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In terms of what is lacking in hfs+, I am not going to give you a list of say the advances of zfs over hfs+

1. You have still not mentioned a single feature.

2. Solaris is a completely different operating system performing a completely different function and has very different requirements with regards to filesystems. Why not put a truck engine in your sedan? It's more powerful right??

3. For any features in point (1) which you believe Apple should borrow from ZFS, what prevents these from being added into the existing HFS+ codebase?

Surely it would make sense to add these features into a thoroughly tested and robust code base rather than wastefully rewriting thousands/millions of lines of existing code to then need to begin the very long process of testing and bugfixing? This costs a huge amount in terms of time and money.

Please let me know your thoughts on (1) and (3) as I honestly don't know enough about the specifics of ZFS. Enlighten me.
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How come flashback exposed 500,000 users data, stole 500,000 users data

Firstly, Apple do not write the code for Java. Oracle do. It was Oracles bug that led to this issue. Apple's problem was not reacting to the problem quickly enough.

Nothing I have ever read about Flashback leads me to believe that user data was compromised/transmitted from the host computer. The purpose of Flashback was for the creation of a botnet.

This is my larger argument...

And you're not going to let trivial details like facts get in your way... are you?
I hate to get into this debate of file systems but would the Disk Utility "Repair Disk Permissions" be possibly resolved with a file system replacement? I googled limitations of HFS Plus and looked at ZFS but I don't think that problem could be resolved with a file system replacement. It isn't a file corruption issue, or is it?

My view on a new file system is somewhere in the middle. I remember the growing pains of NTFS from FAT32. I still use both to this day.
I hate to get into this debate of file systems but would the Disk Utility "Repair Disk Permissions" be possibly resolved with a file system replacement? I googled limitations of HFS Plus and looked at ZFS but I don't think that problem could be resolved with a file system replacement. It isn't a file corruption issue, or is it?

My view on a new file system is somewhere in the middle. I remember the growing pains of NTFS from FAT32. I still use both to this day.

I don't think I've run "repair permissions" since OS X 10.5, maybe 10.4. I'm sure things can still get mucked up, but it doesn't seem like something user's generally have to worry about anymore.
Did they fix the (at least to me) annoying thing that when you have tons of windows open, and you open .dmg or .zip and others that the window doesn't pop up above everything else? I also hope that they fix the bug that launch pad occasionally gets un organized?
I like this SICKb0y guy.

About time we get more upper crust conversation on here. I was beginning to think the forum was being overtaken by "Ohhhh teh widgets and toggles!" crowd.

I think HFS+ will be replaced but it's not as dire as even I had once thought. What they've done with HFS is amazing.
I like this SICKb0y guy.

About time we get more upper crust conversation on here. I was beginning to think the forum was being overtaken by "Ohhhh teh widgets and toggles!" crowd.

I think HFS+ will be replaced but it's not as dire as even I had once thought. What they've done with HFS is amazing.

I'm his newest fan simply for the fact that he can deal with blow45. Reading his drivel makes me lose faith in humanity, with the constant whining, baseless complaints, and the attitude that his is the only opinion/use-case/voice that matters. So, SICKB0Y, keep on putting him in his place and try not to lose your mind.
I'm his newest fan simply for the fact that he can deal with blow45. Reading his drivel makes me lose faith in humanity, with the constant whining, baseless complaints, and the attitude that his is the only opinion/use-case/voice that matters. So, SICKB0Y, keep on putting him in his place and try not to lose your mind.

My opinions make you lose faith in humanity and not that this new millennium has deified a computer (well...) company and their consumer devices to the point of making criticism of them akin to religious blasphemy? Interesting, man...
My opinions make you lose faith in humanity and not that this new millennium has deified a computer (well...) company and their consumer devices to the point of making criticism of them akin to religious blasphemy? Interesting, man...

