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The first post of this thread is a WikiPost and can be edited by anyone with the appropiate permissions. Your edits will be public.
If the imac beeps, you should reseat the RAMs
I have reinstalled the original Ram and the beep is gone but unfortunately the screen still doesn't come back, after the restart comes the same error message Sleep Wake Failure in EFI. With the original 6770m, the sleep mode also works with the retrofitted 16 GB Ram from Corsair.

Does anyone with an upgraded GTX 770m or other card with the GK106 Chip have similar problems in combination with an Imac 12.2?

I'm trying to flash another M6100 and so far it's not working. I did it successfully with a previous M6100, it was working just fine and all of a sudden it stopped working properly.

Anyway this new card i flashed with ROM2 because the card has Elpida memory (is that the rom i should have used?). It flashed ok but is it normal that it shows that the new name is "Emerald PROA GDDR5 1GB 318e/300m" ?

Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 8.22.33 PM.png

Before flashing:
Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 8.17.54 PM.png

I tried zapping the pram several times. Monterey is installed on ssd with almost latest OCLP.

Screen stays black all the time.

This is on an iMac 2009 by the way. This picture here was taken with the previous card when it was working.
Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 8.56.46 PM.png

On external display when booting latest ubuntu, the display is messed-up:


Here are some pics of my card:


Original vbios attached if that can be of any use.



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Ah! Interesting. I had issues on my WX4170 when using the 4170 Bios. Flashing it to 4150 made it run stable and my thinking was that it runs with all the computing units even on the 4150 Bios. But yes. Clock speed may be an issue with the bios. Is there an easy way to modify it and try through the common values in the referenced post?
The difference between the 4150 and 4170 VBIOSes is just the clock speed. And Geekbench Metal scores are not reproducible because Geekbench doesn't allow any warmup time for the GPU to boost before measuring the speed.
Editing the VBIOSes while maintaining working boosting/throttling is not easy, so just stay with the VBIOS variant that gives you a stable system.
I have a mid 2011 27" iMac, that get's half way through the boot process, then the screen goes gray - permanently.
This also happens if I boot off a High Sierra install bootable usb.

Is it reasonable to assume this has to be the graphics card (and will be replaced following this amazing thread), or could there be another possibility - for example, a dodgy ssd drive?

I have a mid 2011 27" iMac, that get's half way through the boot process, then the screen goes gray - permanently.
This also happens if I boot off a High Sierra install bootable usb.

Is it reasonable to assume this has to be the graphics card (and will be replaced following this amazing thread), or could there be another possibility - for example, a dodgy ssd drive?

100% dead GPU. Change the GPU, you are better suited with a new metal one.
Before asking for details please read the documentation on the first post of this thread hidden on the first page. Link in my signature...
Your M6100 card is an Elpida-based 0x6640 with a newer base rom that I didn't have in my collection. Please try this one and let us know how it turns out. Make sure to use OCLP. I will update my main M6100 page with any successes, pending your results.
It works!

Ausdauersportler sent me a rom, maybe it is the same? But i re-flashed the card and my internal display turned on just fine! I did some stress tests like running Heaven Benchmark looking at the temps, everything is working fine so far. Sleep works, brightness control works, external display does not but i don't really care. GPU is reported as an AMD Radeon HD 8xxx 2GB.

I have another M6100 with SK hynix memory chips that i flashed with ROM2 at first then ROM1 after it started to fail. The screen just shut itself off while watching YouTube, sound was still playing. I rebooted the screen came back up but after logging in it shut itself off again and then it shut itself at OC bootpicker... I don't know what's wrong with it, it was working fine. I have the original rom if you want to look at it if you have the time, there's absolutely no hurry!


