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So far mine is all good. There might be alittle whine. Its not there all the time. Its very faint. Everything else is great. Its super fast and smooth.
taco2004 said:
So far mine is all good. There might be alittle whine. Its not there all the time. Its very faint. Everything else is great. Its super fast and smooth.

Do you mind if I ask how the speakers sound? I've heard they are 'twice' as good as before but how do they sound to you? thanks a lot
Peyton said:
Do you mind if I ask how the speakers sound? I've heard they are 'twice' as good as before but how do they sound to you? thanks a lot

They sound really good to me. This is my first mac though. So i really have nothing to compare it too.
But I must say the speakers sound REALLY good...for laptop speakers! They are louder and seem to have more response than the ones in my PowerBook G4 1.5GHz.
DHagan4755 said:
I regret to report that after initializing my HD and copying my stuff over from the PowerBook that it has a very faint whine.

hm, less of a whine than the 15"ers? my powerbook had a quiet-fan noise when it would come on, but i don't think it's the same as a whine~
NewSc2 said:
hm, less of a whine than the 15"ers?
Yes. I am also now running it on the power adapter. I don't know if that is where the change occurs. :( It's there but it's not really that loud. I am not crushed by it though. I have other concerns if you know what I mean. I just thought I would let people know.
It's my fervent hope that the lack of additional talk regarding the 17" is indicative of the level of euphoria currently being experienced by its owners... in quantities so vast that they are incapable of even posting their ecstacy.
So far so good

I have the MBP 17" running since 1:00 p.m. I still haven't heard any whine yet. I have played some dvds and the speaker is louder than the powerbook 17. It still runs cool, and I have a Sony duo core notebook, and it is definitely much cooler. Since I don't have a MBP 15, I can't do a comparison, but the MBP 17 screen is definitely brighter than the powerbook 17. So far I am very happy with the purchase. I am sorry to hear other people having problems. I wish it eventually works out for them.
Can anyone out there tell me what you boot up times are from the power button to the login window?

I am clocking 25 seconds.

I think it was much quicker than that before I erased and reinstalled then use TDM to suck everything over from my PowerBook G4 1.5GHz. I wonder if it's got some Rosetta apps in there slowing it down some. I also have to add the additional 1GB stick of RAM. I was thinking just before I opted to TDM from the older computer whether or not I should just start from scratch to clean out the cobwebs.
fatsoforgotso said:
I'm starting to reconsider plowing copious amounts of cash into future Macs.

This is shocking.

I can't imagine how disheartening it is to fork out all that cash and get a bad one.

MovieCutter - Hope yours is a good'un. Keep us posted buddy.


Who said it was cash? : )
Mine's perfect as well.

put in an extra gig of RAM in and this thing is screaming. (in speed, not the whine)
I've been playing with Parallels as well, very impressive performance. I believe that Parallels running under OSX might actually be faster then VMWare running under XP. Both running XP as the client. I'm impressed.
I have to tell you the thing that I am most excited about at this moment is the trackpad features. The right click (by using 2 fingers) and the scrolling (by using 2 fingers) this is absolutely fantastic. I'm sure it's been around in one shape or another somewhere for quite a while, but it's new to me, and it is fantastic. Makes using a laptop, and a trackpad much less painful. I expect to see this type of thing on the PC very quickly, as they are usually only a few months behind Apply anymore.
The speakers are fantastic, they are fairly detailed, and don't rattle any of the laptop case. I have heard better, the HP 17 mamoth of a machine I think has better speakers, but it's the size of a stereo system, so it better sound like one.
All around a very good product, I thought it was cool that OSX wanted to take my picture when it first booted up. That's clever, and fun.
DHagan4755 said:
Can anyone out there tell me what you boot up times are from the power button to the login window?

I am clocking 25 seconds.

I think it was much quicker than that before I erased and reinstalled then use TDM to suck everything over from my PowerBook G4 1.5GHz. I wonder if it's got some Rosetta apps in there slowing it down some. I also have to add the additional 1GB stick of RAM. I was thinking just before I opted to TDM from the older computer whether or not I should just start from scratch to clean out the cobwebs.

