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What I have: 1Ghz eMac, 500Mhz iBook (with non-working screen), Dell 2007FWP.

What I'll get next and when: Mac mini two revisions from now, which I'm hoping will be around March 2007. I'm hoping it will be At least Dual 2Ghz (of some kind), and that it has something more impressive than the current graphics chipset. Faster hard drive would be nice. And I'm hoping it will come with iLife 2007 and Leopard.

Why: The eMac is fine for now, but I hope to get more into photography and digital video in the next year, and I want to be able to play Civ IV and Sims II.
What I have: A Dell

When: Within the next day or two

What: My purchase will be a Macbook.

Why: Being a student and moving 7 hours away I need something portable. Plus I love all the included programs are so much fun and easy to use, really fast. Im a beginner photograher.
Been hearing nothing but good things about the MacBook. I used Apple for the first time a month ago, and WOW. A few hours with it and I was hooked. I did buy an iPod last year and have been amazed by the product, and iTunes... so why not make my whole computing experience like that? Its really a no brainer.
Plus im sick of using Windows.
What I have: Macbook Pro 15.4" Core Duo 2.16/2GB

What I'll get: Mac Pro 8+ cores, >4GB RAM (pref. 8+), 23" ACD or larger, possibly x2, best or next to best video card, upgrade my own HDs to ridiculous speeds, add eSATA.

When: Around a year from now, maybe a bit more, when I head off to college and have edu discount and the version I want is out (I think I may hold off for Intel's Tigerton)

Why: I do a lot of digital photography, with large files, and I also enjoy digital video. This means I need high speeds for my disks and their interfaces, lots of storage space, as much power as I can muster, and as much RAM as I can afford. Plus screen real estate. Hopefully I will be able to upgrade it as needed as long as I have it...It will likely last me through most if not all of my undergraduate time.
What: 15" MacBook Pro.
When: Next revision after the release of Leopard.
Why: Because I'm swimming in money.
What I have: Mac Mini G4 1.42 - I bought this machine shortly after the Mini was releaed to serve as a test bed to try out OS X. Office (I neeed it for file compatibility for freelance writing projects), E-mail and web access were the initial uses I had in mind, and it was kind of nice to have a near silent machine for casual use. With advancing to a PowerMac in mind, I picked up a copy of Adobe CS2 (some frelance writing projects involve Illistrator work and some light Photoshop use). I figured that if the Mini could not hack it, then I would progress to a mid-range PowerMac as planned. With a 1GB memory upgrade the Mini proved reasonably usable, and I was now at the point where 95% of the software I was using was running on it. Have to hand MicroSoft a lot of credit - by making Windows so much more like OS X they made the transition much less painless (Vista users should find it a virtually seamless transition by the looks of things).

What I'm going to get - I plan to follow through on the idea of upgrading to a more powerful Apple machine. I was all set to pull the trigger on a PowerMac when some fool went an announced the swich to Intel. Given that the Mini had performed so well, I figured I could tough it out until the PowerMac was replaced. So now that has happened, the time has come.

When - Real soon. I'm giving it two weeks or so to see if any problems surface. I'm not anticipating any, for the transition desktop machines (Mini and iMac) have had few problems and the processor, memory and chipset have been in the hands of not only Apple, but many other manufacturers - which means that unlike Power-based systems alot of the tech had been through the wringer. This is an advantage of the switch to Intel that few appear to have appreciated. If there are any problems I am sure we are going to hear about them "real soon".

Why - As capable as the Mini has proven itself, I've been working on a project that has pushed the little thing to its limits. Right now the key is memory. I have a perfectly good 20 inch CRT that has a few more years in it - so an iMac is not a real option. None of the other Apple products have the capacity for significantly more memory. The Intel Mini can take 2GB it is true, but any advantage of faster processor or larger memory is currently lost to the necessity of using emulation to run Illustrator (in this case). So I need somethig that can take at least 4GB of memory (the mythical Mini Mac Pro probably would max out around 4 GB - so even if such a beast were to be released, it would not be that attractive, being as it were a short term solution). Right now that is the Power Mac. Second, I'm dusting off my Lightwave licence (some 3d image work ahead), and that is an application that just loves all the memory you can feed it - and also one of the few applications I have that gets a real benifit from a multi-core architecture). The Mac Pro has come along at just about the right time for me. I'm inclined to go with the stock graphics card (the applications I use don't get much benifit from a high performance card) and use the money on memory (more memory - the eternal cry rings out). Real question is which processors to go for...

