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Now: Macbook, 2GHz, 512MB

Next: Either a new top-of-the-line iMac, or a lower speced Mac Pro.

When: Next summer

Why: I'll be heading off to college, and I want a really powerful desktop as my "base station."
I have: 12" 1.33Ghz iBook G4, 1GB RAM, 40GB HD

I'll get: Probably an iMac or a Mac mini/display combo.

When: Late Summer or early Fall of 2007.

Why: I'll be going off to State College, PA in the Fall of '07, so I'd like to have a nice desktop computer to complement my ultraportable iBook. By then, Leopard will be hitting its stride along with all of the Intel Macs. Ideally I'd like to have a powerful computer that can run both Windows and Mac OS X.
mattcube64 said:
Now: Macbook, 2GHz, 512MB

Next: Either a new top-of-the-line iMac, or a lower speced Mac Pro.

When: Next summer

Why: I'll be heading off to college, and I want a really powerful desktop as my "base station."

Wow, I'd think a macbook would be more than enough for college, but that also depends on what you do. I used my 12 inch powerbook for college last year and it was quite a trooper. For the first couple months of this coming semester (starting in 10 days), I'll have an older tibook till a new macbook is announced. My brother is getting a MBP for college next semester, but he has to since it's required at Berkley School of Music.
When: When the time is right.

What: iMac

Why: I'm getting sick of my iBook G4. I feel the need for sppeeeeeeeed!
When: When apple wakes up and releases a high resolution and high quality graphics card laptop.

What: See above.

Why: I am sick of "Stop Error: 0x0000007c"
Guitar geek said:
Current machine: No mac currenty (see sig), but using P3 custom desktop

What: Next purchase will probably be Mac Mini or MacBook and 20" ACD

When: Whenever mac mini's or macbooks get merom

Why: I got tired of waiting for an MBP w/ merom, and for the same price, I could get a MB and 20" ACD, or save some money and get a Mac Mini. Bascially, I just need a mac right now. Using this PC for the past few months has been killing me.

dude you are such a poser! tell the world of MR, PLEASE. you bought a G4 then returned it the next day, because you wanted your mom to know that the MBPs came out. now you're waiting for a merom mbp, which will cost you until september. i know for a fact, the next month after, you will opt for a nintendo wii. How in the world would your sig mean anythiing close to "SOLD". You even had to pay the re-stocking fee. I call BS flag.

Oh, and.

Using: nothing. i use my parents computer. i need one for graphics design, but will most likely settle for a Pro sometime in the near future when i accomplish something.
When: distant future

What: See above.

Why: I need a graphics workstation, and my own computer. I've been obsessed with macs from day one for "graphics design" reasons.
What: 2.0GHz Macbook white, BTO 80GB HD, 512mb (will upgrade to 2gb G.SKILL)

When: Next week :D

Why: I need a new laptop and this will be my first Mac :)
I need 2 MacBooks for my girls.

The 2.0 Core duo Refurbs are great @ $1099, but I'm doing all I can to hold off until I see IF.... MacBooks go Merom.

It's going to be a long month waiting.
shecky said:
what i will get:a decked to the gills 15" macbook pro, along with final cut studio 5.1

actually i revise this statement: after spending a good 45 minutes in an Apple store today, i am going to go for the 17" MBP (assuming the new rev does not change for the worse). i love it, its not dramatically larger like i would have thought, the screen real estate is fantastic, better drive and ports, and its a touch faster in all the benchmarks i have read. best of all, its only $210 more than a comparably spec'd 15: (using edu discount)
WHEN: I am out of college (~3 yrs).

WHAT: The latest Mac Pro.

WHY: No more tuition and no loans to pay off.

Unless I can convince my boss to replace my aging company laptop with a MBP in a year or so. I'm not sure how likely that will be, though.
I guess I should update this now that I've got a new computer (to me)

What I have: Titanium Powerbook 1 Ghz

What I want: Merom Macbook

Why: Because I want two processors

When: Probably around December hopefully.
Now: MacMini Core Duo 512 MB

Next: MacBook Black

When: Next summer or Fall

Why: It would make a great portable computer and plus I have plans on starting college by then.
JRM PowerPod said:
What I have: 12" 1.5Ghz PowerBook, 2GHZ Black MacBook, G5QUAD
What next: I think i'm set, an ultraportable MBP would be hard to go pass, or the elusive tablet
When: If/When they release one and a Rev C one at that
Why: I don't like my MacBook, its too big, and shuts down randomly

Why is your current MacBook too big? Well bigger than your intended future MBP? Aren't the Pro's two inches bigger?
What I have now: iBook G4 12.1" 1.33GHz, last revision just like you. I do basically the same tasks as you, word processing, IMing, internet + email, some photo editing, nothing too processor intensive like video editing.

What: iMac Intel Core Duo 17"

When: Well, strangely similar to you, I'm probably going to grab one a few months after Spring '07, after Leopard will be on there and I'm sure a couple revisions here and there will be made to maybe processor speed or hard drive by that time.

Why: Don't get me wrong, the iBook is a great machine, but I've really been longing to get a Mac desktop for quite some time now. I got the iBook just about a year ago for school, and I'm sure it will last me until I graduate. I'm only in my freshman high school year now and this baby seems to have a lot, and I mean a lot of life left on it. I'm mainly getting the desktop as.. well.. a desktop for home. I currently use an HP laptop as my desktop replacement but I'm longing to get rid of that and Boot Camp Windows up on the Intel iMac once it's in my hot, little hands. Plus, using some more processor intensive programs like iMovie and working faster in GarageBand wouldn't be so bad either.

