Why bother with these "special" cards?
I'll tell you why. If you get a simple reference card it will do just about anything any other 6870 reference card from some other vendor can do. However, if you get with some of the special cards, you'll see that some of them are overclocked. They're faster, and when it comes to gaming a bit better. For example my two XFX 6870 black editions with the twin fan cooling run at 940GHz. The memory is also already factory overclocked. Also because of this higher benchmark I have a good starting point when I start to overclock them more. I can run my two 6870s at just over a 1GHz and they run stable. Now that might sound good to you or you might be thinking "why on god's green earth would I want to do that?" I do it because I like to play games like Crysis 1 and 2, Metro 2033, and other games that just require raw power to push the graphics. So if your just going to do photoshop, maya, zbrush, or any other graphical application, then just go with what saves you money. However, if your a big gamer on the side, or if your running something that requires the oomph so to say, then go with something that has a little more edge. It will cost more, but it is worth it, if you think you'll get your moneys worth.