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Quite Pleased

I am quite pleased with the 10.7 -> 10.7.2 update. Smoother performance in my experience. Have not had any problems. I upgraded from 10.6.8 (no issues) to 10.7 (some issues) to 10.7.2 (no issues so far).

Although Lion feels currently to have a little bit of an identity crisis with what appears to be an apparent shift towards iOS interface fusion, I am hoping that future upgrades to OS X will also continue to cater to users that prefer traditional structures of the current file systems, finder improvements and interface customization to promote the availability of user-choices.

Personally I dont care much for gestures on desktops but can see how useful they could be without a mouse on laptops. Seems to me that having to remember more and more gestures (up, two, three, swipe-left, one-down etc) detracts from a simplified user experience agenda especially when these gestures are not universal across applications. Perhaps we may see more keyboard +trackpad swiping combinations to compound any confusions within a growing feature set of the OS and Applications too?!
Gestures are the best thing about a Mac...

Personally I dont care much for gestures on desktops but can see how useful they could be without a mouse on laptops. Seems to me that having to remember more and more gestures (up, two, three, swipe-left, one-down etc) detracts from a simplified user experience agenda especially when these gestures are not universal across applications. Perhaps we may see more keyboard +trackpad swiping combinations to compound any confusions within a growing feature set of the OS and Applications too?!

I'm quite new to the Mac and i LOVE using the gestures on my MBP trackpad. One of the best things about owning a Mac.

I was using my dad's Windows 7 laptop today and i was ilke 'why aren't these gestures working?' then i realised! :D
I'm not sure if anyone has already mentioned this but the Quick Look background is now white (duh) but also blurs the background. Out of personal curiosity, how does Apple do this? They also use the same technique with stacks too.
(can't imbed image or it'll be a dick move)
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The little things we do

Some users may like them, some users may hate them, personally mine is 'neutral', but still acceptable.

On the new MBP (the new ones bunked with Lion) Apple updated the keyboard, and replaced F4 Key with Lauchpad, instead of Dashboard (as previously Macs)

FN + F12 solved this, although the key only donated volume, so its confusing.

Unrelated, in OS X when you use full screen apps (e.g. Safari, Mail), Mission Cron shows these apps on the far right, instead of showing then full screen in their own space.

When in full screen and and app need your attention, rather than displaying the full dock and showing the user where the "bounce" is coming from. You see a bounce in mid air from an "unknown" place. lol. neat.

Lastly, at first i thought this was a issue with Apple products but i tried Firefox, but switching from full screen back to Window, looses default Window size.

Not really that a big deal, as it probably looks better that way on a widescreen.

If only Firefox can do the same "sliding" motion Safari browser does.
Not sure if anyone has noticed/posted this, but hey ho. If you hold down shift when opening/minimizing, or anything that involves a dock animation. It will slow down.

Worked on SL and on Lion
Not sure if anyone has noticed/posted this, but hey ho. If you hold down shift when opening/minimizing, or anything that involves a dock animation. It will slow down.

Worked on SL and on Lion

it's been there for a while now... but the new thing that noticed just now, is when you're in Launchpad and you press the 'option' key, the icons will start to wiggle, and they'll stop when you stop pressing 'option'... so if you need to quickly delete an app, just press option and delete it, no more the need to click and hold on an icon! nice add...

You can Lock a document to prevent changes "read only" basically. but then that also prevents it from being manually saved by the user, which is what i want control over.

Basically, having Autosave seems good in an OS, who forgets to save, but for someone like me. I want control... (its fine for those "odd" times, but then those "odd" time I don't save, I do it deliberately.

In short: i know exactly what i am doing or not doing.

I only wish this was an option in Lion, not a feature. Much like gestures.. you have the ability to turn them off.....

