My solution for a frozen or near-frozen trackpad cursor
I've used MacBooks for the last four years, and at times (including yesterday) I've had trouble with the trackpad cursor being frozen or nearly so. After searching for a solution for some time (and using "Mouse Keys" as a work-around*), I've found a very effective solution: applying pressure to the entire trackpad simultaneously. Use your fists, or your hands held some other way; ideally, you'd get a flat piece of wood the exact width and height of your trackpad, and press with that.
I've heard that a useful tactic to prevent this problem (and I think my experience bears this
out) is, never touch the surface of the Mac on either side of the trackpad (for instance, resting your
hands there as you type. Or your elbows
. . . )
(My trouble with the trackpad may have been my fault, because I
had wiped it with a damp cloth the night before—I don't recommend
doing that (now). To make up for this, I left my Mac running all night,
hoping its warmth would dry it out.)
*Mouse Keys: System Preferences > Accessibility > Interacting > Mouse & Trackpad, check the "Enable Mouse Keys" check-box, click on the "Options..." button, check the "Press the Option key five times to toggle Mouse Keys" check-box, click on the "OK" button, and close System Preferences.
Now you can move the trackpad cursor using the keys
7 8 9
u o
j k l
as if they were arrow keys, and using the i key to click. If you want to
type text, you'll have to push the alt/option button five times; then
push it five times again when you want to move the cursor again.