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Hi to all,
I finally buy GTX 770m on ebay. Before I start to instaling card into iMac I have few questions. Can I use X-clamp from Nvidia card with drilled holes or I need to use Apple X-clamp. If I must use Apple clamp, what is the best way to remove X-clamp from Nvidia card (can I use heater?).
If I have right, when I install GTX 770 internal display will work so do I need to flash bios from another computer or I can flash it with Xanderson method direct on iMac? Thx
Hi to all,
I finally buy GTX 770m on ebay. Before I start to instaling card into iMac I have few questions. Can I use X-clamp from Nvidia card with drilled holes or I need to use Apple X-clamp. If I must use Apple clamp, what is the best way to remove X-clamp from Nvidia card (can I use heater?).
If I have right, when I install GTX 770 internal display will work so do I need to flash bios from another computer or I can flash it with Xanderson method direct on iMac? Thx
All the documentation has been collected on page #1 and post #1 - please just read it.
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Hello, I hope you can help me.

I have installed an AMD WX4150 in an iMac mid 2011 21.5. Everything seems to work as it should at startup (it only works from an external screen) but when I go into MacOS Monterrey in the graphics information it tells me that I have 18MB and I don't see the model. The performance is very bad. Is this normal or does it mean that I haven't installed it correctly?

I attach a picture of the graphics card.


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Hello, I hope you can help me.

I have installed an AMD WX4150 in an iMac mid 2011 21.5. Everything seems to work as it should at startup (it only works from an external screen) but when I go into MacOS Monterrey in the graphics information it tells me that I have 18MB and I don't see the model. The performance is very bad. Is this normal or does it mean that I haven't installed it correctly?

I attach a picture of the graphics card.
Check this post about the complete process and walk trough it - read the docs if you need more information.

The grey GPU paste does not work on the VRAM chips. Even this is covered in the docs. This photo is quite useless, the interesting information is masked by the paste.
iMac 11.3 (27" Mid 2010) AMD Radeon Pro WX4130 Boot Screen Mod 成功!

简而言之,Nick D 的 VBIOS 工作模块,以及 iMac 根本就不是在模组中。启动屏幕并没有连接外接显示器的情况。(顺便说一句,之前有一句话,一个成功完成这一点的人吗?
非常感谢 @Ausdauersportler@Nick [D]vB@internetzel 获得所有的工作这可能!

(iMac和新GPU外,还需要其他东西:使用Linux或macOS(或linux实时启动盘访问)另一台计算机、CH341A 类似的EEPROM编程器、烙铁、1.5英尺左右的3根导线(我使用了电话线,并取出了它的 4 根电线中的 DPDT),的 PCI Express 6 针电源连接延长拨动开关(SPDT(单/双或双刀,双掷) )ON-ON 或 ON-关-开型))。

第 0 步:有办法在 Mac 上启动 Windows(在驱动上,或者在我的情况下,从另一个台计算机插件驱动器驱动器 - 在我的内部情况下,从我的内部驱动器上使用 Windows 11(EFI 模式)启动)的驱动器笔记本电脑(2009 年款的 MacBook Pro)。Windows 需要是唯一存在的引导选项,设置为默认选项,或者因为在交换卡后您将无法访问任何类型的引导选择器(甚至不是 OpenCore) 。对我来说至少是这样。
从教程讲,带有 Polaris GPU 驱动程序的 Windows 版本(甚至可能支持 AMDVBFlashWin 2.93 的驱动程序)都应该可以工作 - 但是当我尝试引导传统 BIOS 模式 Windows 8.0 安装时,我得到的只是一个空白画面…………

[SPOILER 1 和 2:GPU 卡安装和 VBIOS 闪存步骤 1:交换实际。的,就像这个视频的著名帖子 #1 一样。我的 27 英寸机器巧匠通常有一些程序 MXM A型也面板,而不是面板型,因为是27型的B型标准,最初配备了Radeon HD4670。我的B型WX4130适合全尺寸MXM B型。
1.1但我还是手机温度模块是否需要AMD Polar GPU——我还是走了。

