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Now: Old acer laptop (4 yrs old)

Next: MacBook white 2GHz, 1 GB RAM, 80GB HD

When: In a couple of weeks (during my visit to US)

Why: I need a very portable laptop that is able of running the amazing os that is called Mac osx. I am just impressed by its features, stability, etc. MacBook seems to be the ideal solution for me at the moment
Now, ... PB G4, PM G4, iMac G5, Mini Duo. + random PC's..

next, my Mac Pro, 2.66, ATI. MBP with Merom (ASAP)

Why, PB is long in the tooth, and I need a pro workstation @ home.
Now: Powerbook G4 Ti

Next: Macbook Black (when it is updated in the Fall - No Rush) and Macbook Pro 15" (also when it is updated in the Fall) for my lady.....
Now: Mac Mini CD 1.83Ghz, 12" PB 867

Next: Mac Pro stock, adding 1GB. 23" ACD

When: Next month

Why: Need a powerful machine to get serious with my design work
NOW: 12'' PB

NEXT: Portable again

WHEN: probably later next year

WHY: It's about time by then!
Now - G4 Quicksilver & G4 15" 1.5GHz PB

Next - Mac Mini

When - Next year

Why- It's about time I upgraded my desktop system and I no longer need a pro desktop machine.
Now- Mac Mini G4, 1.42 Ghz, 512MB RAM, 80GB HD

What- White MacBook, fastest processor available, Superdrive, 1 GB RAM, 100GB HD

When-whenever Leopard, CS3, and office 2007 are all out. so sometime in spring '06

Why-i need a laptop for high school and i can't afford a MacBook Pro.
Now: G5 PowerMac

Next: Macbook or Macbook Pro

When: Next revision, core 2 duo.

Why: To use with Audi Vag-Com.
Now: 15'4" MBP 1.83Ghz - Asus Pundit Barebone P4 1.7 (MMC) - AMD 64 3000+, 2GB ram, 6600 GT

Next: Mini Single Core, which I'll upgrade to a 2Ghz Core Duo.

When: When all the current Mini owners rush out to buy the new upgraded Mini versions. That's when I'll get a used one for near to nothing. :D (Enter diabolical supervillain laughter)

Why: Need a new Multimedia Center. My older Asus Pundit P4 1.7 Ghz is getting too slow.
Now: Mac mini G4 1.42GHz; three aging, slow and increasingly crippled Windows PCs

What: Mac Pro (mid-range, whatever that is when I get it; at *least* 4GB RAM for running two bloated-ass operating systems simultaneously with massive multitasking; 4 or more cores for the same reason; hopefully a faster-than-7200 RPM main HDD with Leopard and Vista installed; Parallels; remaining three drives made into a RAID set of the largest capacity drives available; 30" Cinema Display; Optimus keyboard if that's out by then)

When: mid-late 2007 at the earliest, possibly 2008, no later than 2009. The following have to happen first:
  • Leopard needs to have been out long enough to determine how well it will run on my underpowered Mini, and also, to shake out the bugs (as was required with Tiger -- 10.4.2 was the first really usable version), and make sure compatibility with all the main programs I use is there. If Leopard bogs things down too much, an imminent upgrade will be necessary; if it runs ok, I may stick it out awhile longer. I *am* quite fond of my Mini despite its underpoweredness :)
  • The same applies to Vista; at the very least, it needs to be relatively stable and be able to run my exisiting programs. Heh, we'll see, this might force me to stick it out longer as well.. the reason I'm waiting for Vista is I don't want to have to buy a copy of XP only to upgrade shortly thereafter.
  • Parallels should support real (not just virtual) hard drives, CD/DVD burning, 3D graphics, and of course, Vista
  • BluRay drives should be available for massive archiving
I'd also like to see the following before I upgrade, but none are really necessary:
  • Cinema Displays upgraded with iSight and IR receiver for Apple Remote
  • Seagate introduces drives with capacities greater than 750GB (1TB? more?)
  • Apple offers 10,000 RPM drives as a BTO option for the Mac Pro as they did with the XServe