Waiting is damn hard though... I wish Apple would release Leopard and whatnot now.
Now: White 2.0 GHz MacBook. 1 GB Apple RAM and 60 GB HDD.

New: 15.4" Core 2 or Core 3 MacBook Pro.

When: As soon as they ship with iLife '07 and Leopard. And when my littlebrother takes over my MacBook.

Why: I love MBP's...:D
My next apple, iMac.

when - I will wait until they upgrade, hopefully with core 2 duos.
why? - Because my Power g4 12" 1ghz, is very slow, the battery has nearly died out on me, it has a small screen. front row looks quite cool and I will be using that a lot, and now a lot of programs are universal binary I don't mind going over to it!
What i have now: White Macbook 1.83

Next: iMac

Why: I have put on hold my overseas ambition to focus on Uni.

When: When i am ready. Most likely middle of next year.

how do you back delete. like on XP. where you press delete to delete this way---> and backspace to delete this way <----.
furious said:
What i have now: White Macbook 1.83

Next: iMac

Why: I have put on hold my overseas ambition to focus on Uni.

When: When i am ready. Most likely middle of next year.

how do you back delete. like on XP. where you press delete to delete this way---> and backspace to delete this way <----.

On the MacBook's you press fn+backspace.
Now: Powerbook 1.5 12"
L8r: MBP 17"

Edit: I think Ill be buying the MBP later next year cause I have to move some cash around :p When I do the powerbook goes to my gf. Im in no rush tho, I love my PB.
Interesting thread. Preface: although i like being mobile i don't trust Apple notebooks that much its time for a Desktop.

What i have: 1.67Ghz G4 PB/2GB RAM/100GB 7200RPM. (Has a lot of life left, just got it this march...might even get AppleCare for it)

What i plan to get: The iMac & Mini are just not quite for me. the mini is weak and the imac's viewing angle and "all-in-one" doesnt work for me. SOOO...its time for the Pro desktop that is MacPro. However, if i'm to get that i have to save, because i'd want to get the maximum spec possible. i.e a 3.0 GHz/2GB RAM/X1900XT/BT+AP/20"ACD (and a downgraded HDD to 160GB due 3rd party upgrade using 10,000 RPM Raptor). This comes to just under £3000 with the appropriate discount which will take some time to come by but is possible. Also might replace the PowerBook with whatever MacBook Pro revision is out by 2009 (if the PowerBook dies)

When: i should be set by sometime in 07 although that may mean the Quad Core chip would have been release so it might turn out to be a 8 Core 3.0GHz. If thats more expensive however, i'd get a refurb Quad system instead.

Why: I like having sheer Power at my disposal so i dont have regrets when i actually need it which is why i'm going full blown. This way i can have the machine for several years with no regrets plus the resale value would be more significant, the higher end the machine. The tasks would be Photoshop/FCP/Logic/Office/Browsing and other daily tasks. The PowerBook can do these BUT not in a speedy manner.

I need a desktop to act as a main hub/Powerhouse computer and it has to be able to handle anything i throw at it now and in the future and must be upgradeable should the need arise and you just cant get those in laptops or consumer desktops. The PowerBook would eventually be for surfing on the couch and i dont think i'll upgrade it to Leopard (Leopard isn't really that exciting to me...maybe when i use it)

A PPC Mac mini (1.5GHz) and an aging (four year old) PC.


Mac Pro - 3GHz, Radeon, BT+Airport, downgraded hard drive. Not sure about how much memory to get - Apple is very expensive.


Soon, hopefully. It's in my basket at the Apple Store; I just need to press the "buy" button.


MM is too slow (but so cute!). I can't dual-boot XP unless I'm a sadist and use Virtual PC. PC is ancient and just as slow, and it's noisy. No Firewire, no USB2, no Serial ATA. Doing 3D work is frustrating - too much waiting around. It uses Rambus memory, so it's far too expensive to upgrade.

I don't upgrade all that often, so I want something high-powered to last me for another three or four years. Mac Pro fills that requirement, looks good, is quiet and lets me dual-boot/run Parallels. And it'll free up a load of space, by having just one computer on/under my desk.
NOW: PC 1.8Ghz P4, 768mb RAM + 1.2 Ghz celeron :( laptop (both are 4 years old)

NEXT: Macbook 2.0Ghz White, 2.0gb RAM

WHEN: Before the end of the year.

WHY: The laptop I have is extremely useful while I'm at school. But it is a POS. Luckily I didn't pay anything for it. :) Plus it weighs about 10lbs and is horrible for carrying to school. It doesn't even have an internal wireless card. So since I want a Mac SOOO bad, I'm doing what pretty much every college student here is doing and adding a Macbook. It is small enough to carry around, but definitely fully featured. It is also much more affordable than the MBP which I love, but can't justify the extra $1000 for basically a better video card and a larger screen. Yes I know there are a few other features but currently it's not enough to make me shell out an extra grand.
Now: PowerBook G4 15" 1.67GHz 1.5GB RAM 80GB HDD

Next: 17" MBP (Core 2 Duo)

When: By the end of this year.

Why: I´m too poor to buy it right now, big Screen, all in one machine, I like being able to take my laptop anywhere. Mac Pro + Cinema Display would be too expensive and overkill for me :p
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