The only thing that coms close to this is the "Lock after... " option in System Preferences, but unfortunately, only for Time Machine backups.
You can Lock a document to prevent changes "read only" basically. but then that also prevents it from being manually saved by the user, which is what i want control over.

you can use this to prevent autosave, but it seemed to much hassle when I was trying it out

Open your document and unlock if necessary
Go into Finder, Get Info on file and lock it (this needs to be done after doc is open otherwise system removes this lock)
you can now edit document without it autosaving (I got 1 prompt saying it couldn't autosave)
when you go to save it gives a warning that its locked, the button says save anyway and will save it

bit of a hassle, but if you have a large doc that you don't want to autosave, this should prevent it
Had a search for this before posting:

If you have an app with windows in multiple spaces, clicking on that app's dock icon cycles through the spaces with those windows.
bowl of tricks

Gotta like these hidden keyboard shortcuts that display alternative menu items, when keys are held down.

- Finder menu bar >> Go menu (Hold down Control to toggle "Enclosing folder".... to "Enclosing folder in this Window" and associated shortcut

- Finder menu >> Go menu (Hold down Option instead to add Library folder access).
Option in Finder Edit menu to change "Select all" to "deselect all"
- Option in Finder Apple menu to change "About This Mac" to "System Information" and change shortcut off logging off.
.2 much better/Is there a list of arcane commands?

10.7-10.7.2 is a game changer. Went from going back to .6 to lovin' it. Very futuristic OS if you know some of its secret inner workings.
Is someone compiling a list of keystrokes, swipes and other subtle command types that lie beneath the surface? Would be great asset for acceptance and a huge motivator for more of the same.
Wow, I am loving it!
Not knowing if they are only here since lion. but 'tricks' I found when exploring to alter my user experience since working with lion. In Snow Leopard I had my routine of doing things really fast with expose,... and in the beginning I worked much slower on lion. Now i Love it.

- Hold Option key when you click on an app in the dock, you'll see only that app opening. even if you have other windows already open.

- when you put System preferences in your dock and 'right-click' on it you can choose the desired prefpane straight away.

- spotlight search system preferences prefpanes.

- cmd + left or right arrow helps you get to the opposite side of a text field...

also i recommend using JITouch ( a BetterTouchTool alternative).
10.7 All the little things

An impressive list of features......Lets hope 10.7 soon gets to grips with dealing with the non compatibility issues of iMovie11 and 1080/60p editing.
Too bad most already are in previous OS X versions and some do not even work. This is more like a "neat little things in OS X" thread than one specific for Lion.
Too bad most already are in previous OS X versions and some do not even work. This is more like a "neat little things in OS X" thread than one specific for Lion.

Have the iTunes pop-up notifications been mentioned already?

One little thing in Lion that bugs me is that launchpad folders are not synced with finder folders. If I organize my apps into folders in launchpad, nothing changes in finder and I have to do it again if I want the same order.
I'm quite new to the Mac and i LOVE using the gestures on my MBP trackpad. One of the best things about owning a Mac.

I was using my dad's Windows 7 laptop today and i was ilke 'why aren't these gestures working?' then i realised! :D

I'm also new to the Mac and I fell in love with the gestures.. better than mouses in some aspects.
Have the iTunes pop-up notifications been mentioned already?
No because this is a OS X Lion thread, not an iTunes thread.

One little thing in Lion that bugs me is that launchpad folders are not synced with finder folders. If I organize my apps into folders in launchpad, nothing changes in finder and I have to do it again if I want the same order.
Launchpad is completely different from Finder thus changes in Launchpad will not be reflected in Finder and vice versa. If you want to organise apps then only do so in Launchpad. If you organise the apps in Finder you can get quirky stuff when using the Mac App Store. Apparently Apple intended sorting apps to be a Launchpad only thing.
No because this is a OS X Lion thread, not an iTunes thread.

OS X Lion provides the notification functionality for iTunes to use.

Launchpad is completely different from Finder thus changes in Launchpad will not be reflected in Finder and vice versa.
That's overstating it, since adding or deleting an app in either Launchpad or Finder is reflected in both views. With other launchers or even the Windows start menu, this is not necessarily the case.
Just been browsing OS X Daily and I came across this cool gesture that's kind of "hidden" in Lion.

It allows you to instantly jump to the most recently used space with a four finger tap (it's a four finger double tap on my machine but whatever...)

Open terminal and insert:

defaults write double-tap-jump-back -bool TRUE;killall Dock

and hit enter and you're done!

To disable it, insert this into the terminal and hit enter:

defaults delete double-tap-jump-back;killall Dock

Enjoy :)

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