Why: I've always had low-end computers, even at work -- except for the XServe, which, when I use the desktop interface, feels unbelievably fast compared to everything else I've used (too bad it's dedicated to server stuff and I'm stuck with an old G4 as a workstation). I am a heavy duty multitasker and becoming moreso all the time, and though distributing my activities across four low-end pooters has worked ok so far, these old single-core, limited-RAM, PIII-and-G4-era consumer machines with crappy and unmodifiable graphics are just not going to cut it in the future, particularly with 2007's new operating systems. The Mini already feels bogged down, though still usable. I have no interest in mobile computing, and I want a choice of displays, and big ones; a choice of running both OS's at the same time because I use apps made for both; and the freedom to multitask to an extreme degree, made possible by multiple cores and vast quantities of RAM. A Mac Pro is the obvious, elegant answer. Also I want to keep all of my DVDs on a central server from which they can be viewed or streamed and I like the idea of them all being in a single massive contatenated RAID inside the tower.. and, I want this machine to last a loooong time.
Now: iMac G5, 1.9GHz, 17" iSight, 1.5GB RAM, 250GB HDD
Next: 20" Intel iMac
When: About two years
Why: To have everything running smoothly, I look to up grade about every three years or so.

Now: Old PC one, really old and never used
Next: Cheapest MacBook with 2GB RAM
When: About a month or two when I get to university
Why: I need a new laptop, and I want an Apple one. I'll also need an Intel based Mac so I can use Bootcamp for my Computer Science classes (Access and other office programs that are Windows only)
Now: 1.25 GHz Mac Mini, 512 MB RAM, Superdrive and a IBM laptop

Next: Either a MacBook or MacBook Pro with Merom or the next new processor

When: After the first revision after Leopard

Why: Because I hate being stuck at my desk and my mini is too slow, and a Windows laptop that has an "amazing" battery life of 47 minutes just doesn't cut it.
what i have now: powerbook 1.5, 15". love this to bits it will not be leaving my side any time soon.

what next: probably a macbook pro. a 15 inch model.

when: not for at least 2 years.

Why: its the next step in my digital journey.

What I have: 17" iMac G4 1Ghz/1.25GB RAM/80gb internal, 500GB in external HDs

What next: 20" iMac with Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM

When: I'd like to have enough paitence to wait until Leopard is released but I may pull the trigger after MWSF. That way I can at least get iLife 07 included. I got my iMac in the fall of 2003. Since then I've purchased iLife 04/05/06 and Panther and Tiger.

Why: I use iLife to the fullest, and now I'm making short films as a hobby. Made a 30 minute comedy last year that I did the rough cut in iMovie and then transfered to FCE. Using Soundtrack Pro for cleaning up audio and for creating the score. I hope to do at least one short a year, maybe two. I also make home movies of the the kids and slide shows for school, etc. Basically my iMac still handles most things I do but it is slowing down noticably now. Encoding one hour DVDs on the 1Ghz G4 is getting painful. iPhoto is slowing down and rendering effects in iMovie also.
Now Powerbook 12inch 1.33Ghz, 768MB RAM

Next MacPro 2.66Ghz, 2GB RAM, 1TB storage, ATI Radeon X1900 XT, BT and Wi-Fi

When Next month hopefully

Why Bought my Powerbook in '04 needing something that was powerful enough to run FCP on, and that had good mobility. Now need something more powerful as editing full-time and need a workstation at home. Will definately keep the Powerbook though, simply because its a thing of beauty and has served me so well up till now. Have edited 28 episodes of a TV series I produce in the UK on this baby (ShortCutters incase anyone is interested)! Plus I think the other half loves it more than she does me, so she'd probably kill me if I got rid!!
I have no plans for getting a new computer at the moment. I've just started using my 2.16Ghz 15" MacBook Pro, and I love it. Use it for gaming, image editing, watching movies, you know, what a good computer is usually used for.