Your attitude that YOU are the sole proprietor of value and use for a system with millions of users, the majority of who are happily computing away, that YOU alone know what a multi-billion dollar company should do, YOUR opinion and needs are better than anyone else, and your overall viewpoint that something that works great for a vast majority of its users is somehow irreparably broken simply because YOU disagree with decisions, those would all be reasons I doubt humanity. You're sadly indicative of a philosophy by many that the world revolves around them and they're issues are more important than someone else's.
I can't believe I'm the only one with this problem...

I've backed up my Snow Leo and tried 4 times now to install the GM, and it installs perfectly on my iMac 24....except there is nothing coming thru wifi.

The router connects fine and goes green, I've renewed leases, changed dns, creating new locations...the lot.

4 times the same result..

All my other devices are working fine..

Although my iPhone would not work on iOS6 either...

Have apple changed something with the router access in these 2 new releases??
So, SICKB0Y, keep on putting him in his place and try not to lose your mind.

It's not easy and I can only do it in small doses for the sake of my mental health. :D

I'm also unconvinced that it will achieve anything... there is a serious lack of maturity at the other end of that keyboard.

Exhibit A:

He gets into an argument with his girlfriend and afterwards throws his iPad "with a vengeance" onto a hardwood floor, causing significant damage.

During the course of the thread it is pretty clear that he blames his violent and impulsive actions on his girlfriend and has still not accepted responsibility for what he has done.

After another user makes a joke about her (his girlfriend) catching him watching porn on it, he then proceeds to call the other users "kids" and explain in a belittling manner what it is like to be in a relationship.

I'm not sure I can make a dent in that kind of person....


My opinions make you lose faith in humanity and not that this new millennium has deified a computer (well...) company and their consumer devices to the point of making criticism of them akin to religious blasphemy? Interesting, man...

I disagreed with ONE point you made about OS X requiring a new filesystem. I tried to produce a logical and reasonable response as to why I believed this was unnecessary.

Your only response to this was start with the insults. So you know nothing about me, I have no history here because I'm new but I disagree with one statement you've made and you label me an "Apple zealot". I'm clearly not.

Everyone here is wrong and you're right? Just like with your girlfriend.. your failures are the fault of others right? The world is against you...
Actually I'm not going to continue in any discussion with him.

Does anyone know if there is a way I can ignore a user on this forum?

His disruptive behaviour is actually making it unenjoyable to use these forums.

Edit: I found the block list. Bliss!
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Yes, the horror. So in your face all these buttons. Just everywhere pretty much covering my screen.

Well, personally I don't like it that I have to go through useless (for me) "share on facebook", "post on twitter", "upload to icloud", etc. etc. just to find the simple "save" option on my iphone. I don't want that on my computer.

If someone want's these no problem, but it shouldn't be a big deal to tell an OS in 2012 "I don't have facebook, twitter or icloud, please leave me alone with that."
Way to cherry pick the Win 7 version to make your point. Also, if you buy W7 today, it will still be supported 2020. Will Apple support ML in 2015?

OK, so you're saying that it's worth it to pay a lot more so you can get support until 2020?

I don't think I'll be using Mountain Lion for more than 1 year, so why would I want to pay for support that I'm not gonna need anyway? :confused:

And about "cherry picking": As I said in the last post, even if you choose the cheapest option from Microsoft, it's still more expensive anyway. With OS X you get full feature, not a dumbed down OS… That's why I "picked" ultimate...


I don't know anyone who (a) buys Windows direct from Microsoft or (b) buys Windows Ultimate.

Another favorable point for Apple… You can buy directly from them, for a good price, super conveniently from the App Store and you get the full feature version. You don't need to hunt for deals, or buy a crippled version… ;)
OS X Mountain Lion GM Seed
Posted Date: Jul 9, 2012
Build: 12A269

Known Issues
⁃ Network Migration requires OS X 10.7.3 or later in this Developer Preview
⁃ International users may be unable to enter a Wi-Fi password while in Setup Assistant. Users can select Other Network Options and continue setting up their system without a Wi-Fi network
⁃ On systems with FileVault enabled, the login window may be displayed incorrectly
⁃ Rotating an external display may cause a panic on AMD Radeon-based machines
⁃ QuickTime screen recordings may produce corrupted videos or cause an exception when run on machines with NVDIA graphics
⁃ Installation of Final Cut Studio 3 may cause a hang unless Automatic Graphics Switching is disabled in Energy Saver Preferences

Facebook Developer Preview remains the same.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Apple will probably fix these known issues before launch. Any other issues, discovered after launch, will be fixed in the .1 update. :)
I did an upgrade and the only issue I was having was with mail. One or both of my accounts would have the ! next to them upon waking after sleep and only restarting the mail app would fix it till next time.

