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macrumors regular
Mar 16, 2011
I just noticed that iCal is now stupid. If I click calendars and chose one, it won't use it when I create a new event. Even if I chose it and then click again to make sure, it will be marked, but it still won't use it. The only way I can find to change the calendar is to edit the event. Whoever made this change to iCal is a moron!

iCal now always uses the default calendar, which can be specified in the preferences.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 15, 2009
When are they going to make safari so I can search google within the URL bar, like chrome and firefox. I absolutely hate having a second input field, which is unnecessary, and doesn't automatically clear itself after I search for something.

AT LEAST make it do both, so people who like the second input bar can keep using it, but I hate trying to search for 'lenovo t420' and have it go to http://www.lenovo t420 .com and give me a failed to connect error.

3rd-party workaround:

Apple really has to get on this. It's a glaring omission for any modern browser.


What typo of HDD are you running the os on?

Hard drive speeds don't really have much to do with the smoothness of graphical transitions. Just saying.

A more relevant question might be whether he's using discrete or integrated graphics. If his MacBook supports both, it'll default to integrated graphics if the power cord isn't plugged in to save battery, at the cost graphics performance.


Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_5 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8L1 Safari/6533.18.5)

Takuro said:
When are they going to make safari so I can search google within the URL bar, like chrome and firefox. I absolutely hate having a second input field, which is unnecessary, and doesn't automatically clear itself after I search for something.

AT LEAST make it do both, so people who like the second input bar can keep using it, but I hate trying to search for 'lenovo t420' and have it go to http://www.lenovo t420 .com and give me a failed to connect error.

3rd-party workaround:

Apple really has to get on this. It's a glaring omission for any modern browser.
I don't mind the second input box for search, but it would be nice if it would auto clear after returning a search.
Last edited:


macrumors 68040
Feb 10, 2008
United States
I just discovered this in Preview. If you press the tilde button while in Preview, a magnifying pane appears and you can move it around.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 17, 2007
Not sure if anyone mentioned this but if you go to /System/Library/CoreServices and scroll down to the bottom.. there's an app called "Wi-Fi"

It's quite helpful :D


macrumors 6502
Jul 21, 2010

is it possible yet to sort a Finder search result window by size (or comments, or label), yet? Or is this absurd omission STILL going on?



macrumors 65816
Apr 10, 2008
Auckland, New Zealand
Not sure if anyone mentioned this but if you go to /System/Library/CoreServices and scroll down to the bottom.. there's an app called "Wi-Fi"

It's quite helpful :D

Does this replace or co-exist with Network Diagnostics? I always found it bizarre that they buried such a useful app so deep - I tend to put it in the Dock for other people's machines I want to be able to remotely troubleshoot.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 17, 2007
Does this replace or co-exist with Network Diagnostics? I always found it bizarre that they buried such a useful app so deep - I tend to put it in the Dock for other people's machines I want to be able to remotely troubleshoot.
Well with the Wi-Fi - you can capture raw packets/analyze them with like wireshark or something.


macrumors newbie
Nov 5, 2010
Guys, sorry for the offtopic, but if you personally have noticed some bugs, please don`t just leave them here, but write them down issue by issue in this thread, we`re gathering a list of bugs.

Thank for your appreciation and have good time playing with lion)


macrumors 6502
Apr 17, 2011
I just discovered this in Preview. If you press the tilde button while in Preview, a magnifying pane appears and you can move it around.

Plus, you can use the "-" or "+" buttons to zoom the glass in and out. or pinch to zoom it in or out. pretty cool


macrumors 68000
Aug 25, 2010
I'm back to Snow Leopard on both my desktop and portable Macs. I've occasionally been using Lion for various tasks on my Race To The Bottom machine, a mini with Lion and Windows 8.

I've got most of the really nasty, fixable things fixed via various apps and Terminal changes found on the Web. Lion is usable if I had to but still ugly compared to SL.