I don't really know why I'd get another one besides if this one got outdated and became obsolete, which won't happen for awhile... hell, I still use my Apple IIe occasionally XD
What I have: 15" Powerbook G4 1.67 Ghz

What's next: iMac

Why: convinced my mother that since my brother needs a new computer and his dell is dying, we should get a nice new mac for the house that will run windows too if he needs it for his games. I told her that sinces hes still young (12) its not too late to save him from windows (for anything but games)

When: As soon as the next revision comes.

After that: MacBook Pro

When: After I graduate college and start law school (roughly 3 years) or when my PB dies.

Why: Law schools usually require PCs for the programs they supply, and a MBP will be a perfect companion throughout those 3 years with dualbooting or parallels. Cant beat the power and portability.
brianus said:
Now: Mac mini G4 1.42GHz; three aging, slow and increasingly crippled Windows PCs

What: Mac Pro (mid-range, whatever that is when I get it; at *least* 4GB RAM for running two bloated-ass operating systems simultaneously with massive multitasking; 4 or more cores for the same reason; hopefully a faster-than-7200 RPM main HDD with Leopard and Vista installed; Parallels; remaining three drives made into a RAID set of the largest capacity drives available; 30" Cinema Display; Optimus keyboard if that's out by then)

When: mid-late 2007 at the earliest, possibly 2008, no later than 2009. The following have to happen first:
  • Leopard needs to have been out long enough to determine how well it will run on my underpowered Mini, and also, to shake out the bugs (as was required with Tiger -- 10.4.2 was the first really usable version), and make sure compatibility with all the main programs I use is there. If Leopard bogs things down too much, an imminent upgrade will be necessary; if it runs ok, I may stick it out awhile longer. I *am* quite fond of my Mini despite its underpoweredness :)
  • The same applies to Vista; at the very least, it needs to be relatively stable and be able to run my exisiting programs. Heh, we'll see, this might force me to stick it out longer as well.. the reason I'm waiting for Vista is I don't want to have to buy a copy of XP only to upgrade shortly thereafter.
  • Parallels should support real (not just virtual) hard drives, CD/DVD burning, 3D graphics, and of course, Vista
  • BluRay drives should be available for massive archiving
I'd also like to see the following before I upgrade, but none are really necessary:
  • Cinema Displays upgraded with iSight and IR receiver for Apple Remote
  • Seagate introduces drives with capacities greater than 750GB (1TB? more?)
  • Apple offers 10,000 RPM drives as a BTO option for the Mac Pro as they did with the XServe

Why: I've always had low-end computers, even at work -- except for the XServe, which, when I use the desktop interface, feels unbelievably fast compared to everything else I've used (too bad it's dedicated to server stuff and I'm stuck with an old G4 as a workstation). I am a heavy duty multitasker and becoming moreso all the time, and though distributing my activities across four low-end pooters has worked ok so far, these old single-core, limited-RAM, PIII-and-G4-era consumer machines with crappy and unmodifiable graphics are just not going to cut it in the future, particularly with 2007's new operating systems. The Mini already feels bogged down, though still usable. I have no interest in mobile computing, and I want a choice of displays, and big ones; a choice of running both OS's at the same time because I use apps made for both; and the freedom to multitask to an extreme degree, made possible by multiple cores and vast quantities of RAM. A Mac Pro is the obvious, elegant answer. Also I want to keep all of my DVDs on a central server from which they can be viewed or streamed and I like the idea of them all being in a single massive contatenated RAID inside the tower.. and, I want this machine to last a loooong time.

That is a true power-user right there. I can't wait till you get your new setup. It sounds amazing.
What I have: eMac, Sawtooth

What I'll get:G5 iMac or PM G5

When: when theyre dirt cheap (6 months?)

Why: I like the AIO design and the G5 tower looks pretty cool
No new Mac for a while. I've had my 15" MacBook Pro for only 10 days. It's awesome...I love it.
Now: DEAD iBook G4

Next: Merom Macbook

When: When apple decided to bring them out

Why: I've got a fikken DEAD iBook on my hands!

Aargh, cant apple just release a new macbook today! I need my macbook!
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