What I have now: A 1.67 Ghz 15" PowerBook G4...stock...(shudders) I purchased it in January 2005.
What I'll buy next: A MacBook Pro 15.4" glossy screen with 2GB and the largest 7200 RPM drive that is a BTO option.
When: Summer of 2008...just before I head off to college...
Why: By January 2007, I hope to have my RAM in my PowerBook upgraded to 2 GB, a new battery because the replacement one I have now from the battery exchange program just died, an external hard drive for Time Machine (preferably the LaCie Porsche), iLife '07 (currently running iLife '05...don't use it much), iWork '07 (MS Office is starting to bug me), and a new power adapter because the one I have now is on its last legs. So essentially a complete overhaul of the system, ending with erasing my entire HD and installing Leopard when it is released. I use my computer for writing screenplays, editing movies, watching movies, organization (iCal + Address Book) and communication (Mail + iChat + Safari). I plan on being a double major in Drama and Dramatic Writing in college. I know a MBP is over my needs but after switching to a PowerBook there is just no looking back at the mobile consumer line.