Since I've switched over to Office 2011 for Mac I don't have to worry about Pages/Numbers/Mail/iCal/Address Book any more. That made a huge difference. Mail is OK but the rest of the above mentioned Lion versions just plain reek of poor design and hideous looks.

I'm still hopping that Lion gets better and Apple shows some interest in supporting desktop computing. By Christmas we should know whether Lion is going to be as nice to use as SL and whether Microsoft has the brains to make Windows 8 a great desktop system, and a great tablet/laptop system. Somebody is going to win my business. I just hope it's by being much better than by being less worse.


macrumors 65816
Apr 10, 2008
Auckland, New Zealand
I'm back to Snow Leopard on both my desktop and portable Macs. I've occasionally been using Lion for various tasks on my Race To The Bottom machine, a mini with Lion and Windows 8.

I've got most of the really nasty, fixable things fixed via various apps and Terminal changes found on the Web. Lion is usable if I had to but still ugly compared to SL.

Since I've switched over to Office 2011 for Mac I don't have to worry about Pages/Numbers/Mail/iCal/Address Book any more. That made a huge difference. Mail is OK but the rest of the above mentioned Lion versions just plain reek of poor design and hideous looks.

I'm still hopping that Lion gets better and Apple shows some interest in supporting desktop computing. By Christmas we should know whether Lion is going to be as nice to use as SL and whether Microsoft has the brains to make Windows 8 a great desktop system, and a great tablet/laptop system. Somebody is going to win my business. I just hope it's by being much better than by being less worse.

Add in the pending iPhone announcement to that mix and you have a serious party on your hands as to which way to fall - I'm right there with ya.


macrumors 6502
Nov 5, 2010
Sea of Tranquility
One thing I totally hate

The Quick Look in Lion just decreased my productivity by 10 times. In SL, when viewing a pdf in Quick Look in full screen, it used to fit to width, i.e., the document used to fill the entire screen.

They axed this in Lion, and now half of my screen is black when Quick Look goes full screen.:mad: The only way by which I can read the document is when I open it in Preview.


macrumors member
Jul 18, 2008
Face it, Lion is lying!

I am beyond tired of the apologists for this half-baked attempt. It is too raw for release. Apple needs to bite the bullet, stop the excuses and fix or pull it. There is not a single computing aspect that escapes a negative impact by Lion. Nothing works as well as it used to. Safari is a train wreck, Mail is flaky, My system has crashed more since Lion than in all the 25 years I've used Apple computers combined. Decisions like dumping iWeb are symptomatic of a loss of focus and continuity unparalleled in Apple history.
A sign of a solid company is willingness to admit errors. step back and fix them then proceed. No one is going anywhere. Just fix the dam thing!


macrumors 6502a
Mar 31, 2004
Los Angeles
Is Lion stable enough?

I have not upgraded yet because I wanted to give Lion time to fix out the bugs. At this point we hit 10.7.2 so is it safe to assume all the annoying bugs got fixed? I tend to upgrade once we hit ##.#.2 updates.



macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
am just hating how much apple controls how we use our macs.
seems to get worse all the time.

WHY did launchpad icons get huge? why isn't there a resize option?

why can't i add files to the sidebar? i could previous to 10.7.2

why can't we have some GUI options? i.e. login screen image, etc
(i've done these things anyway, i.e. a black menubar;
thankfully we have great freeware and shareware peeps out there).

apple wants us all to live in apple's world, and it's sad...


macrumors 6502
Apr 17, 2011
I have not upgraded yet because I wanted to give Lion time to fix out the bugs. At this point we hit 10.7.2 so is it safe to assume all the annoying bugs got fixed? I tend to upgrade once we hit ##.#.2 updates.


Yea, it's good. The only issue I found is that boot up and shut down times are a little slower than in SL (I have a 2010 MBP) but not by an outrageous margin. Besides that, nothing else is wrong or glitchy. My battery life is the same, if not better, Lion is smooth with no bugs (that I notice) and everything's been going smoothly.

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