch retina pros as well as a couple of macbook airs (11 and 13 inch) and I couldn't detect and sort of cursor lag.

It seems strange to me. Is there anyone here who is experiencing trackpad cursor lag on 15 inch retina pros or macbook airs?
I have a 15" Retina MacBook Pro, and I definately have this lag(and disconnection) issue.
Intermittent wifi as well. It's infuriating. :mad:
For what it's worth, I have had 2 late rMBP 13" and they have both had the trackpad lag issue on Mavericks. But the trackpad lag is barely noticeable. The same is true on Yosemite, the lag is there, but barely noticeable. Does not bother me at all.

But my magic mouse had zero lag on Mavericks. On Yosemite it has lag and is very annoying. I use the mouse for the precision it provides and it's not useable with this lag. It occurs much more often with the mouse and the lag is longer. I really hope it gets fixed in the next update.
Thanks for all the feedback guys. I guess all we can really do it wait and see if Apple comes up with a fix. If it's still the same in 10.10.1 I may have to downgrade to Mavericks, I find the lag incredibly annoying for some reason...
facing this on my macbook pro 17inch and imac 27 inch, fresh installed yosemite on both, used trackpad on both, while moving any windows it just jumps and goes to the bottom of the screen, i thought some battery problem so i changed but still the same on both Macs
I have this on a brand new 2014 13" retina MBP. So frustrating for such a small bug. Was going to try a clean install but it seems to be a common issue at the minute.
jumpy, jittery cursor

Indeed I have experienced this; hell I'm dealing with it right now:confused:
It's intermittent, but very annoying. I'm on a 2011 MacBook Pro.
Magic Mouse lagging, and OS 10 Yosemit

Im experiencing the mouse lag and lose of mouse and bace to lag. Also, when i plug in to power outlet the mouse is fine! I use the mouse all the time. Any Help!


I have a 15" Retina MacBook Pro, and I definately have this lag(and disconnection) issue.
Intermittent wifi as well. It's infuriating. :mad:

I have a 13" Macbook Pro (2013) and i'm experiencing the mouse laging and droping out and back to laging/intermittent. When plugged into power is fine!
I'm seeing this same cursor lag with a Kensington track ball. I checked the Kensington site to see if they had a Yosemite-specific driver but they do not yet. What's available is described as for Mavericks or earlier.
I have been on the phone with Apple support because of this issue and on the last call we made some progress.

Luckily, I was getting heavy cursor lag (it's random, that's why I got lucky) during the call so we could troubleshoot a bit. One of the things the Apple employee told me to do was an Internet speed test with and without Bluetooth turned on. Wow, what a difference.

BT and Magic Mouse On = 1Mbps tops
BT Off = 80Mbps

I managed to reproduce this every time.

He then asked me to boot into Safe Mode so we could test it out and it did not happen. I wasn't getting any lag and the speeds were ok with BT on and off.

He then said that this was probably due to an app since nothing was happening on Safe Mode. We agreed to talk again whenever I could do a TM backup and make (another) clean install so we could see if we managed to reproduce it this time.

Thing is, as soon as I hung up and rebooted into the OS, I wasn't having lag and the speeds were ok with both BT on and off.

What I found out is that, with some uptime, I am able to slow down my Internet by just turning the BT on.

Could you try this and see if you are able to reproduce it? Go to and make some tests from where you usually use your Macbook. Then try it with BT on. Then, when you actually start getting the cursor lag, test it again with BT on and off and let us know the results.

I'm connected to a 2.4GHz wireless network btw. And this could be related to all the wifi issues Yosemite has.

I'll call Apple again tomorrow and let them know about the new updates on this.

Btw, I tried changing the channels on the network and it didn't help. Also, with exactly the same setup, I did not have any issues under Mavericks.
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13" Retina, late 2012. Cursor is about the only thing that doesn't ever lag...
Just been on the phone with Apple and the employee told me that the situation is reported and that no fix is known so waiting for 10.10.1 is the only option and hope that it fixes it :rolleyes:

Also, he told me that he strongly believes that a firmware update will also come out. I really don't believe this and I don't know if he really knew something or not. Anyway, I guess we should wait for 10.10.1 and, until then, please report this directly to Apple.
Confirmed BT interferes with WiFi speeds

2014 13" Retina MBP 10.9.5. Connected to 802.11ac 5Ghz router.
BT off = 100+Mbps down
BT On = ~56Mbps down
The upstream test chugs horribly and varies a lot also when BT on.