第 2 步 i i 启动到 Windows,将 EG2 VBIOS 刷到 GPU。您可以在接下来的这篇文章中找到 VBIOS:https :// upgrade.1596614/page-414?post=29073783#post-29073783 。我用 AMDVBFlashWin 来刷机。你特别需要工具的 2.93 版本(附在这个文章中)。就像帖子中所说,该帖子中的这个 RX560 VBIOS 可以在 WX4130 上运行。
旁注:我的 WX4130 卡来自戴尔 Precision 7510 笔记本电脑,是 2GB VRAM 变体 - 但 AMDVBFlashWin 卡显示现有的 vBIOS 是 4GB 的。它看起来运行良好。
请你原来的 VBIOS,当然是你的原始 VBIOS。

iMac 11.3 (27" Mid 2010) AMD Radeon Pro WX4130 Boot Screen Mod 成功!
它的工作视频:https ://

简而言之,Nick D 的 EG2 VBIOS,对应的 iMac 固件模组,以及 iMac 背光布线模组。Bootscreen 在根本没有连接外接显示器的情况下工作。(顺便说一句,到目前为止,我是第一个成功做到这一点的人吗?肯定有人在它首次被发现后的两年内做到了——但似乎没有太多人谈论它?)
非常感谢 @Ausdauersportler@Nick [D]vB@internetzel 所做的所有出色工作这可能!

(除 iMac 和新 GPU 外,还需要其他东西:使用 Linux 或 macOS(或 linux 实时启动盘)访问另一台计算机、CH341A 或类似的 EEPROM 编程器、烙铁、1.5 英尺左右长的 3 根导线(我使用了一根电话线,并移除了它的 4 根电线中的一根)、可选的 PCI Express 6 针电源接头延长线和一个拨动开关(SPDT 或 DPDT(单/双刀、双掷)ON-ON 或 ON-关-开型))。

第 0 步:有办法在 iMac 上启动 Windows(在内部驱动器上,或者在我的情况下,从另一台计算机插入硬盘驱动器 - 在我的情况下,从我的 Mac 上使用 Windows 11(EFI 模式启动)的驱动器笔记本电脑(2009 年型号的 MacBook Pro)。Windows 需要是唯一存在的引导选项,或者设置为默认选项,因为在交换卡后您将无法访问任何类型的引导选择器(甚至不是 OpenCore)。至少对我来说是这样。
从理论上讲,任何具有 Polaris 系列 GPU 驱动程序的 Windows 版本(甚至可能任何支持 AMDVBFlashWin 2.93 的驱动程序)都应该可以工作 - 但是当我尝试引导传统 BIOS 模式 Windows 8.0 安装时,我得到的只是一个空白屏幕...... ..

Step 1: 交换实际显卡。通常的程序,就像这个线程的著名帖子 #1 一样。我的 27 英寸机器碰巧有较小的 MXM A 型散热器,而不是 27 英寸机器上较大的 B 型标准,因为最初配备了 Radeon HD 4670。我认为 B 型 WX4130 也适合全尺寸 MXM B 型散热器。
1.1:我不确定温度传感器模块是否需要 AMD Polaris GPU——但我还是这样做了。

第 2 步:将 iMac 启动到 Windows,然后将 EG2 VBIOS 刷新到 GPU。您可以在这篇文章中找到正确的 VBIOS:https :// 。我用 AMDVBFlashWin 来刷机。你特别需要这个工具的 2.93 版本(附在这篇文章中)。正如帖子中所说,该帖子中的 RX560 VBIOS 可以在 WX4130 上运行。
旁注:我的 WX4130 卡来自戴尔 Precision 7510 笔记本电脑,是 2GB VRAM 变体 - 但 AMDVBFlashWin 显示卡上现有的 vBIOS 是 4GB 的。无论如何,我从上面的帖子中刷新了 RX560 2GB 变体 VBIOS,它似乎运行良好。
当然,请务必备份您的原始 VBIOS,yaddi yaddi yaa。

