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On which particular hardware? In case it's a Mac Pro 1,1->2,1, how does it boot? Using Pike's boot.efi? Did you follow any especial install instructions for Little Snitch 3.5?

I have a 1,1->2,1 with the Pike boot.efi. Just checked, I am not running 3.5.
Little Snitch 3.5 update made my Yosemite 10.10.1 Unbootable.. Had to reinstall from a backup.

To reiterate:

I have successfully updated to Little Snitch v3.5 on all my other supported/unsupported Macs including a 2006 iMac running OS X 10.8.5 booting w/ Tiamo's boot.efi & a Hackintosh booting OS X 10.10.1 with Clover and had no issues whatsoever.

On Wednesday, I painstakingly went through the process of installing Little Snitch v3.5 on a clone of my Mac Pro/Pike Alpha/OS X 10.10.1 boot drive and after installing and before restarting, I removed the Pike Alpha boot.efi files and replaced them with the stock/retail Yosemite OS X 10.10 versions. I then physically removed the Hard Drive, placed it in a FireWire 800 enclosure, and successfully booted the clone on a supported iMac. Placed the drive then back into my Mac Pro, returned the Pike Alpha boot.efi files and still was not able to get the clone drive to boot with Little Snitch v3.5 installed.

everybody beware! 10.10.2 breaks the installation, the update overwrites "boot.efi".

It may be a tad time consuming however since I currently run a few hacks that in one fell swoop, can potentially be rendered absolutely useless by any given OS X update, I ALWAYS open the .pkg with Pacifist and carefully examine the contents to negate/thwart any surprises and/or any unwelcomed changes to my system.
On Wednesday, I painstakingly went through the process of installing Little Snitch v3.5 on a clone of my Mac Pro/Pike Alpha/OS X 10.10.1 boot drive and after installing and before restarting, I removed the Pike Alpha boot.efi files and replaced them with the stock/retail Yosemite OS X 10.10 versions. I then physically removed the Hard Drive, placed it in a FireWire 800 enclosure, and successfully booted the clone on a supported iMac. Placed the drive then back into my Mac Pro, returned the Pike Alpha boot.efi files and still was not able to get the clone drive to boot with Little Snitch v3.5 installed.
This is how I got 3.5 to install :

- Jay
Here is a question... Do you all really need LS installed? Seems like a huge pain in the ass.

As a developer it has proved invaluable over the years, and this is the first time I've ever had a problem using it.


Here is a question... Do you all really need LS installed? Seems like a huge pain in the ass.

Quick question on a side note, when copying over the boot.efi files downloaded from here to the mac pro, does it matter the ownership and permissions on these files, and if so what should the correct settings be?

I was just wondering if this could be causing the issue.


Installed 10.10.2 14C68m update using Tobyg's script modified by Hennessie as per post #1584


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This is a bit of an odd request but does anyone who added a pioneer bdr drive to their Mac Pro still have the drive tray faceplate? I don't know what I did with mine and would be interested in buying one if anyone has it. The drive I have is specifically the BDR-206.
Didn't work for me! Tanked my install, startup bar gets about 1/3 of the way through a reboot after rebuilding the caches and then both monitors go black.

You may have decided it didn't work far too soon! Safe Boot is considerably sloooooooooooower than normal boot, and there is, indeed, some period when the screen is completely black, probably as long as twenty or thirty seconds. Let it finish. The method DOES work.
You may have decided it didn't work far too soon! Safe Boot is considerably sloooooooooooower than normal boot, and there is, indeed, some period when the screen is completely black, probably as long as twenty or thirty seconds. Let it finish. The method DOES work.

Booted into Safe Mode, installed LS 3.5, rebooted into Safe Mode, ran Onyx to rebuild caches, booted normally, screens went dead 1/3 of the way through the normal boot. I waited a good 10 minutes before, hard rebooting. Rebooted again with the same results.

I agree the boot into Safe Mode was so much slower.
I waited a good 10 minutes before, hard rebooting. Rebooted again with the same results.

Sorry it didn't work for you. I simply followed the bug's instructions verbatim and they worked for me (although I don't understand how that is possible). Did you let Onyx delete the boot AND the kernel caches? Are you certain that your hard drive doesn't need repair and disk permissions are correct?

Please, notice that I didn't replace Pike's boot.efi at any point, nor did I move or clone my Yosemite hard drive anywhere. The entire process was done on the Mac Pro 1,1->2,1 itself.
Here is what I posted over there on the obdev forums.
I was able to install 3.5 right over the previous version, when I installed using these extra steps, maybe overkill but it worked like a champ for me
Hope this helps.