Consistently over 4 tests. Battery or power no differences.

I also get the "The USB device Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad (Port 5 of Hub at 0x14000000) may have caused a wake by issuing a remote wakeup (1)" message every trackpad touch after 5 second hands off. Initial touch has a vary small perceivable delay of cursor motion. I don't think it's the lag some are getting (luckily).
My solution for a frozen or near-frozen trackpad cursor

I've used MacBooks for the last four years, and at times (including yesterday) I've had trouble with the trackpad cursor being frozen or nearly so. After searching for a solution for some time (and using "Mouse Keys" as a work-around*), I've found a very effective solution: applying pressure to the entire trackpad simultaneously. Use your fists, or your hands held some other way; ideally, you'd get a flat piece of wood the exact width and height of your trackpad, and press with that. ;)

I've heard that a useful tactic to prevent this problem (and I think my experience bears this
out) is, never touch the surface of the Mac on either side of the trackpad (for instance, resting your
hands there as you type. Or your elbows ;) . . . )

(My trouble with the trackpad may have been my fault, because I
had wiped it with a damp cloth the night before—I don't recommend
doing that (now). To make up for this, I left my Mac running all night,
hoping its warmth would dry it out.)

*Mouse Keys: System Preferences > Accessibility > Interacting > Mouse & Trackpad, check the "Enable Mouse Keys" check-box, click on the "Options..." button, check the "Press the Option key five times to toggle Mouse Keys" check-box, click on the "OK" button, and close System Preferences.
Now you can move the trackpad cursor using the keys
7 8 9
u o
j k l
as if they were arrow keys, and using the i key to click. If you want to
type text, you'll have to push the alt/option button five times; then
push it five times again when you want to move the cursor again.
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It doesn't seem like 10.10.1 has solved anything, I'm still experiencing exactly the same cursor lag issues... How's everyone else doing?
It doesn't seem like 10.10.1 has solved anything, I'm still experiencing exactly the same cursor lag issues... How's everyone else doing?

Haven't tried it yet but did a speed test with BT on and off and, even though the difference isn't as noticeable as before, the issue is still there. Today was my day off so tomorrow I'll try the Magic Mouse and see how it goes but I don't think it will be fixed.

Thanks for reporting btw.

my cursor lag problem solved after reconnect the thunderbolt port to a TB-to-VGA kind device. (was accidentally unconnected and got this laggy issue)
I guess your case was completely different then. Not everyone is using one of those devices, some people report it being with the trackpad, others with the Magic Mouse and so on. Too many cases, same issue. This is probably due to the Wi-Fi issues on Yosemite. I'm seriously considering going back to Mavericks but the trouble of having everything reinstalled is putting me off.
I was experiencing this same issue with mouse stuttering (Magic Mouse or any bluetooth mouse) and the Apple Wireless Keyboard missing keystroke entries. I'm on a Mac mini (late 2012) running Yosemite 10.10.1.

Digging into the system log, I saw numerous error messages like this:

12/11/14 4:55:02.000 PM kernel[0]: ARPT: 25620.188560: wl0: 802.11 driver reinitializing, total count of reinit's[499], @'wlc_dpc':466

And this:

12/11/14 5:02:01.385 PM sharingd[225]: 17:02:01.385 : Stopping Handoff advertising

Turning off wifi and using a wired connection has SOLVED the mouse stuttering and missing keystroke entries! Oddly enough, disabling Handoff in System Preferences has no effect, even though it too appears to be misbehaving.

I'm concerned about whether this is a wifi hardware issue, but hopefully it's just software. Thoughts?

Hope this helps others.
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I had already mentioned that same errors showing on the console log and, after being on the phone with Apple support, we got to the conclusion that Bluetooth was making Wifi speeds slow and that the stuttering would disappear as soon as I turned off Wifi. The Apple advisor told me that all I could do was wait for Apple to fix it.

I gave up and upgraded back to Mavericks. Best thing I've done regarding this issue and others. Mavericks looks worse imo but runs a million times better.
If you read the thread, I had already mentioned that same errors showing on the console log and, after being on the phone with Apple support, we got to the conclusion that Bluetooth was making Wifi speeds slow and that the stuttering would disappear as soon as I turned off Wifi. The Apple advisor told me that all I could do was wait for Apple to fix it.

I gave up and upgraded back to Mavericks. Best thing I've done regarding this issue and others. Mavericks looks worse imo but runs a million times better.

Thanks. I actually did read the thread. I was adding another data point to corroborate your experience.
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