步骤 3.1.1:软件准备:(可能有一种方法可以从 iMac 本身访问 iMac 的 EFI BIOS 固件芯片的内容,但我不知道)。因此,我在戴尔笔记本电脑上使用了 CH341A 型号的 EEPROM 编程工具和 Linux 中名为 flashrom 的软件(在我的情况下是 linux mint,但任何事情都可以)。在 linux 上安装 flashrom 最简单的方法是终端命令:sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install flashrom 您也可以使用装有 macOS 的计算机来安装此软件(使用 homebrew 安装)。如果使用 linux,则不需要安装操作系统,只需从安装程序磁盘启动并使用实时模式(试用模式,或其他任何名称)。

步骤 3.1.2 将 iMac 的固件芯片连接到您的 EEPROM 编程工具。SOIC 剪辑不起作用(至少在我的情况下),您需要从 iMac 的主板上拆焊芯片以禁用 Apple 连接到它的写保护,因此从 iMac 拆焊它 - 非常小心不要破坏主板上连接到芯片的任何精细电气痕迹(我使用了大量的助焊剂膏,一个宽的焊接头,可以同时接触芯片每一侧的所有 4 个引脚,一个非常薄的螺丝刀可以撬一旦焊点熔化,芯片就会向上,焊接热设置为 375 度,一次将芯片从一侧移除。耐心是这里的关键 - 如果你试图在焊点熔化之前撬开芯片,你会破坏良好的电气连接 - 就像我在其他计算机上发生的那样。) 还要记下芯片的方向 - 芯片的一个角落有一个微小的凹陷,表示引脚 #1 的位置,并且芯片需要以相同的方向返回。一旦它被移除,您可以只焊接八根细线将芯片连接到您的编程器(繁琐),或者购买并使用插入编程器的插座,让您简单地保持和夹住芯片。(我不知道那些叫什么)

步骤 3.2:接下来,将 iMac 固件芯片的内容读入二进制转储文件。在 linux 上,最简单的方法是使用终端命令(将编程工具插入计算机的 USB 端口后): flashrom -p ch341a_spi -r imac_orig.bin 。这会将芯片内容保存到用户主文件夹中的 BIN 文件中。确保文件在那里,然后从 USB 端口拔下编程工具。复制此文件,以便您拥有原始固件的备用副本。如果您使用 Live Boot-ed Linux 工作,请将副本保存到 USB 驱动器或安全的地方。

步骤 3.3:使用名为 UEFITool 的软件将两个“模块”添加到 iMac 的固件中。下载链接:https ://注意:你需要 UEFITool 版本 0.26,这是视频中使用的版本,而不是最新的 A59 或 GitHub 上可用的任何版本。新版本看起来完全不同(它会甩掉以前没有做过此类工作的人并且只是像我一样关注视频),就我而言,当我尝试做某事时出错了)。同样,您需要的文件在上面链接的帖子中(您需要 文件)。程序:只需按照该帖子中链接的视频到发球台。您可能不知道看似胡言乱语的每一行是什么,但我也不知道 - 只需将我屏幕上的胡言乱语与视频中的胡言乱语相匹配即可。“数据转储系统管理”。用新名称保存修改后的文件(例如 imac_modded.bin)。

步骤 3.4:将修改后的固件写入 iMac 的固件芯片。将 EEPROM 芯片编程器工具插回 USB 端口,然后运行终端命令:flashrom -p ch341a_spi -w imac_modded.bin (或任何你称之为修改后的固件文件的文件。将芯片焊接回 iMac 的主板,当然要确保它处于完全正确的位置和方向。

步骤 3.5 重新组装 iMac,向您相信的任何更高的生命祈祷,然后按下电源按钮:) 如果一切正常,您将听到启动铃声(除非您已静音),这意味着机器还活着。如果您有连接 DisplayPort 的显示器,请将其插入并确保在其上看到启动屏幕(在此阶段,内部启动屏幕将不起作用。Windows 停留在外接显示器上,而 macOS 仅在完成后才打开内部屏幕70% 的启动过程)

第 4 步现在是硬件黑客:)

阅读该帖子以获取有关该模组的更多信息。这个想法的所有功劳都归功于该帖子的作者 Nick D.

