Really appreciate your thoughts on the matter.
I'll update after I get to things this wknd.
So, after an exhausting two weeks of incredible work requirements--and a trip to LA to give Mom a hug for her BD--I returned to the setup, and just took my time.
I waffled a bit on whether to try the GRML, or just flash the wx7100 . . . decided to just flash it, and apply the paste, etc. once <s>
SOIC8 procedure is simple, and I already had my clip-cabling assembled. It still took me about seven tries to get the clip corrrectly seated to get proper communication:
flashrom procedure is rather simple, but it took a lot of reading to get the correct command setup:
The soic8 chip is a GigaDevice (printed on chip: AH 1636; 25Q41BT; E6L425)...flashrom reads it as a GigaDevice GD25Q40(B)
I read the chip to four different files (each with a successively larger 'spispeed'), then md5sum'd each as a group to verify:
Feeling ok with the read, I then flashed the WX7100_GOP.ROM to great success, read the flashed rom from the chip, and md5sum'd the two to verify.
So began the usual alcohol cleaning, kapton taping, K5-Pro/MX-4 pasting, etc. No rush.
Of course, I forgot to put the memory back in first try
With the OCLP CD in, I was gladly surprised when it booted to the previously installed HS login on the external monitor.
Updated to the latest security patch, got OCLP installed to the SSD, and added a second SSD (to which I am currently installing Monterey).
Still have to do a little soldering before I can install the BCM943602CDP, but the wired ethernet is working well:
Thanks for documenting things so well, everyone, and just generally being helpful.