OK, Playing a bit with the 2010 iMAc 11,3 that I picked up cheap. It was working before I took it apart.
Installing a GTX880 in it and an SSD. Have the GRML Linux USB stick and the hard disk unplugged.
Power on, chimes, fans come on but then nothing. Screen is black (as expected) but the system never lights the light on my network switch saying the ethernet is active and my router never reports an IP address assigned.
I connected a USB keyboard and the PRAM reset sequence works as expected (e.g. chime, wait a few seconds, chime again, let go and then nothing)
BTW, I dont' see any LEDs on this motherboard like I saw on the 12,2 that I upgraded with a K3100M a while back. are they on the back side? (I even turned the lights off in the room to see if I could find some LEDs with no success.
Done for the night, will probably put the original GPU back in tomorrow to see if I didn't break something. but if you have other suggestions on how to proceed, let me know.
Suggest testing your GRML Linux usb in another mac computer if you have one to ensure it boots all the way up to the grml login prompt. Suspect it may be hanging for some reason before ethernet port activation.