目标:为了让 iMac 的内部显示屏上显示启动屏幕,需要手动强制打开内部显示屏的背光,因为显卡上的固件不会自动执行此操作。iMac 使用脉冲调制的 3.3V 信号到显示器背光电源板来确定屏幕亮度 - 因此,如果该线路没有通电,亮度将为 0 - 即关闭。如果它获得稳定的 3.3 伏电压,它将是 100% - 全亮度。在启动时,这条线可能是零伏,所以屏幕保持关闭。解决方法是在启动时手动输入 3.3 伏电压以强制显示。但是,如果您将 3.3v 电源永久连接到其中,您的屏幕将始终保持 100% 亮度,无法调整它。所以需要做的是让它在启动时获得 3.3V 全输入,并更改它以在计算机启动后从 iMac 的主板获得标准的、调制的、可调节的信号。所以我加了一个拨动开关,你可以在开机的时候把它拨到3.3V稳定线,然后再拨到标准连接。

步骤 4.0.1 删除你的 iMac 显示器当然

步骤 4.1 在您的 PCI-Express 电源延长电缆中,从延长插头端的左下方引脚(如果从连接器的电线侧看)切断电线。将电缆剪离插头约 6 英寸。请参阅所附图片 - 确保剪断正确的电线。剥去两个切割端,并在每个切割端焊接一根 1.5 英尺左右长的电线。使焊点绝缘。这就是前面的电话线有用的地方,因为它有 3 根电线捆绑在一起(它有 4 根,但你可以拔出一根留下 3 根)

步骤 4.2 找到一个双掷、开关或开关。开,因为在两个位置,开关都需要连接一些东西。在一个位置,它连接到我从 iMac 的 PSU 分接的 3.3V 电源,而在另一个位置,它连接回它最初连接的电线。如果您使用具有 3 个位置的开关(中间位置,电线不连接任何东西),您可以设置一个开关位置,在此位置可以在计算机运行时完全关闭内部显示器 -这对我来说非常棒,因为我可以让计算机处理某些东西,而不会浪费显示器的电量来完成不需要我一直盯着屏幕的任务。我真的希望 Apple 一开始就这样做......显然,这是我使用的开关类型。

步骤 4.3 焊接:1)从 PCIe 电源延长线插头端(即背光电源板端)到双掷开关中间引脚的(延长)切割线,2)另一条(延长)切割线,从PCIe电源扩展的插座端,即电缆的主板端,到开关的一侧(再次,详见图片)。

步骤 4.4:焊接另一根电线,将 iMac 电源的 3.3 伏电源引脚(参见附图)连接到拨动开关的另一侧引脚。

步骤 4.5 拆下 iMac 的 LCD 背光电源板,拔下插入其中的 6 针电缆,并插入刚刚修改的延长电缆。然后将用于插入背光电源板的电缆插入修改后的延长电缆的插座端。塞好电缆,这样它们就不会挡住屏幕。

第 4.6 步(可选)您可以在 iMac 外壳的某处钻一个孔来安装开关。如果您使用带有圆柱的开关,这是最简单的 - 所以只需钻一个圆孔并通过它安装它。我在底部扬声器格栅上打了一个洞,就在 RAM 卡托架的左侧,那里有一个从内部清晰的地方。看起来真的很整洁IMO:)

步骤 4.7 整齐地布置电缆并重新组装您的 iMac


注意:如果您仍然保持连接外接显示器,iMac 仍仅在该显示器上显示启动屏幕,并且即使您将开关设置为启用它也会忽略内部显示。您必须断开外部显示器才能使内部启动屏幕正常工作。

