I had the same problem. This is a dsdt with HD5770 patch. Try it out.Just a hunch...you mean a flashing - (minus) sign I imagine ? If you happened to have installed all three (3) partitions on one (1) formatted GUID/HFS + Hard Drive, my experiences are that 99.9 %, I get the exact same thing when I attempt to do so.
I am stuck as I reported the other day; I have to list GraphicsEnabler = No within my org.chameleon.Boot.plist otherwise I get "Memory allocation error: 0xdeadbeef, Size: 0x0 ati.c, Line 1438. This is a non recoverable error! System HALTED!!!" when enabled.
Performing the following commands in terminal:
sudo -s
sudo kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel -all-loaded
sudo kextcache -v 1 -a i386 -a x86_64 -m /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/Extensions.mkext -z /System/Library/Extensions/
...enabled my kernel cache/allowed the removal of the -f in my org.chameleon.Boot.plist. While it did enhance a faster boot, it had no effect on the graphics issue I am experiencing with Chameleon v2380 and OS X 10.10 DP2. (I did not experience this issue with the former OS X 10.10 DP1 and Chameleon v2377)
Basically in updating to OS X 10.10 DP2 14A261i, with Chameleon v2380 I am getting a fully working system EXCEPT graphics with my installed stock Apple ATI Radeon HD 5770 graphics card. Ironically, when booting the exact same Hard Drive with Clover, Clover injects the graphics perfectly however the issues remain with it not loading native AppleHDA audio nor it is able to recognize the ODD SATA ports and the SATA Optical Blue ray drive connected to one of them on the motherboard.
iMessage and FaceTime are working regardless of the bootloader I am using. I have noted that anyone reporting here without any such graphic issues are all using flashed or non genuine nVidia/ATI graphics cards. If anyone with a stock Apple ATI Radeon HD 5770 graphics card could report in, I would greatly appreciate it
(have non apple flashed HD5770)