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Damn :(

But does that mean that El Capitan won't run at all on a 5770 or will it run fine unless you wanna do stuff that requires Metal?
I suppose it will run just fine, but without some (or all) of the goodies brought in by Metal (unless someone comes up with a driver for the ATI 5770). I know for certain that El Capitan works as a virtual machine (without acceleration, et cetera).
What the prize was? ;) :p :D

Installed on a 5,1 first, I was too lazy to build an installer.
Removing boot.efi requires adding rootless=0 to
Or just remove it under another OS.

So, I've been able to keep up with the Yosemite updates and even test the beta builds for Yosemite on my Mac Pro 2,1 but when I try to download/install El Capitan, it blocks me with the "cannot be installed on this computer message."

So, I've been able to keep up with the Yosemite updates and even test the beta builds for Yosemite on my Mac Pro 2,1 but when I try to download/install El Capitan, it blocks me with the "cannot be installed on this computer message."

The AppStore checks the model of your computer. It won't let you install the OS on an unsupported machine, but there's nothing new there. It has behaved exactly the same ever since Mountain Lion's days. If you are asking how to get hold of a copy of the El Capitan developer beta preview, you might want to check P2P sites, although that is not something that can be recommended.
Bonjour à tous
Je viens à vous pour apprendre à instaler capitan sur le Mac Pro 2.1. Doit il faire de vous non USB de la same Façon Que Yosemite et simplement changer le Système d'exploitation Que vous Remercié à l'avance et félicitations à vous.
Bonjour à tous
Je viens à vous pour apprendre à instaler capitan sur le Mac Pro 2.1. Doit il faire de vous non USB de la same Façon Que Yosemite et simplement changer le Système d'exploitation Que vous Remercié à l'avance et félicitations à vous.

ça ressemble à du mauvais Google translate ton truc tu devrais peut-être essayer dans l'autre sens ça nous donnerait une idée un peu moins approximative en anglais!

....As I'm not sure this is gonna be much helpful for everyone else, I'm going to send you a pm, in french.
So if I'm reading this right, a 1,1 running currently Yosemite with YoseFix should be able to upgrade directly from the App Store when it's released?

nope, this won't work for various reasons. first, the App Store will not download El Capitan to a MacPro2,1. second, everything residing in the system locations will be moved out during the upgrade procedure (see attached screenshot) and one of the two copies of the boot.efi file resides in /usr/standalone/i386/ and the other in /System/Library/CoreServices

Screen Shot 2015-06-12 at 13.30.07.png
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nope, this won't work for various reasons. first, the App Store will not download El Capitan to a MacPro2,1. second, everything residing in the system locations will be moved out during the upgrade procedure (see attached screenshot) and one of the two copies of the boot.efi file resides in /usr/standalone/i386/ and the other in /System/Library/CoreServices

View attachment 560800

Thanks. A new phase of USB installation it is then ;)
I suppose it will run just fine, but without some (or all) of the goodies brought in by Metal (unless someone comes up with a driver for the ATI 5770). I know for certain that El Capitan works as a virtual machine (without acceleration, et cetera).

As a test I installed 10.11 on my Mac Pro 5,1 (running with its factory 5770) today, and I can confirm that Metal is indeed NOT supported with the 5770. I ran the Metal test app (from netkas iirc). OTOH 10.11 seemed to work just fine - which means we should be able to upgrade our 1,1s (and 2,1s), but Metal (for now?) is a no-go.
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What the prize was? ;) :p :D

Installed on a 5,1 first, I was too lazy to build an installer.
Removing boot.efi requires adding rootless=0 to
Or just remove it under another OS.

You clearly win the prize for first boot of El Capitan DB1 on an original Mac Pro: a hearty handshake, pat on the back, and warm glow of victory!

Does it still include a working Expansion Slot Utility?
[QUOTE = "Morpheo, poste: 21452312, membre: 878870"] Comme essai non, je Installé 10.11 sur mon Mac Pro 5,1 (courir fils Avec usine de 5770) Aujourd'hui, et je Peux confirmateur Que métal is en effet Pas pris en accusation Avec la 5770. Je courus l'essai de l'application de métal (de Netkas IIRC). OTOH 10.11 trabalho semblait Parfaitement - (? Pour l'instant) Qui signifié Que Nous devrions Être en mesure de Mettre à niveau nos 1,1s (2,1s) et, Mais le métal is a no-go [/ QUOTE].

bonsoir moi je intérim Essayé et l'installation de l'écran bloque sur gris Avec la pomme des le debut si Quelqu'un Peut m'aidé merci
[QUOTE = "Morpheo, poste: 21452312, membre: 878870"] Comme essai non, je Installé 10.11 sur mon Mac Pro 5,1 (courir fils Avec usine de 5770) Aujourd'hui, et je Peux confirmateur Que métal is en effet Pas pris en accusation Avec la 5770. Je courus l'essai de l'application de métal (de Netkas IIRC). OTOH 10.11 trabalho semblait Parfaitement - (? Pour l'instant) Qui signifié Que Nous devrions Être en mesure de Mettre à niveau nos 1,1s (2,1s) et, Mais le métal is a no-go [/ QUOTE].