AMD Radeon Polaris 系列显卡非常出色 - 您可以(通过 OpenCore)无缝操作并使用最新的 macOS 版本进行更新,以及出色的性能。我的机器出色地运行 macOS 12.2 beta(我已经升级了所有可以升级的东西 - CPU 到四核 2.93GHz Intel Xeon X3470,WLAN 卡到 Broadcom BCM943602CDP,并添加了一个固态驱动器供操作系统启动(搭载它带有一个 3.5" 驱动器用于数据存储,以便使用相对便宜的小型固态驱动器)和 16GB 内存。并且认为苹果在 macOS 10.13 中放弃了对该型号的支持......
我的 Radeon WX4130 卡在 eBay 上花了我 70 美元。据卖家称,它来自戴尔 Precision 7510 笔记本电脑。我找不到任何出售的 WX4150 或 WX4170 卡,而 WX7100 300 美元和一些美元的价格非常昂贵:-(

这个,因为我现在建议任何人升级 iMac 中的显卡以使用 Radeon 而不是 nVidia Kepler 显卡,这是他们现在最简单的解决方案 - Kepler 的显卡需要打破更新的驱动程序来运行macOS 12 能够唯一一个在这里,他们一直是显示启动菜单的人……不再订购了! ,但没有遗弃任何功能!)

哇,我刚刚输入希望有人觉得它有用。再见View attachment 193616View attachment 193616


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Check this post about the complete process and walk trough it - read the docs if you need more information.

The grey GPU paste does not work on the VRAM chips. Even this is covered in the docs. This photo is quite useless, the interesting information is masked by the paste.
Thanks for the help! So Mac OS won't recognise the GPU model and the memory until it has been flashed?

I attach a picture of the clean card where you can see more information.


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Thanks for the help! So Mac OS won't recognise the GPU model and the memory until it has been flashed?

I attach a picture of the clean card where you can see more information.
Whether or not macOS can recognize the GPU depends on the contents of the VBIOS EEPROM on the card - so it seems the VBIOS on your card has a PCI device ID that is not recognized by the macOS drivers; that's somewhat strange. Might be helpful if you could save the original VBIOS and upload it here.

The Samsung VRAM on your card should be supported by all of the VBIOS variants available here.
Whether or not macOS can recognize the GPU depends on the contents of the VBIOS EEPROM on the card - so it seems the VBIOS on your card has a PCI device ID that is not recognized by the macOS drivers; that's somewhat strange. Might be helpful if you could save the original VBIOS and upload it here.

The Samsung VRAM on your card should be supported by all of the VBIOS variants available here.
Thank you for your help. This afternoon I will install the graphics card again and try to flash it to see if it recognises it correctly.

I will also try to take a backup and upload it.

I bought the card here, I don't know if that can give you more info on why it doesn't recognise it.
Hi all.

Just wanted to share with you all my success with FirePro M6000 and 2009 27" iMac.
All working fine - as expected.

One thing I had some issues with was the brightness control in Win10. Haven't found the answer here, so sharing my finding - you need to use quite old drivers. This one worked for me:


Thanks again to all contributors for their hard work.

Cheers and happy modding!
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100% dead GPU. Change the GPU, you are better suited with a new metal one.
Before asking for details please read the documentation on the first post of this thread hidden on the first page. Link in my signature...
Having read the first post, and the plan post, I think I'm going to go with the K610M.
They're inexpensive on ebay ($22), and seem to be straightforward.
It's also the first time I've tried this and need to get the Mac up and running quickly, with no immediate plans to upgrade beyond High Sierra.

I've read the first post, and the plan post (thank you), and believe I need.
- K610m card
- thermal pastes for GPU and VRAM
- various torx/philips screw drivers.
- 15mm x 15mm x 1mm copper plate for heat sink gap.