Then I can retire this old Dell I have under my desk which I have not turned on for a month, and use Parallels to run a clutch of programs I may still need once or twice a month.
I have: 17" imac G5 and 12" ibook G4 in my sig
Will get: whatever the current 15" Macbook Pro laptop is + 23" ACD
When: 1 1/2 - 2 years from now
Why: Because I'll have FINALLY graduated from college and will likely have a full-time job. I'll deserve a treat. And I want to hop on the Intel train someday.
I do music work right now on my current computers. The ibook struggles. The imac does fine but is noisy. I've been thinking that I'd like to upgrade all of my recording gear when I get a teaching job, but would also like to keep something portable. Hence the MBP. Having the ibook for remote recording has been great, but it just barely cuts it sometimes.
If I find that I'm doing some really heavy recording by that time and the MBP isn't really cutting it for mixing, then I'll spring for a Mac Pro. But chances are that recording will still be mostly a hobby with the occassional measly free-lance job.
Current: iMac G5
Next: MacBook Pro, 23 HD Display, BT KB and MM
When: Most likely next summer, a month or 2 before Uni - meaning I would have had this Mac for 17 months - the longest I have ever owned a computer! :eek:
Why: Uni.. and, cos I can.
josh.thomas said:
meaning I would have had this Mac for 17 months - the longest I have ever owned a computer! :eek:
Why: Uni.. and, cos I can.

I've had this packard bell pc for nearly 36 months:eek:

Next will be a 20" iMac

When: Proberly when core 2 duo gets put in it hopefully around or before october would be nice

Why: i want a mac, and a nice 20" screen and a actual good computer
What I'm getting: Apple ultra portable or atleast a santa rosa macbook
When: Q2 of next year obviously ;)
Why: Well, I can live that long to get something and I would really like an ultra portable but even if that doesn't come a SR machine should be good enough ;0
What I have now - MacBook Pro 1.83GHz Dual Core 2 GB Ram. Just replaced my aging 17" PB - allowing me to make the jump to intel.

What next - 20" iMac Core 2 Duo (when released) but prefer the new mythical Mac expected to fill in the gap between the Mac Mini and Mac Pro. I want something that will fit under my TV and will have 2 HDDs to take advantage of TimeMachine. Half sized MacPro at 50-75% of that cost would be about right.

Why - I want a multimedia machine for the home, tuner(s) for my LCD TV, security system, music, photos and decent video editing etc

When - Well an insurance payout means I have some money now, as soon as the right Mac appears and the price is right, I'll put down the cash.
MacBook Pro 15" with Core 3 Quad (It will happen)
because at some point I will want to move to a 64-bit CPU using the new core architecture

In the mean time I'm going to build me a Core 2 Extreme edition desktop sometime next year with SLI graphics. Yumm
PowerBook 12" 1.33GHz & iMac G5 17" 1.9GHz

Next Purchase:
Either a Black MacBook or a MacBook Pro (can't decide....I do not want a 15" laptop but I also do not want the design of the MacBooks over the MBP's) - will purchase by the end of this year
By the end of 2007 I will buy either a new iMac Intel or a MacPro to replace my iMac G5
WHAT: Four iMac's and two Mac Pro's.

WHY: Moving to a new office is presenting itself with possibly the only chance my business will have to switch to Mac's and OS X. While I consider it a bit of a gamble it's also an opportunity that's too good to miss, and I hope Apple give us many years of stability, security and innovation. Of course, Parallels and Boot Camp are a nice safety blanket.

WHEN: Already on order.
What I have now: A Winblows PC

What: MacBook Pro

When: This computer will be for when i go off to college in two years so not until probably Mid July to early August of '08.
What: A Mac desktop. I thought I was getting a Mac Pro, but now I am wondering if that is overkill for my needs (mainly digital photography related with the occasional family video), so I might go iMac. A headless, expandable system below the Mac Pro would be perfect for me, but I wont hold my breath!

When: If I get a Mac Pro, it will be very soon. If iMac, I will wait for Core2Duo.

