Hi guys, I have been reading this forum for a couple of months, thanks for your great work reviving old iMacs!!
A good friend gave me his old 27" A1312 iMac, as he had problems and got a new one.
It had a 1Gb Radeon HD 6970, but there was a problem with it. It couldn't install even High Sierra, it ended with a white screen, even couldn't enter internet recovery - same white screen (of death).
I tried OCLP 4.11 but I could only end MacOS installs when I tried using SMBIOS (minimal) spoof, and GPU acceleration wasn't working. But after installing root patches I always got a black screen, even in recovery mode. Nvram commands to swith iGPU an dGPU didn't do anything. It would be nice to have a script to uninstall root patches in single user or recovery mode, it would have saved me many reinstalls/clones.
I booted it fine with a custom made WinPESE ISO in an Easy2boot USB, so I could partition it and have a first try at Windows. I installed Windows 10 and everything was ok until I tried to install GPU drivers, I got a black screen. Other than that it worked pretty well in Windows, I could even watch 1080p youtube videos, but Kodi was a no-go.
Linux isos also booted, but just in safe graphics mode, otherwise I got a black screen.
I decided to get a native Nvidia GTX card following this great thread, and I bought a cheap 21,5" iMac A1211 that came with a GTX 860M installed with Nikey22 rom. Native boot screen worked, but it had problems, intermittent horizontal lines at the right side of the screen, and I couldn't install drivers. I installed that card in my 27" and it worked really great with full acceleration in High Sierra, Big Sur, Windows 10 and Linux, and the black lines problem was totally gone. I guess that card wasn't good for the smaller power supply and 2 heatpipe (and also smaller) heatsink of the 21,5" model. Meanwhile I have reballed the HD 6970 in the oven (10 minutes at 200ºC), but haven't tried it yet, as probably won't work properly in the 21,5" iMac. I might give it a quick try soon.
Now I have a couple of questions:
Is there a MXM-A card with lower TDP that supports metal in the 21,5" imac or all metal models are MXM-B? Maybe I can adapt a 3 heatpipe bigger heatsink in the 21,5"?
The GTX 860M works really great, but I have noticed the internal card temperature sensor doesn't work in MacOS (tried in HS and BS), but it works just fine in Windows 10 Macs Fan Control and HWINFO64. Can this be fixed in MacOS?
Thanks again for your great work, keep rollin!
EDIT: I think the
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4150 MXM-A with 45W TDP might work, I'll search for one.