I have a few questions:
- Given that the card on the iMac is dead, how can I flash the GPU with the updated BIOS?
I have a separate Macbook pro, but I've read that a CH341a programmer will do the trick? I've read that only works with specific card families.
<edit> OK, I've read that I should be able to flash the K610M with a CH341a programmer using Terminal on my Macbook pro.</edit>

- Can anyone point me to videos or post on applying the copperplate? Any recommendations on where to get it?
- I've read Opencore install is required for brightness control. If so, my understanding that this is a separate partition on the HD, so will mean a wipe and reinstall of the disk?

Thank you
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Having read the first post, and the plan post, I think I'm going to go with the K610M.
They're inexpensive on ebay ($22), and seem to be straightforward.
It's also the first time I've tried this and need to get the Mac up and running quickly, with no immediate plans to upgrade beyond High Sierra.

I've read the first post, and the plan post (thank you), and believe I need.
- K610m card
- thermal pastes for GPU and VRAM
- various torx/philips screw drivers.
- 15mm x 15mm x 1mm copper plate for heat sink gap.

I have a few questions:
- Given that the card on the iMac is dead, how can I flash the GPU with the updated BIOS?
I have a separate Macbook pro, but I've read that a CH341a programmer will do the trick? I've read that only works with specific card families.
<edit> OK, I've read that I should be able to flash the K610M with a CH341a programmer using Terminal on my Macbook pro.</edit>

- Can anyone point me to videos or post on applying the copperplate? Any recommendations on where to get it?
- I've read Opencore install is required for brightness control. If so, my understanding that this is a separate partition on the HD, so will mean a wipe and reinstall of the disk?

Thank you

Post#1. Q&A, Q3. Check all the link inside that answer.
Keyword: The Croupier; GRML.

2. Use a Linux USB pen drive. @xanderon created and @The_Croupier updated a pre-configured Linux USB image that can flash all Nvidia and all AMD cards in the iMac with Linux over SSH. Many have found this the easiest method. It needs a direct wired Ethernet connection between iMac and Router and can be used remotely from an SSH client when the iMac display is still dead. SSH clients are available for iPad, iPhone and other tablet devices, too. If you cannot connect to your iMac using the ssh command because of this message WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! delete the known_hosts file entering this terminal command: rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts.
If your router does not provide an IP automatically to new devices on the local network check and change its config.
Hi all, I've got imac 27 mid 11 with faulty gpu, guys at local service center replaced it with "something more powerful" shown as Apple Quadro k3101MX in MacOS/Nvidia k3100m in windows. They installed opencore on this machine aswell. The problem is - It works great on MacOS, but I have some problems using it with windows(both uefi/legacy). The main problem that hurts me - is using external display on windows( Apple Cinema 27 Thunderbolt). While it runs great on macos even with hot plug, it doesn't work at all on windows. 90% of boots both internal and external displays wount even boot up( While system loads, i hear system sound etc). 2 times both displays loaded and the thing is external display runs great while interal have some shaking, wrong colours, you cant watch it without getting epilepsy, but in most cases displays just woun't load at all. Can I have some advice how to fix it/is it real at all? Btw sorry for my english, didnt use it for a while
Well, I have news about my WX4150, but it's not good news. Yesterday I installed it again and booting with Linux from the USB I was able to flash it. At first everything seemed fine, and now the iMac powers up without the need of an external screen.

However it still doesn't recognise the graphics card, just showing "7MB Screeen" as GPU. The performance is very bad and there are no graphical effects. It doesn't recognise the external screen either (it does in Linux but with low resolution). I have tried flashing both the WX4150_GOP.rom and WX4150_ALT_VRAM.rom ROM, but I get the same result.

And because I'm stupid, although I made a backup of the original ROM I left it saved in the Linux Live download folder so... I lost it. Anyway, any idea what I can do, should I try flashing with the "old" ROM from the first post? Or I give the card for dead. In linux it also shows up as Unknown Graphics, although in the command line it does show up as AMD Polaris.


