Well, maybe I'm used to work with different conditions and rules, where people share their knowledge with others who want to contribute... I was going to offer my help as a developer. I was just asking for some tips about with what and where to start with. I could also think of organizing that whole stuff in a usable way. If that would require developing a custom frontend to a git repo backend - what a problem?
I know I'm new here, but with a lot of experience in IT. Have been joining many teams before and was including people into my teams. Sharing the current knowledge is a key thing and it's obvious for me. But of course I can respect the fact that it is not obvious for everyone in the same way... I'm a straightforward person, asking simple questions and hoping for simple answers. If
@nikey22 was not going to share his knowledge to me or provide any tips, he could have simply said that.
Anyway, the last thing I was going to do was insulting someone, but if anyone took it this way - my apologies. I'm surprised this escalated here so much...