bonsoir moi je intérim Essayé et l'installation de l'écran bloque sur gris Avec la pomme des le debut si Quelqu'un Peut m'aidé merci

Hi. If I spoke, let's say, Albanian, do you think it would be reasonable to post a question in that language here? More likely than not, a huge percentage of prospective readers would fail to understand my question, don't you think? Can you propose an acceptable solution? Would it be up to each individual reader to go to Google Translate and see if he/she can figure out what I was saying? Wouldn't it be far more reasonable for me to go to Google Translate and try and figure out the way of expressing my ideas in elementary English?
[QUOTE = "Morpheo, poste: 21452312, membre: 878870"] Comme essai non, je Installé 10.11 sur mon Mac Pro 5,1 (courir fils Avec usine de 5770) Aujourd'hui, et je Peux confirmateur Que métal is en effet Pas pris en accusation Avec la 5770. Je courus l'essai de l'application de métal (de Netkas IIRC). OTOH 10.11 trabalho semblait Parfaitement - (? Pour l'instant) Qui signifié Que Nous devrions Être en mesure de Mettre à niveau nos 1,1s (2,1s) et, Mais le métal is a no-go [/ QUOTE].

bonsoir moi je intérim Essayé et l'installation de l'écran bloque sur gris Avec la pomme des le debut si Quelqu'un Peut m'aidé merci

french forum ->
[QUOTE = "PeterHolbrook, poste: 21461773, membre: 364717"] Salut. Si je parlais, disons, albanais, pensez-vous qu'il serait raisonnable de poser une question dans cette langue ici? Plus que probable, un énorme pourcentage de lecteurs potentiels ne parviennent pas à comprendre ma question, vous ne pensez pas? Pouvez-vous proposer une solution acceptable? Serait-il à chaque lecteur individuel pour aller à Google Translate et voir si il / elle peut comprendre ce que je disais? Serait-il pas beaucoup plus raisonnable pour moi d'aller à Google Translate et essayer de comprendre la façon d'exprimer mes idées en anglais élémentaire? [/ QUOTE]

good evening
excuse me I ask you for help I made a USB key for instaler el capitan on a mac pro 1,1 and blocks the gray screen with the apple.
can someone tell me how to instaler
thank you a lot
[QUOTE = "PeterHolbrook, poste: 21461773, membre: 364717"] Salut. Si je parlais, disons, albanais, pensez-vous qu'il serait raisonnable de poser une question dans cette langue ici? Plus que probable, un énorme pourcentage de lecteurs potentiels ne parviennent pas à comprendre ma question, vous ne pensez pas? Pouvez-vous proposer une solution acceptable? Serait-il à chaque lecteur individuel pour aller à Google Translate et voir si il / elle peut comprendre ce que je disais? Serait-il pas beaucoup plus raisonnable pour moi d'aller à Google Translate et essayer de comprendre la façon d'exprimer mes idées en anglais élémentaire? [/ QUOTE]

good evening
excuse me I ask you for help I made a USB key for instaler el capitan on a mac pro 1,1 and blocks the gray screen with the apple.
can someone tell me how to instaler
thank you a lot

How did you make the installer?
[QUOTE = "consommateur, poste: 21463199, membre: 948999"]? Comment avez-vous fait le programme d'installation [/ QUOTE]

j " have make the USB key with the method of ti amo boot efi
[QUOTE = "consommateur, poste: 21463199, membre: 948999"]? Comment avez-vous fait le programme d'installation [/ QUOTE]

j " have make the USB key with the method of ti amo boot efi

Did you replace it with the pike boot efi or tiamo? for Yosemite and and El Capitan you need pike boot efi.
[QUOTE = "consommateur, poste: 21463566, membre: 948999"] [/ QUOTE]

oui je l'ai suivi les pas, mais j "ai eu du mal à evtraire EFI de démarrage pour le mettre dans System / Library / CoreServices donc je ne suis pas sûr que ce soit bon.
comment ouvrir le zip de tiamo démarrage EFI gris.
j " have make the USB key with the method of ti amo boot efi

I suggest that you study the first post of and follow Hennesie2000's guide literally.

Please, notice that El Capitan isn't exactly the same as Yosemite, so it might be necessary to fiddle with rootless. I'm not sure how to do that yet, as I haven't tried it myself on an old Mac Pro. In any case, as already said, you need Pike's boot.efi, not Tiamo's. Tiamo's was good for Mavericks, not for Yosemite or later.
[QUOTE = "PeterHolbrook, poste: 21463626, membre: 364717"] Je suggère que vous étudiez le premier poste de 1-et-os-x-yosemite.1740775 / et suivez le guide de Hennesie2000 littéralement.