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Well, I have news about my WX4150, but it's not good news. Yesterday I installed it again and booting with Linux from the USB I was able to flash it. At first everything seemed fine, and now the iMac powers up without the need of an external screen.

However it still doesn't recognise the graphics card, just showing "7MB Screeen" as GPU. The performance is very bad and there are no graphical effects. It doesn't recognise the external screen either (it does in Linux but with low resolution). I have tried flashing both the WX4150_GOP.rom and WX4150_ALT_VRAM.rom ROM, but I get the same result.

And because I'm stupid, although I made a backup of the original ROM I left it saved in the Linux Live download folder so... I lost it. Anyway, any idea what I can do, should I try flashing with the "old" ROM from the first post? Or I give the card for dead. In linux it also shows up as Unknown Graphics, although in the command line it does show up as AMD Polaris.
Not really! You may try and clean the MXM slot and the contacts of the card using cleaning alcohol and a tooth brush (same works for the GPU before applying new thermal paste, too).

The published vBIOS versions should run fine on this type of card.
You can - of course - try every WX4150 version you find here or on and other sources unless you find one showing the 4GB memory of your card correctly.

Have you upgraded the iMacs firmware to the most recent version ( or something similar)?

Only the folder named Backups on the GRML is persistent, so put all pulled files there.
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Not really! You may try and clean the MXM slot and the contacts of the card using cleaning alcohol and a tooth brush (same works for the GPU before applying new thermal paste, too).

The published vBIOS versions should run fine on this type of card.
You can - of course - try every WX4150 version you find here or on and other sources unless you find one showing the 4GB memory of your card correctly.

Have you upgraded the iMacs firmware to the most recent version ( or something similar)?

Only the folder named Backups on the GRML is persistent, so put all pulled files there.
Could it be caused by the thermal paste? I used the same grey one as in the previous pictures, while the new one I ordered was arriving.

I have the latest macOS Monterrey updates, do I need anything else to update the firmware?
Could it be caused by the thermal paste? I used the same grey one as in the previous pictures, while the new one I ordered was arriving.
No, highly unlikely. Only dirt on the slot itself is known to cause problems.
I have the latest macOS Monterrey updates, do I need anything else to update the firmware?
Yes, you need to install High Sierra from the scratch on an internal disk and apply all updates. I am pretty sure this is part of the published plan and docs. After that - after the successful upgrade - test your card until it works on High Sierra and only after fixing all problems move ahead to an unsupported macOS version (High Sierra has this ugly bug needing an external display connected to switch on the internal LCD with AMD cards - mentioned in the docs, too).

You try and unsupported card with an unsupported macOS version on a modded, but not entirely updated iMac. How should error tracking work if you cannot at least rely on one supported block in your puzzle to fence out problems??
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No, highly unlikely. Only dirt on the slot itself is known to cause problems.

Yes, you need to install High Sierra from the scratch on an internal disk and apply all updates. I am pretty sure this is part of the published plan and docs. After that - after the successful upgrade - test your card until it works on High Sierra and only after fixing all problems move ahead to an unsupported macOS version (High Sierra has this ugly bug needing an external display connected to switch on the internal LCD with AMD cards - mentioned in the docs, too).

You try and unsupported card with an unsupported macOS version on a modded, but not entirely updated iMac. How should error tracking work if you cannot at least rely on one supported block in your puzzle to fence out problems??
Thank you very much for your support.

I'm going to take your advice and install High Sierra and follow the manual, I'll be back soon to let you know how it went!

Another possible question... Are these problems related only to MacOS? I mean, if I try an Ubuntu installation for example, the graphics should work?

EDIT: Linux does seem to recognise the graphics card and the 4GB of memory correctly

Captura desde 2022-04-22 09-10-44.png
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