I bought a K3100M from a guy on ebay for a reasonable price that had been pre-flashed (albeit with the wrong version as he confirmed after I had issues. I suspect that he's fixed this issue) That'll fit a 27" but not a 21.5" 2011.Yeah, I changed my graphics card a year ago when my old AMD card in the system is dead, and I just want a plug-and-play card without realising the power draw. I also didn't know how to flash the card at that time so I just went online and found the cards that people have documented success with plug-and-play. I stumbled upon k1000m but decided against using it because there was no documented plug-and-play success with that card. By the way, is there any documentation of plug-and-playable cards on the Imac 2011? Just to let beginners like me feel better about buying the cards and not buying expensive paperweights lol
I installed it in my 27" 2011 A1312 and it came up but refused to finish booting (see earlier posts) and he did confirm that he had used the wrong flash file. He sent me the right one, I flashed it and I'm up and running (and typing this message to you) with my iMac.
It did require modification of the heat sink though, using a dremel in my garage to mill away spots to make the larger card fit properly.