Edit: I almost forgot your other question.
Yes, it does seem like some folks with supported machines were hit with this problem too, not just us brave unsupported folks. :)

- Jay

Thanks for that, worked a treat.
You may have decided it didn't work far too soon! Safe Boot is considerably sloooooooooooower than normal boot, and there is, indeed, some period when the screen is completely black, probably as long as twenty or thirty seconds. Let it finish. The method DOES work.

Holly molly...well indeed it does work. Though most definitely the proverbial "nature of the beast" when dealing within a hack realm, gotta hate when others report a certain procedure occurring while experiencing no issues or problems whatsoever while your the unlucky schmuck that simply has tried everything and yet still it will not for you. For all those that are unfortunately falling into the later part of this category, I feel your pain.

At any rate, I grunted it out and finally these additional things worked for me:

Firstly, I wasn't about to screw up a perfectly fine boot drive just because it initially would only work with Little Snitch v3.4.2 and not v3.5 so I worked entirely from a clone backup and ONLY when everything worked as it should did I restore to my main OS X 10.10.1 boot drive.

On the clone and while backing up my Little Snitch v3.4.2 rules/preferences, I COMPLETELY removed my v3.4.2 install and after booting up initially in safe mode, performed a clean install of v3.5.

Upon rebooting in safe mode again, I actually downloaded and used Onyx v2.9 instead of the apps that I already had installed that I thought did the same thing and as suggested, used Onyx this time to perform the System Cache cleaning.

AND finally...and this perhaps is the most crucial aspect, before you begin anything, go to the very first post/page written by "Mr. Zarniwoop" and download the most recent/latest Pike Alpha boot.efi build (I choose the white background/grey apple) and make sure you are booting with it.

Hope those struggling find this to be helpful.


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I can tell you that booting into Safe Mode on a 1,1 with 10.10.1 with a 5770 leads to some psychedelic goings ons. I thought I was in trouble for a moment.

I just held down shift for about 10 seconds past the chime. After releasing it, a I got the black screen with progress bar after a few seconds.

The signs that it was in Safe Mode were the colour profile not loading and none of my apps appearing in the menu bar.

I simply followed the instructions and all is well again.

A little faith works.
AND finally...and this perhaps is the most crucial aspect, before you begin anything, go to the very first post/page written by "Mr. Zarniwoop" and download the most recent/latest Pike Alpha boot.efi build (I choose the white background/grey apple) and make sure you are booting with it.

Hope those struggling find this to be helpful.

Hi gpatpandp,

This is a very useful and constructive remark !

I didn't have the latest, so i'm SuperDupering and will test again.



Tried with latest boot.efi, no luck didn't work.
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Tried with latest boot.efi, no luck didn't work.

In my experience, there's no need whatsoever to "update" Pike's boot.efi. In any case, I already had the latest boot.efi release in place which I had compiled myself, which should be very similar, if not identical, to the "black" one published by Hennesie. If I remember correctly, there were 48 bytes that were different between "his" compile and "mine", probably due to different versions of MASM and/or Visual Studio and/or Windows edition and/or virtual environment.

In case anyone wants to experiment with "my" compiled version of Pike's latest boot.efi (black background, white apple logo, commit 3b402a9da4e19e260c602052991f41c1631e582f), here it is:


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I want to know how to put 10.10.1 update on a mac pro 1.1 thank you
kind regards
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If you have access to another Mac that is Yosemite "legit" get ahold of an SSD or any 2.5" drive and a $5 USB adapter. Run the install on the other Mac, then migrate anything you need from that Mac. Restart from other drive on the other Mac and place the boot.efi files, repair permissions and YOU ARE DONE.

Move the drive to unsupported Mac and enjoy! If you want or need it on 3.5" drive use Restore.

It really is a whole lot easier than hacking the installer. I have 2 unsupported Macs running via this method. Worked the first time and I moved on to other things. If it has become a major endeavor you are doing it wrong.

Following MacVidCards suggestion, I was finally able to get a hold of another Mac and get Yosemite up & running. Easy peasy, really a snap. Wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the help, especially Hennesie2000.

Updated to 10.10.01 no problems, everything seems to be running smoothly.
And every one of those friggin' USB Boots I made show up in the startup pane in Yosemite! I was tearing my hair out for nothing. Live & learn.
If you didn't see the warnings and updated to 10.10.2, how do you restore the efi in order to boot your Mac again. I have a Mac Pro 2,1. Was going to attempt a time machine restore, but can't boot from usb when holding the option key. I was previously using 10.10.1 without issues.
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