From the second I press my power button til desktop and fully functional... approx. 15 seconds. No joke this thing is such a beast. But then again I didn't have another Mac to transfer a bunch of stuff from... I do have Warcraft III : The Frozen Throne and World of Warcraft installed on here though.

P.S. They both run BEAUTIFULLY with all graphics settings maxed. WoW!!!
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but seeing as I'm going to be recieving my very own 17" MBP in a couple of days;

What is the procedure y'all talk about with new computers?

How do you do a hardware test?

Is a clean install just a re-install of the OS using the erase and re-instal option?

Finally, are there any other things that are must or should do?

I've got one too!

Heya everyone,

I'm new here... my first post!

I picked up the 17" today, from Eaton Centre Apple Store!

My first impression was... meh. Why I said so? cuz I felt it became a part of me already. yes, it was that quick.

I'm not an avid apple OSX user, but I used it in school before, so I know my way around a bit.

I'm not fullly aware of the porblems the 15" has. but from my perspective, the 17" I have is pretty good! It ran HOT a little earlier today, I was charging it and such... though it doesn't burn. But it was hot. like.. HOT.

it whined a bit... maybe because the fact that it was hot due to the battery charging.

now Im running it without connecting it to a power source/outlet, and it runs much cooler, though I'm running it under batter saver mode. So thigns are a bit slower. I felt very little heat. and compltely silent too.

the 17" isn't that much bigger than the 15.4" when I looked at in store. So I was like.. I'm glad it isn't that big. Then after I opened it up, usin' it and such.. I took #2. I came back and was like.. WHOA. damn, my MBP is HUGE. it's gonna stick out.... bugt oh well.. gotta live with it. It might be a bad thing....

I ran pixel test, I don't think I see any dead pixies... which is a good thing.

anyway, I'll be posting pics later.

THANKS JARED FROM APPLE STORE EATON CENTRE, YOU ROCK! Thanks for holding out the 17" for me!

btw, my spec is as follow:
120 @ 5400
1GB of RAM (I plan on upgrading it to 2GB, as I'm a photoshop user)

I also plan on getting an external drive as my scratch disc, so my internal drive would have less chance of being ghe first drive to die. hell, I don't like it when the word drive and die is together in a sentence.

if you ahve any question, feel free to ask here. I don't usually reply to PMs. I've got another forum to mod. :p
Congratulations Wisconsin!

MovieCutter said:
Just got my 17" MBP. No whine for those who are curious. Doing a fresh OS install now. BEAUTIFUL machine!!! Seems lighter than the 17" PB. Will post conclusions as the day progresses. I'll try to get pics too.
Congrats MovieCutter. Wish I was you. Glad to her the speakers rock. :p

How's FCS 5.1 running?
RadicallyBitter said:
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but seeing as I'm going to be recieving my very own 17" MBP in a couple of days;

What is the procedure y'all talk about with new computers?

How do you do a hardware test?

Is a clean install just a re-install of the OS using the erase and re-instal option?

Finally, are there any other things that are must or should do?


I should be getting mine any day now too, and have similar questions.... What do you guys recommend? Should I do a clean install? should I calibrate my battery right off the bat? Is it worth installing bootcamp? Any other things I should think about doing?

Thanks for you insights....
iwamas said:
I should be getting mine any day now too, and have similar questions.... What do you guys recommend? Should I do a clean install? should I calibrate my battery right off the bat? Is it worth installing bootcamp? Any other things I should think about doing?

Thanks for you insights....

If you're not transferring any data over from a previous Mac, then I'd just boot the thing up and follow all the usual (and very nicely animated) 'Welcome' stuff which always appears when you first get a new machine! I would certainly power up the battery properly from the off too.

I'd possibly hold off on Boot Camp until you've had a good old chance to get to grips with OSX - no point worrying about the filthy charms of XP until you really need to...
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