I have since did a fresh install on another HD and hopefully this problem is fixed.
What issues do you have with the current one?

File corruption without the OS having any way to detect or even manually check for it. I'd kill for ZFS or something with that same functionality and stability.

HFS has been around for a long time, but that "maturity" doesn't translate into stability.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Apple will probably fix these known issues before launch. Any other issues, discovered after launch, will be fixed in the .1 update. :)

It has already been pointed out that this list of "known issues" wasn't included with the GM candidate release. Nobody really knows where that list came from but likely a mistake on somebody's part.
This has become ridiculous with so many versions of OS X and I hear those who are wary or simply disgusted.

There was a sweet spot when Apple had everything the user needed (OS 8, 9, first few of OS X) but didn't fall into the territory of a bulky Windows Vista with just too much stuff and easily getting bottlenecked. I remember people telling me if Apple becomes really big, like a Microsoft, they will become them with too many products and a loss of direction. I didn't want to hear it then, but most people were right. As for computers and operating systems, we are just another company and maybe not even that.

That being said, we are still the elegant and easy to use solution for smartphones, pads, and related apps. I don't know if Apple Inc. really cares about their computing side and it's as if they dropped that from their forefront a long time ago. This kind of reminds me of HP or IBM (Lenovo).

Anyway, while it hurts for us Mac fans, this eWeek article (that states about Apple bolstering their lineup with computers instead of leading their lineup) sums it up pretty well in the last few years:

It's not an insult to Apple since their goal is and should be to expand their revenues and profit, and move forward. While some like it and others don't, Microsoft and Windows pretty much locked up that sector a long time ago and it's not worth it being on that front, and losing, when Apple could continue to do well on consumer electronics and lead there and be as synonymous with that gear as Microsoft is with the operating system.
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This has become ridiculous with so many versions of OS X. There was a sweet spot when it had everything the user needed but didn't fall into the territory of a Windows Vista with just too much stuff and getting bottlenecked. I remember people telling me if Apple becomes really big, like Microsoft, they will become them with too many products and a loss of direction. I didn't want to hear it then, but most people were right. As for computers and operating systems, we are just another company.

That being said, we are still the elegant and easy to use solution for smartphones, pads, and related apps. I don't know if Apple Inc. really cares about their computing side and it's as if they dropped that from their forefront a long time ago. This kind of reminds me of HP or IBM (Lenovo).

Anyway, while it hurts for us Mac fans, this eweek article sums it up pretty well in the last few years:

ewww eweek. What are YOU thinking?
Used to LOVE them back in the days when they delivered the paper version. They've just gone a bit downhill over the years. sniffle.

I looked them up...another ZD company. Being a techie, I have liked a lot of what they have been able to do explaining difficult concepts to the non-techie public. They do sometimes leave out details and like a Microsoft Press, I tend to avoid them for serious stuff.

Apple can't compete in business or enterprise but maybe it shouldn't try to overtake Windows if that's what some people think. Let the PC side battle it among themselves while Apple runs amok and continues to take over consumer electronics and enjoy (hardware wise) a higher profit margin.

I do wish Apple got into the overall OS field back in the day before Microsoft, and whether we were outmaneuvered by MS or not in a fair fight (?) is not the issue anymore. Heck, we have Samsung to worry about but at least on the user end, and with decreasing prices and increasing technology, we can buy products from both companies and be the real winners as the consumer. My next phone will be a smartphone and the great prices and numerous options are mind numbing.

I would like to see an increasing presence in the mid sized tablet field blurring the lines between smartphone and notebook computer tablet replacement (like our current iPads).
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