S'il vous plaît, notez que El Capitan est pas exactement le même que Yosemite, de sorte qu'il pourrait être nécessaire de jouer avec sans racines. Je ne sais pas comment le faire encore, comme je l'ai pas essayé moi-même sur un vieux Mac Pro. En tout cas, comme déjà dit, vous avez besoin de boot.efi de Pike, pas de Tiamo. Tiamo de a été bon pour Mavericks, pas pour Yosemite ou tard. [/ QUOTE]

I thank you , I 'm wrong I take this boot!j1hWFSIS!4zFpN9f3L6zV_D5wXJ1KMT40KkLlXKQ901-eQaRaLTA ) and it does not.
I thank you for the link and hopefully get there
I thank you , I 'm wrong I take this boot!j1hWFSIS!4zFpN9f3L6zV_D5wXJ1KMT40KkLlXKQ901-eQaRaLTA ) and it does not.
I thank you for the link and hopefully get there

As an aside, here's a "quick and dirty" way of installing El Capitan on an old Mac Pro. It's already been tried by others (666sheep was the first, and he can correct me if I am wrong, or he can explain the procedure in more detail):
  • You'll need an unmodified installer for El Capitan
  • You'll also need a genuine Mac that is compatible with El Capitan (a reasonably recent MacBook, iMac, Mac Mini or Mac Pro)
  • You'll also need a copy of Pike's boot.efi
  • You'll also need an HDD or an SSD where El Capitan is going to reside (to be placed inside your old Mac Pro when the whole process is over).
  • Lastly, you MAY need an external USB, FireWire or Thunderbolt enclosure where said HDD or SDD is to reside during this procedure.
  • Copy the installer to the "modern" Mac.
  • Run the installer. Choose the presumably external HDD or SSD as the target for installing El Capitan.
  • Once El Capitan has been installed, search for boot.efi on that HDD or SSD (it's in a couple of folders, identified in Hennesie2000's guide) and erase it (in both places). Copy Pike's boot.efi (in both places) and set permissions as prescribed in Hennesie2000's guide (you'll probably have to run Terminal for this).
  • Eject said HDD or SSD from the "modern" Mac, extract it from its enclosure (if necessary) and place it in one of the old Mac Pro's bays.
  • Boot the old Mac Pro. You'll probably have to use an alternative OS X partition on the old Mac Pro (such as Snow Leopard or Lion, or a DVD installer thereof, or a valid Recovery HD partition) and, once booted, select the disk with El Capitan as the Startup Disk, then reboot.
  • If all has been done correctly, you should get to El Capitan desktop. Enjoy.
Please, notice that for these modern operating systems to work on an old Mac Pro, you'll need a more modern graphics card, not just Pike's boot.efi.
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oui je l'ai suivi les pas, mais j "ai eu du mal à evtraire EFI de démarrage pour le mettre dans System / Library / CoreServices donc je ne suis pas sûr que ce soit bon.
comment ouvrir le zip de tiamo démarrage EFI gris.

You know, I'm parisian and even in french you're hard to follow!
@wolf1734 , as Peter said above, the original graphic card will NOT work. What type of card do you have in your Mac Pro?
[QUOTE = "Morpheo, poste: 21464415, membre: 878870"] [USER = 932802] @ wolf1734 [/ USER], que Pierre a dit ci-dessus, la carte graphique d'origine ne fonctionnera pas. Quel type de carte que vous avez dans votre Mac Pro? [/ QUOTE]

MORPHEO to meet my mac 2.1 I have a ati 5870 card and works fine in Yosemite . I would need the exact method to extract the boot efi to replace because I pensse it is at this level that I can not seem to do anything good . for the rest I m " come out lol thank you again to you as I am but I live in Paris in the 17
MORPHEO to meet my mac 2.1 I have a ati 5870 card and works fine in Yosemite . I would need the exact method to extract the boot efi to replace because I pensse it is at this level that I can not seem to do anything good . for the rest I m " come out lol thank you again to you as I am but I live in Paris in the 17

Not sure I understand what you mean by "extract the boot.efi" (or maybe you meant "extract the kernel"?, just unzip and replace the original boot-efi with THIS ONE (gray or black is up to you) on your usb key in:

- System/Library/CoreServices
- usr/standalone/i386

It's really the same procedure for El Capitan as it was for Yosemite.

As a reminder and I hope he doesn't mind, I've attached Hennesie2000's instructions as well.

(P.S: looks like google translate hates Paris and specially the 17e!:p)


  • Yosemite on a Mac Pro 1,1 or 2,1 - Boot.efi Method-2.pdf
    64.5 KB · Views: 3,332
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