Yes, V14.
If you did choose to reboot, and it didn't do as I describe, then something got messed up.
Yes, I did type Y then Enter at the reboot prompt.
bless --info /Volumes/your-target-volume
It should say /Volumes/your-target-volume/OS X Install Data (and a second entry for the boot file as the same-path/boot.efi
I didn't get /Volumes/your-target-volume/OS X Install Data (and a second entry for the boot file as the same-path/boot.efi. I got that the blessed system was the Yosemite install on the RAID I was trying to install over. I think that's my mistake? That I'm trying to install in place while booted from another volume? I'm starting to understand that Pikify was only made to install on a fresh blank volume? If so I apologize for wasting your time.
Here's my bless command in the terminal's output:
Mac-Pro:~ humann$ bless --info /Volumes/Merc480r
finderinfo[0]: 171753 => Blessed System Folder is /Volumes/Merc480r/System/Library/CoreServices
finderinfo[1]: 173894 => Blessed System File is /Volumes/Merc480r/System/Library/CoreServices/boot.efi
finderinfo[2]: 0 => Open-folder linked list empty
finderinfo[3]: 0 => No alternate OS blessed file/folder
finderinfo[4]: 0 => Unused field unset
finderinfo[5]: 171753 => OS X blessed folder is /Volumes/Merc480r/System/Library/CoreServices
64-bit VSDB volume id: 0xFFEDBC9ACB3E8087
Mac-Pro:~ humann$
If you want to try again, and you can locate the /OS X Install Data folder, delete that folder, then try again.
Watch the video.
Make sure you type y when asked if you want to reboot.
Might I suggest that you go into the Disk Utility and add a partition to your Yosemite volume. If you've got the free space make that partition big enough to take a clone of the original.
Yes, I'm trying to drag all the files off the Yosemite RAID boot volume now. Then I'll delete the original files and have enough room to make a clean partition to try again.
If you have a spare HDD, use that as your target.
I don't have room for a spare drive without going USB and I want to avoid that.
I have a question for you... you say you have the disks in RAID. I haven't tested against RAID 0. I would like to know if you have used a hardware raid controller, or Apple's software RAID?
Both of the RAIDs in this machine are Apple software RAID 0s. I know I need to add a third WD Black 4G and convert to a RAID 5 because how I have it now is just plain stupid with everything on a RAID 0. Side issue I just went through another crazy RAM dance on this box and got seriously worried that it was dying. It was working fine with 2 4G sticks and 6 1G sticks but I read here that stuff smaller than 2G was causing these machines not to boot with the modified EFI. So pulled the 1Gs and couldn't get it to boot for at least a dozen swap/resets. I have another octocore here that gave up the ghost during an extended (several weeks) RAM and flashed video card dance that was extremely frustrating for its inconsistent results. As soon as I thought I had everything running smoothly it would crash and fail reboot.
I'm super honored you took the time with my issue and I can't thank you enough. I was going to wait to reply until after I'd followed all your advice but I'm still in the process and it's been a while with all the file transfers. Once I have answers about if it works on a clean partition of the SSD Raid I'll come back and edit this post.
Thanks again!
Edit 1: had a crazy time reformatting the SSD RAID as Disk Utility wouldn't erase it or delete the slices or anything. After multiple attempts it simply said the disk was damaged and I needed to reformat it but it wouldn't allow me to reformat and failed every time. So I downloaded SoftRAID which is a 3rd-party software raid app and it made me a new RAID but it failed to mount. Finally I was able to reformat the SOftRAID partitions into a new Apple RAID. Very Odd.
So I went through Pikify steps from the video but it again failed to reboot. All the red lights came on my RAM riser boards (they weren't on before hitting Y to reboot) and finally it booted back into Yosemite, which is installed on my single drive. I'm going to try to manually bless the install drive now and reboot one more time. Maybe next I give up on the RAID and just use the SSDs separate. I was actually happy with Yosemite but there's a tool for merging Photos libraries that only works on El Capitan.