I solved my "problem" without having to change the identity of my machine, I took kexts from the latest Big Sur beta (AppleGraphicsControl.kext, AppleGraphicsPowerManagement.kext, AppleMCCSControl.kext and IOSurface. kext) no idea if they are all needed though, I don't know if it was useful either but I modified the info.plist by putting 10.5 instead of 11.0 in "DTPlatformVersion" and "LSMinimumSystemVersion", easy to do them all at once with TextMate.
I forgot to say it but I don't use the new AppleBacklightFixup.kext but the old one, because it doesn't work on my configuration.
I don't have the impression that the FakeSMC are used for something, I missed an info?
I also (definitely) have a question about the "black screen" with the Quadro K2100M, does it work with all machines? I'm asking this because it never happened to me.
Otherwise, as requested above, my benchmark with Valley:
View attachment 949728