Why: I want a Mac desktop. Right now, it's just a Powerbook and a Windows desktop. The latest Mac laptops don't give me much over the Powerbook in the things I do, so I am less inclined to buy one at this time. This is especially so since there are a fair number of complaints about the MBPs, and my PB has never given me a single problem!
miniConvert said:
WHAT: Four iMac's and two Mac Pro's.

WHY: Moving to a new office is presenting itself with possibly the only chance my business will have to switch to Mac's and OS X. While I consider it a bit of a gamble it's also an opportunity that's too good to miss, and I hope Apple give us many years of stability, security and innovation. Of course, Parallels and Boot Camp are a nice safety blanket.

WHEN: Already on order.

Exciting, congratulations!
what I have: powermac g4 dual 1.25 and powermac g5 dual 2.0

what i want: another powermac G5 dual something for a good deal. not worried about it going out of style as my needs (video/audio transfers) will remain static in terms of the technology used...maybe a new mac pro, but not until revision b

when: i'm searching right now, but i need to finish about 20 projects so time is spent on that. maybe by then, the g5 prices will drop some more :)

why: i love my g4, but i would like to 'retire' it to use only for itunes, iphoto type of stuff and for audio transfers. creating dvds takes a bit longer on it (although it does work very solidly). another G5 would expand my arsenal and increase my turnaround time.

oh, and i could really start ending my pc usage, but starting to do what i need to do on my G4. right now, it's being used solely for 'work' so i don't have time to play on it with email etc.. etc.. :)
What I have: PowerBook 1.67 / PowerMac 450 Dual / iMac 500 Graphite

When i aim to get: Mac Pro, Mid-range processor, 2-3 GB RAM, 1TB of HD space

When: I have enough

Why: As a filmmaker, amateur photographer and now that i've started producing the score to my films, the i want the processing power, RAM and storage space expandability of the Mac Pro. I don't see the point in purchasing a cheap G5 when the Mac Pro is a reasonable price as it stands, I also want to join the Intel revolution, and be able to dual boot.

By the time i have enough, Mac Pro will have 8 Cores, and although will be more than enough, i will also be able to set myself up for the future. I doubt i'll need another computer for many years after.

what i have - powermac G5 single processor 1.8GHz (the one that was $1499 amd 600MHz buss, basically the iMac G5 that was out at the time without a screen) andi also have a 17" powerbook that i love to death

what i want - im probably just going to replace the G5, its big.. clunky.. not that fast.. getting on my last nerve pretty much everyday. and so on.. (the powerbook can stay, its been more than enough for a portable.. and it cost way to much to just chuck after a year :p ) ive had the G5 for almost 2 years.. but what ill replace it with will be a mac pro.. probably a 2.66 or 3.0 system

when - basically when CS3 goes universal (hopefully studio with it) and leaopard comes out.. i might not wait that long.. but im deff waiting a few months for them to iron out any kinks with the new mac pros

but yeah.. i have enough money put back to buy a pretty nice mac pro right now (in comparison to what i have now) but im deff waiting for a rev. b
What: 17" iMac

When: As soon as they pop a merom/conroe into it (or till I can't wait any longer :p ).

Why: It's beautiful, powerful and my current Athlon XP homebrew is on it's last legs (oh ya - I'm getting sick of Windows).
What I have now: 15" iMac G4, 700MHz, 32MB VRAM, 512MB RAM, 40GB HD, Combodrive.

What: My next purchase will be a 15" Merom MacBook Pro, 2.33GHz (if available), 256MB VRAM, 2GB RAM, 100GB HD at 7200RPM, Superdrive.

When: First day it comes out.

Why: I need a stong, powerful portable computer for school/work and that will last me like four years.
What I Have Now: MacBook Pro 15" 1.83ghz 512mb ddr2 128vram 80gig hdd

What: next purchase to be a desktop Mac: Mini, iMac or Mac Pro. Hopefully the latter

When: when i have enough money :p

Why: Macs are teh 1337 roXX0rs!1!!!1

seriously, i want windows for games, but i prefer Mac OS X. Mac Pro would fit the bill, but i still like the PC customizing of the hardware, case etc so it might be an iMac
What I have now: PowerBook G4 15.2" 1.33GHz + 20" Display

What I'll get: MacBook Pro 15.4"
When: When Adobe updates CS2 to CS3
Why: I'm a self-employed graphic designer that needs portability. Most vacations are working vacations. D'oh. I may consider upgrading my monitor at the same time to the 23" or even the 30" since the price came down.
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